For a moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

Like a summer evening, the sky changes in a very short time, from a clear sky to a dark cloud. The towering black dragon hovers in the sky, swallowing every inch of light, covering the world with a thick and unbreakable darkness.

Everyone's eyes darkened.

A huge block of shadow slowly spread over the earth, submerging the wasteland and the people surging on it.

But no one panicked.

On the contrary, they were just ecstatic, trying their best, and looking up.

Everyone in the Beiting Defense Front understood why Tiandu was named "Tian".

Three thousand meters above the ground.

The violent airflow swept across, and the sun cast straight down from the gap in the clouds, bringing scorching brilliance and coating the island with a layer of glittering golden light.

Yes, "island".

As everyone looked up, a huge floating island covering tens of thousands of acres was slowly and steadily floating out of the urban area of ​​Tiandu!

——Sky Dome Martial Arts Arena, [Wuxu].

The highest-level martial arts arena of the Beiting Defense Front.

The Beiting Defense Front does not have the advanced anti-gravity technology like the giant enterprises [Nanyu Heavy Industry] and [Time Sequence Passage], and cannot push such a huge thing into the air under the premise of being the most efficient, economically beneficial, and balanced in viewing.

So they completely ignored these premises.

Sixty-seven years ago, the then Grand Marshal personally cut off a mountain and hung it upside down in the sky.

The Beiting Defense Front, with a completely disregarding cost attitude, installed 19 large anti-gravity engines and more than 300 anti-gravity fulcrum components for this section of the mountain, and used the number to pile up power and pushed [Wuxu] into the sky.

So, from that day on.

Tiandu had a satellite island that orbited the entire city day and night.

The great marshal not only simply cut off the mountain, but also "kneaded" the mountain with the powerful spiritual energy that reached the fifth ring. Just like soft soil can be turned into a compacted road that can withstand the passage of vehicles and horses after being pounded vigorously.

After being "kneaded" by hand and repeatedly reinforced by the Beiting Defense Line over the past few decades, the current [Wuxu] can even withstand the battle of the fourth ring level.

——Winning on it?


For the people of the Beiting Defense Line, being able to set foot on [Wuxu] is already an extremely high and supreme honor.

"When was the last time Wuxu was used?"

Someone murmured unconsciously.

"That was a year ago." Someone whispered: "In that battle, Major General He broke through on the battlefield and blasted down Lieutenant General Zhang."

——Who is Wuxu coming for this time?

Nan Dou Song Shi and the others know.

Then, who will his opponent be?

They also know.

The answer to this question is too obvious.

A long cry like a whale song swept through the wind.

At this moment, the huge block shadow brought by Wuxu suddenly disappeared -

Or, in front of the sudden light, these shadows melted like snow meeting the morning sun.

In the sky higher than Wuxu, the five-color glow flowed, completely immersing the sky as far as the eye could see.

Gold, blue, green, red, and brown.

In the center of the five colors, a burly man with thick beard and hair grinned and stood with his elbows folded.

The shawl fluttered in the wind, the silver-gray military uniform was loose and casual, and a golden star shone on the epaulette.

Beiting Defense Line, General, Fifth Ring [Dayuan].

——"Five Phase Rotation"·Wang Chenlie!

In the five-color glow, the world was quiet for a moment.

In the next moment, a shout that almost overturned the sky resounded, which was no less powerful than the previous shout for Song Shi!

Some people were in tears and shouted loudly. Some people put the "Nan Dou Wubai" flag that they were holding in both hands into their left hands, and turned over the flag with "Five Phases Rotation" in their right hands, and waved their arms together.

Some people were too excited and rolled their eyes and fell back on the spot. The people next to them quickly supported them and rushed them to the medical team that had been prepared early and stationed on the wasteland and were on standby at any time.

Some people cheered and couldn't help but take out their guns from their arms. As soon as they pulled the safety, they were about to pull the trigger to the sky--

"--Put down your guns."

Wang Chenlie glanced down and scolded: "Don't you see there are so many people here? What if you hurt someone? Do you want to go to jail?"

Those who had just taken out their guns were shocked, and they felt a handful of icy water splashed on them, and they woke up all of a sudden. They quickly put away their guns, but they were not dissatisfied or angry at all, but were overjoyed.

Oh my God! Wang Chenlie talked to me! Could it be that——

“But. Such occasions do need something to liven up the atmosphere.”

Wang Chenlie retracted his gaze, and suddenly smiled again. Under the gaze of everyone, he stretched out his broad and thick right hand.

He clenched it suddenly.

The earth suddenly shook.

Then the sky also shook.

Amid the long whistling sound, from Tiandu, lines of fire rose from the ground line and shot into the sky. Hundreds of missiles spewed flames, dragging out long tails, cutting through the sky.

With [Wushu] as the center, the world staged an extremely gorgeous fireworks show, the roaring explosions never stopped, accompanied by thick smoke, and a series of dazzling fireballs exploded in the sky.

Wang Chenlie laughed loudly, dived towards Wuxu below, and shouted.

“Aren’t you coming yet!”

Before these words, Song Shi rose up.

The flame wings transformed by Huo Yan suddenly appeared, stretched to the limit, and then the dark flames suddenly rose, dragging out burning streams, carrying Song Shi into the sky!

"Song Shi's speed has increased." Lapis Lazuli calculated the other party's rising speed in an instant: "23.74% faster than before, no, 24.17%, 25.35% and the increase is still increasing."

"It has been accomplished." Ai Lu squinted his eyes unconsciously, his pupils reflecting the other party's movement trajectory, and he whispered: "Escape method. [Soaring to the sky]."

And more people, they just saw a deep black stream of fire, with no retreat, fierce and raging momentum, all the way up, to the towering island suspended in the sky.

Three thousand meters above the ground.

—— Ta.

Song Shi dispersed the flame wings, and the whole person slowly descended and fell into the land below.

The terrain of [Wuxu] is quite special. The countless battles that have taken place here over the past few decades have smoothed out its former features as a "mountain", and the land has been compacted and destroyed over and over again.

The Beiting Defense Line does not seem to be particularly concerned about the repairs here. At a glance, you can see many unfilled holes of varying sizes, as well as broken and disintegrated weapon fragments, scrapped prostheses, and mottled dried blood stains.

But these are irrelevant.

Today, Wuxu has become a pure, dark red plain.

All in sight.

"——Are you not coming yet?"

"Free bounty hunter." Looking at the burly man standing with his elbows folded in the distance, Song Shi's pupils lit up a little bit, and the young man showed a satisfied and excited smile from the bottom of his heart: "Nan Dou, Song Shi."

"——I'm here."

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