Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 345 Welcoming Avenue

This is the suburb of Tiandu.

Tiandu is a city standing on the wasteland.

During the Seven Lands War, this place once became the front line of the war and suffered from the ravages of war.

In the sound of hymns that never stopped all night, one of the six knights of the Vanpusta Empire, the [Square Stone Knights] broke through three passes in a row, marched straight in, and almost completely broke through Chunming County.

At the critical moment, the Marshal of the Beiting Defense Line came down and challenged the Knight Leader of the Square Stone Knights. The two sides fought from the sky into the space and from the space back to the sky.

In the end, they returned to the earth.

On the earth, the Marshal of that generation killed the Knight Leader of the Square Stone Knights and forcibly suppressed the imperial offensive, allowing Chunming County to hold on until the subsequent reinforcements arrived, and in one go, repelled the imperial army on this front.

This battle had a far-reaching impact.

First, shortly after the end of this battle, the Marshal of that generation died of his injuries.

Second, the environment.

Marshal and Knight Fangshi. Even though both parties were in space for most of the time, they only came to the earth briefly in the final stage.

But for the land of Chunming County, the confrontation between the two fifth-ring psychics, even if it was only "brief", was still too fierce.

With the confrontation between the two parties as the center, looking down from the sky, the sky and the earth collapsed within a radius of 100 miles, rivers changed their courses, mountains collapsed, and deep cracks spread continuously.

The Beiting Defense Line spent decades and invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources to barely fill the gap and restore part of the ecology of Chunming County.

They built this city called [Tiandu] in the center of the battlefield that day.

Outside the prosperous city, the first step into the suburbs is to step on the wasteland.

Endless wasteland.

The Beiting Defense Line can actually repair the wasteland in the surrounding area of ​​Tiandu, but they chose not to do so.

Many people have speculated on this issue.

- Commemorate the sacrifice of that generation of marshals?

——Use a wall to separate the two environments, as a warning to the members?

——As a test on the way to Tiandu?


But the Beiting Defense Front has never answered this question.


The wind is howling.

The climate in the wasteland is treacherous, and it can even cause natural disasters and swallow everything.

So even if there are no wasteland bandits under the governance of the Beiting Defense Front, most people will not stay in the wasteland.

Until today.

Until now.

The wasteland that should have been desolate and dilapidated, with wind and sand raging, has people standing in the lead-gray wind-eroded rock forest.

Standing full of people.

Perhaps only during the Seven Lands War 70 years ago, there was a more grand scene than this.

Drones of all sizes flew across the sky, camera flashes were flashing on the land, riders on motorcycles took off their helmets, car owners opened their eyes and stuck their heads out, and large trucks were parked on the side of the road, full of people.

The tide of people poured into the wasteland, flowing through every crack in the rock, leaving traces of stars.

Countless flags were raised high, dancing wildly, and merged into a colorful ocean.


At first it was a faint shout, and then these shouts became louder, they became noisy and chaotic, and people couldn't help but think of the iron eaves in the rain.

Until the end.

When the familiar and unfamiliar figure appeared at the end of the horizon.

These noisy and chaotic voices suddenly disappeared for a moment, and in a trance, a huge sound wave broke out, it was as if to overturn the sky, containing sincere and enthusiastic, endless and unbridled shouting!

"Nandou, Nandou-Nandou-!"

"-Song Shi!"

"On this trip, I will see Tiandu."

Song Shi raised his head, and the magnificent city outline in the distance, standing on the earth, had long been clearly visible.

Slowly looking around, those enthusiastic, excited, sighing, and surprised faces, one by one, flowing with different colors, burning in the scorching atmosphere, turned into a true and real spirit.

The young man exhaled.

He laughed.

"—— I'll come."

The surging people parted like a tide, revealing the withered yellow earth. From this point on, a road along the central axis, straight forward, appeared on the earth.

The end of the road is Tiandu.

It's just not unobstructed.

"I knew it." Song Shi laughed wantonly without disguising: "—— It should be so!"

It's like someone grabbed a handful of mung beans and scattered them casually.

There are still people on the avenue that has been vacated from the crowd. They have been waiting for a long time.

One, two, three, four. People of different heights and different momentums stood in an interlaced manner. They were either stern, or solemn, or sighing, or laughing.

The only thing in common was their attire.

Standard, or privately tailored, but there is no doubt that everyone standing on the avenue is wearing silver-gray military uniforms.

"Beiting Defense Front, Lieutenant, Xu Liu!"

"Second Lieutenant, Cangya."

"Sergeant Zhang Ke, this trip is defeated--"

"Lieutenant, Liao Que."

"Beiting Defense Front, Chang."

"Captain, Yuanjie, please grant me"

I don't know who pulled the ignition ring first, and in the long whistle, a deep red firework slowly spread out--

Then the second, third, and fourth sounds of breaking through the air suddenly resounded, continuously, spreading in all directions, and in this endless whistle, countless streams of light rose into the sky one after another, bursting into bloom, and the gorgeous fireworks flowed and slowly cut through the sky.

The overly thick smoke almost dyed the sky completely crimson.

In front, the gazes coming from all directions seemed to have become substantial, and in a trance, it was like a huge tsunami hitting.

The atmosphere of the Beiting Defense Front has always been known for its tension and vigorous courage. At this moment, when hundreds of thousands of people who grew up in this atmosphere gathered here, their gazes, their breathing, and their emotions merged into one, possessing real power.

If it were an ordinary person, not even a first-ring psychic.

If it were the most sensitive [Consensus], then he would just stand here and bear these gazes, and his mind would be overwhelmed and crushed.


Song Shi took the heavy weapon and took the first step.

From his body, red-gold flames emerged out of thin air, rising in the wind, and instantly turned into a majestic flame tide that soared into the sky.

At the same time, Song Shi's spiritual power began to rise rapidly, the first ring, the second ring, the third ring, the powerful spiritual power without any concealment, showing to everyone.

[Forging Flame], [Accommodation], [Return], [Embers]. Until the latest [Heart of Practice], one spiritual skill after another, flowing freely with the mind.

——No longer different for different people, every time deliberately adjusted to the same spiritual realm.

At this moment, Song Shi is already at the peak state.

He is still moving forward, his posture is getting more and more calm, starting from Qingqingyuan County, he has been invincible all the way to here, the momentum that must exist but cannot be described in words has been completely accumulated.

Song Shi could feel that on the [Dayuan] path, the psychic skill [Chongxiao] was trembling constantly, as if it was about to jump out of his heart at any time. It was a sign that the ritual was about to be completed.

But at this moment.

Song Shi had no time to care about it, or rather, he didn't want to pay attention to it anymore.

From here, the road stretched straight ahead for 20 miles.

Song Shi gradually quickened his pace, as if he was about to run.

The terrifying flames rose violently--

On the road, all the officers had only one thought at this moment.

-- The terrifying natural disaster transformed by fire and filling the vision rolled towards him!

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