Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 324 Welcome Welcome

To be honest, the means are OK.

But they are only OK.

The two people have a similar structure. They are both first-level [Transcendence], but they have implanted super-large prostheses, which brings combat power beyond pure psychic power, comparable to the weaker second-level psychics.

Although they are fighting, both sides obviously have a sense of propriety and did not use real weapons. They chose to fight the enemy with bare hands, limiting the destructive power of the battle to the level of demolishing a house.

The former is proficient in the "cannon hammer" boxing. Every blow uses the rack as the tendon, gunpowder as firewood, and connecting rod as the bone. Accompanied by the roar of artillery fire, the punch is powerful and the momentum is amazing.

The latter is not inferior. The two fingers are stretched together as a sword. When slashing, slashing, and splitting, it can be seen that he has a good swordsmanship, especially the fingertips occasionally emit plasma flow, which turns into sword light to sneak attack, repeatedly restricting the opponent's "cannon hammer" boxing.

And outside the "circle" where the two fought.

Those who withdrew did not really retreat. They crowded together. Those with worse prosthetic limbs stood on the street, while those with stronger prosthetic limbs and better athletic ability climbed up the higher floors of the building. The outer walls, eaves and windowsills were full of people squatting.

Those with artificial eyes opened their eyes wide, excitedly capturing every detail of the battle. Those without artificial eyes took out binoculars from their arms, stared at the battle situation, and cheered loudly with their arms raised.

"What! Could this be the cannon hammer, which is known as the most powerful among all the boxing styles!"

"Turtle! I didn't expect to see the Splitting Light and Shadow Sword here today! Woohoo, what a blessing!"

"Good! This punch is beautiful! The punch is so powerful!"

"Wrong! It's obviously the opponent's swordsmanship that is more powerful! This 'splitting light' splits into three sword lights at the same time, which is hard to defend against, which shows that he is skilled! He will definitely win easily!"

"Nonsense! Ignore the facts! Fist filial son!"

"Sword filial son!"

"Fist will definitely kill sword!"

"Sword will kill hair!"

The two sides rumbled and swooshed, and fought for ten minutes. The fists and swords intersected, and the houses within twenty meters were all in ruins. Finally, there was a result.

The lieutenant who used the cannon hammer seized the opportunity, at the cost of a wound on his shoulder, elbowed close, and punched into the opponent's chest. The latter retreated seven steps in a breath, leaving deep footprints at every step, and then he recovered.

The latter took a deep breath, looking very unhappy. He turned his head without saying a word and led the construction team to withdraw.

"It looks good. Not bad."

Song Shi glanced down: "Then this place will hold an investment exhibition."

"This is the rule of the Beiting Defense Front." Ai Lu thought: "It is indeed as rumored."

Lapis Lazuli was not surprised. Its efficiency in searching for information was far better than that of Song Shi and Ai Lu, who were not demons, no, not hackers.

As a force that divides the internal members by military rank, [Beiting Defense Front] has a very strong atmosphere of fighting, and almost everyone is pursuing stronger "power".

As long as you are strong enough, silver coupons, land, followers, reputation, these accessories of power will naturally come to you, just like the enrichment effect of the food chain, the strong can easily grasp everything.

In the Beiting Defense Front, it can be said that everything can be solved by fighting, just like the scene they saw just now.

The two men obviously held positions in the municipal government, but when their tasks conflicted, they simply found an excuse to annoy each other. So, both sides gave up their positions in the municipal government and chose to fight as "second lieutenants" to achieve the final result.

"Yes, this is the rule of the Beiting Defense Front."

Song Shi spread his hands.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and those who had evacuated not long ago returned to their original positions.

The chefs and waiters of this restaurant still had an excited blush on their faces. They opened the curtain, walked into the restaurant, and were surprised to see the three customers sitting in their seats.

"You didn't evacuate just now?"

"It seems." Song Shi turned his head and smiled at the chef: "No need."

"You have courage." The chef was stunned for a moment, gave a thumbs up, and admired repeatedly.

The fireworks that the two second lieutenants set off before the "fight" and the warning communication sent in a wide area were the requirements of the Beiting Defense Front for anyone to fight.

If you didn't do these things, but fought with people on the street without any warning, and even caused innocent casualties.


You will die.

General, colonel, lieutenant, three levels and twelve ranks, the two generals above them, and even the powerful and powerful marshal, there is always one waiting for you.

But on the other hand, if after receiving these reminders, you want to taste the battle up close, or feel the style of masters, etc., because of personal wishes, and die in the aftermath of the battle, then the warring parties will not have any punishment.

However, such people are a minority even in the Beiting Defense Front. The main reason is that the replenishment speed is not as fast as the consumption speed.

I didn't expect to meet one, uh, two today, the chef sighed in his heart, and was about to deliver a few dishes to the other party in person, but the latter had already stood up, jumped down from the window one by one, and left the restaurant.

In today's highly developed prosthetic technology, jumping from the second floor is no longer surprising.

Song Shi landed on the ground and saw the ruins of a building not far away. People in police uniforms had begun to set up cordons, and bright orange surrounded the building to prevent anyone from entering.

A police officer turned on the recorder with ease, holding a detector, repeatedly scanning the ruins of the building, and occasionally pulling up the broken walls and rubble to record the damaged items inside.

They were assessing the losses.

To be more precise, it is to assess the losses caused by the fight, such as the collapse of houses and damage to store equipment.

After accurate assessment, these losses will be turned into a bill and sent to the initiator, the two lieutenants - the one who did not win.

The other party must pay the bill within the limit, otherwise it will be transferred to the legal process and sentenced according to law. Of course, he has one opportunity to object. The Beiting Defense Front will send a military attaché of the same level. As long as he can win, the bill will be automatically transferred to that military attaché.

Objection naturally has a price.

If the objector loses again, the bill will double.

The amount of these bills is usually higher than the actual loss. In addition to the original amount paid to the victim, the extra money will be handed over to the Beiting Defense Front's fund reserve.

"It feels like this again"

Song Shi looked around and laughed happily, feeling a little more energetic.

The matrix of drones slowly passed through the sky, and the neon patterns arranged and combined were the symbols of the most powerful fighters at the moment.

On the outer wall of the building on the commercial street, the host appeared in a huge holographic projection, explaining the duel in the fighting arena with an unrivaled momentum.

In the streets and alleys, people stopped from time to time, looking up at the fighters who were fighting on the screen with enthusiasm and envy.

A gentle whistle reached my ears, and looking far away, deep red fireworks slowly dispersed in the air. Another battle towards a duel began for unknown reasons.

On the TV screen on the street, news about the upcoming local investment exhibition flashed. The host finished the news gently, and at the end, as a local, he gave a sincere smile to the people in front of the screen-

"Welcome everyone to the Beiting Defense Front!"

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