Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 326 The Storm Approaches

[Notice, Nandou and Song Shi have officially entered the country]

Looking at the communication that popped up in the vision of the prosthetic eye, it seemed that after waiting for a long time, he finally got the answer he wanted, and the strong man's breathing suddenly became rapid.

He closed his eyes, pressed his chest with five fingers, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. After repeating this three times, the strong man opened his eyes again.

What flashed in his eyes was an even more exciting ecstasy.

——How, how, can, can you calm down!

The strong man's eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth grinned in an exaggerated arc. He grabbed the silver-gray military uniform next to him, put it on with his backhand, and wore it fully. On the epaulette made of pure alloy, a silver star flashed.


"Notify the airport and prepare a shuttle for me to Qingyuan County within half an hour."

After hanging up the communication with his subordinates, the strong man pushed open the door and walked out. Every step he took with his already heavy steel boots made a resounding sound as if he was about to crush the cement road.

Suddenly, the shaking stopped.

"——I don't remember that a dignified major can leave his post at will."

The long boots stepped around the corner, and then a tall humanoid figure walked out.

Wearing a military coat and a shawl, the man stood in front of the strong man with his arms folded. A silver star is faintly visible on the epaulette through the gap covered by the coat.

Another major.

"First, three minutes ago, I applied for a half-month vacation. Second, if I can fight such a terrifying master, it means I will be fined ten years of salary."

The strong man's broad palms hung down by his sides, and his powerful physique was so strong that it could be called a deformity. Just standing there seemed to crush the aisle.

"What, you want to stop me?"

"No, you are absolutely right." The man's right hand slowly pressed the coat on his shoulder: "I thought so too, but there is only one free shuttle at the nearby airport, and you can communicate faster than me."

"I'm not in the habit of riding on shuttles with others."

The military coat was torn off forcefully and thrown away!

"——So, I'm going to kill you first and go find Song Shi alone!"

In the sky, crimson fireworks slowly exploded.

"You're talking nonsense." The strong man laughed ferociously, and countless meshing gears began to rotate, and his arms suddenly expanded: "Then come!"

The next moment, the two of them collided hard!


There is no vegetation, like a straight sword piercing the peak of the sky.

Since the Seven-Soil War destroyed the ecology and caused extreme climates, the air currents encountered at the peak are no longer so-called "violent winds", but out-and-out "storms" that can overturn cars and knock down houses.

Beaten by years of violent winds, these completely exposed cliff rocks have a surface as smooth as pebbles, with a deep color that is not rock but rather iron-like.

On the top of the peak, someone was sitting cross-legged.

The hem of his military uniform with two rows of horizontal stripes fell to the ground. The man sat with his eyes closed, his hands flat on his thighs.

He was just sitting, but those violent air currents that were raging all day long were not allowed to come within three meters of the man at this moment. It was as if there was an extremely hot red iron ball standing here, and all the strong winds it touched were melted.

The man slowly raised his eyes.

The pupil of the prosthetic eye was divided into sixteen screens, and the video vision was played simultaneously at five times speed. The figures of Song Shi flashing at high speed were extinguished at the same time.

"The existing "Nandou" battle video. Browsing completed."

As the man opened his eyes and stood up from his sitting position, it was like a scorching sun rising up. The top of the mountain suddenly shone brightly, and from this light, the strong wind within a radius of tens of meters was instantly burned out, and he appeared. A brief vacuum!

Military Lieutenant Colonel, Beiting Defense Front, one of the seeds.

The third ring [Dayuan], "Yangyang", Huang Hao.

"The strong one, Song Shi, is extremely strong."

Huang Hao looked down in one direction, stared briefly, and then jumped off the peak.


at the same time.

The woman who was flying through the sky at high speed slowed down and casually let go of the bird she had captured in her palm.

Ten thousand meters above the ground, floating cannons circled the back of her hand, rubbing against each other intimately. The blond woman smiled lightly, and the tail of the platinum mechanical wing behind her stretched out inch by inch of brilliant light feathers.

The lazily elongated tail note quietly escapes among the clouds.


A lakeside.

The blue waves are like washing, and there is no one inhabited.

A woman wearing a plain feather fabric sits cross-legged, with a long sword placed across her knees.

She slowly opened her eyes, and a blurry figure flashed behind her.


Roaring day and night, deep in the huge automated factory, looking at his flying sword hanging in the air, constantly rotating and vibrating, being dragged by countless steel cables, the young man in work clothes threw away the wrench and wiped the oil on his face. sneered.

"Nandou. Song Shi?"

In the Beiting Defense Front's government management system, within half an hour, the number of leave applications increased dramatically, and there was no sign of slowing down. On the contrary, the number of leave applications continued to increase.

Lieutenants who are not well-known and have average abilities have various reasons for asking for leave, including but not limited to the sudden death of their family members, the funeral of their boss, taking maternity leave, sudden depression, feeling that their salary is too much, and I just want to ask for leave.

The school official responsible for approval.

Oh, the school officer also asked for leave.

Due to the temporary shortage of a large number of officers, these leave applications were reported layer by layer. Finally, under the personal instructions of General "Wang Chenlie", all these leave applications were approved.

However, the condition is that these people must turn on the online office mode, and during their vacation, they must also handle the tasks of their positions remotely.

There are still some people.

Those officers who had already established a reputation and were in a high position, their reasons for asking for leave were either longer, one sentence, or shorter, only a few words. But if the content is simplified, then the only thing these leave notes have in common.

——【Nandou】, Song Shi!

In the local area, one shuttle after another was forcibly requisitioned, carrying officers to Qingyuan County.

Those officers of lower status who could not grab a shuttle, either beat their chests and stamped their feet, or jumped on the high-speed train to Qingyuan overnight, or drove a motorcycle and started to rush alone.

The citizens were stunned.

They witnessed with their own eyes that these officers, who were rarely seen in the past, began to appear in large numbers on the streets, in a hurry, and unexpectedly, all headed in the same direction.

Some people were confused and puzzled, trying to find out why.

Some people had friendly officers, and they asked, and got all the answers in the latter's fanatical eyes.

"Who is Nandou?"

"Oh, oh! I know! He was the core participant in the battle of Zhuguang City! So it was him!"

"Song Shi actually came to us?!"

"When did he come? Damn it! Damn it! I really want to see it with my own eyes!"

These voices and the rushing flow of people converged and surged until finally, they turned into an unstoppable torrent of enthusiasm, rushing towards Qingyuan County like a tsunami!

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