Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 333: Moving Mountains and Changing Peaks

The spiritual energy contained in one "spark" is equivalent to one-fourth of Song Shi's normal state.

Ten "sparks".

Two and a half times.

Song Shi's already extremely abundant and far superior spiritual energy reserves of the same level were invested to two and a half times in one breath.

The world suddenly flickered.

That was the extremely scorching light that suddenly burst out, covering all the original light in the environment, and thus the scene was born.

——Psychic Skills · [Disaster Flame].

——Psychic Skills · [Forging Flame].

One black and one red gold, two completely different flames bloomed, soaring into the sky, and the area with a radius of 100 meters was filled in an instant. These two flames flowed, and with Chongshi as the center, they began to surge and swirl.

After obtaining [Heart of Practice and Casting] and achieving incomplete "sublimation".

Now Song Shi's control of spiritual energy has gone a step further, enough to merge "Disaster Flame" and "Forging Flame" into one move in this high-intensity state with ten sparks invested.

Starting from the heavy murder, driven by the flame of forging, the flames of disaster that should have been raging began to settle, condense, and turned into a sharp blade that spread and grew inch by inch.

Even if the handle is not counted, the blade alone has reached more than 30 meters.

But even so, this newly cast blade still looks much thinner and smaller than the huge specifications of the "heavy blade".

——And the "heavy blade" driven by Shan Jiang has completely arrived in front of him!

Psychic skills · [Sword forged by the body].

Psychic skills · [Wanjun].

The former casts "man and sword as one", which not only solves the defect of the fragile body, but also makes the functional power of the heavy blade soar temporarily.

The latter gives the heavy blade [Wanjun] sword power, which has the effect of enhancing destructive power and shocking the opponent's mind with sword power, limiting its evasion.

Boom boom boom boom!

Even if there is a mountain standing here, it will be easily pierced and shattered.

Song Shi leaned over and clenched his five fingers.

Unfortunately, it's a pity that he couldn't do such a thing as chopping a mountain.

Could it be that he couldn't do it?


At the moment of the chopping, the originally settled and solidified black blade was broken, or more accurately, it was boiling and burning again!

Those black flames ignited from the blade, turning into a violent flame curtain, dragging an infinite flame stream in the air that was condensed into substance and looked like an ink painting.

At this moment, the huge momentum it burst out even exceeded the "heavy front" stabbing from the front!

Shan Jiang only felt that his mind trembled suddenly, and the senses and consciousness he released collapsed inward, as if they were burned out in an instant, and the coverage range was only a few feet away from his body.

And the heavy front.

But that was enough.

The sword was still there, and the person was not dead, that was enough!

The next moment, the flame stream blade collided with the heavy front, and a huge heat wave was set off, flattening the earth layer by layer. Even if they were hundreds of meters apart, the audience's hair was flying and their clothes were flying wildly.

Then, the terrifying sound came belatedly!

At this moment, everyone tried to open their eyes wide and wide again, trying to see every detail clearly, but the scorching glare caused by the collision of the sword and the blade was too dazzling. They only felt that their eyes were "pure white" for a moment, and they could not see anything clearly.

Even the drones hovering in the sky, except for a few drones that reacted quickly and pulled up without hesitation, the rest were tilted in the heat wave, or even burned and fell directly, reduced to ashes.



Suddenly, under the action of air pressure, the outer atmosphere poured back into this "vacuum zone" with a radius of 100 meters, blowing away the curtain of ashes and burning wind.

A cylinder with a crack spreading from the central axis and almost completely split into two, lying on the ground, with part of the tail still buried underground.

The surface of this "heavy blade" that is strong and heavy enough to move mountains and chisel peaks has traces of large pieces of melting, and even a lot of flames can be seen scattered everywhere, still burning.

The top of the sword, that is, the excavation surface and the blade, seemed to have suffered some terrible impact and had been completely burned through, like a burning plastic stick, limp and melted, and shattered.


A hand tore open the alloy case of the heavy blade, and then pressed the edge, holding up a figure.

"Cough cough. Cough."

Shan Jiang kept coughing, and the military uniform that looked more like work clothes was left with only a few rags hanging on his boiling, hot upper body.

"Fuck, I worked so hard to forge this flying sword"

He suddenly stopped talking, stared at the young man standing in the distance, and said in a hoarse voice: "How much strength did you use?"


Song Shi turned the heavy sword and took it back into his body

He pondered for a moment and replied: "It consumes a lot."

Shan Jiang cursed.

He did not immediately retract the "heavy front" in a badly damaged state, but simply half-lying on it, sneering: "What a monster, it hit my flying sword head-on, no wonder Wang Chenlie did this."

"Why don't you respect your general?" Song Shi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Call the commander by his name?"

"Fuck, this is not the Donglu Republic, what's wrong with me calling him by his name."

Shan Jiang tilted his neck, took out a nicotine atomizer with added ingredients, and was about to put it in his mouth: "If Wang Chenlie feels unhappy, he has the ability to suddenly appear now and kill me with one punch, and I will never say a word."

"I don't think we need to wait for him to punch us."

Song Shi said slowly: "Why don't you look around first?"

Shan Jiang frowned and looked around subconsciously.

A mess.

No. Even the description of "messy" seems a bit tolerant.

"Heavy Front" is best at using great momentum to overwhelm others and attack heavily, while the opponent is a great source, and the spiritual energy flame he controls is also a great momentum, a wide-area attack.

Considering that this is in the city, both sides have agreed to stop some of their hands.

But only a little.

Heavy Front crushed and penetrated, chiseling everywhere into pieces, large chunks of the ground collapsed, and a lot of buildings were crushed and collapsed. The flame tide driven by the opponent also swept wildly, and everything melted away wherever it swept.

At this moment, within a radius of hundreds of meters, those mechanical factories and buildings that were still standing not long ago have disappeared without a trace, leaving only a thousand holes.


Shan Jiang's hand holding the nicotine atomizer froze, and he couldn't help sneering.

As a factory selected by Lapis Lazuli himself, the specifications of this place are naturally not bad, and all kinds of equipment can be called high-end and valuable.

If we add in the liquidated damages for the damage to the factory building, the sudden collapse of the production chain, and the delayed orders, the total loss of this factory can be calculated in hundreds of millions.

According to the rules of the Beiting Defense Front.

The corresponding compensation bill will soon be delivered to me.

Even with the salary and savings of a third-ring [transcendence] and the "seed" status, it will take a long time to pay it off.

"Fuck you"

Shan Jiang was silent for a while, bit the atomizer, and took a deep breath.

"I have to find another opponent quickly, use the bill as a bet, and let him pay for me."

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