Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 274 Heavenly Power and Terrain

At a speed faster than the sound, the dark fire in the distance just lit up, and in the next moment, it penetrated the atmosphere and rushed to the front.

But what arrived earlier than the other party was the majestic rain of fire!

The deep flames ignited the sky, and even the bright sun light dimmed for a short time. The burning rainstorm rolled over and over, crashing down on the "god" below.

——As soon as he saw Emmanuel, Lapis Lazuli rose up and occupied a higher airspace.

Looking at the doomsday scene above his head, which seemed like the sky was burning and collapsing, Emmanuel knocked his forehead hard.

In the gap between the flying brilliant red hair, the man's heart suddenly lit up, and with it as the center, a golden "light star" appeared, instantly expanding and spreading, turning into an energy defense field with a radius of four meters and a surface covered with square blocks.

The cascading fire hit it, creating ripples. Some of the fire that failed to hit the target fell below. The buildings were like ice cream poured with molten iron, instantly softening and collapsing, melting into ashes.

When the heavy industrial zone under the name of [Southern Heavy Industry] is fully operational, it often brings continuous acid rain to the entire city, enough to corrode the skin and bones. And the fire rain curtain that Song Shi sprinkled at this moment is more than ten times more terrifying than the former?

But this blow that was enough to burn the block was completely blocked by this energy field!

Emmanuel tilted his head slightly, and a beam of light shot down instantly, but the black fire above avoided it in time, leaving only a glass pit of dozens of square meters on the ground.

He did not continue to order the beam to strike immediately.

Looking at the young man in the distance, the man slowly said the other person's name: "-Song Shi."

"Shouldn't you add 'I've heard of you for a long time'?"

The flames of disaster dissipated briefly, and Song Shi raised his heavy sword, which was flaming continuously. His dark eyes reflected the red-gold flames, and he grinned and said: "-I'm here to kill you."

Continuous flashes suddenly lit up at the top of the sky!

The light was like a waterfall, and the rain was pouring. One after another, beams of light penetrated and shot down. The burning sky that was like doomsday a moment ago was pierced and shattered into slag by these golden lights in an instant. Those black flames melted quickly like snow under the greater light and heat.

Under the rain curtain of light beams, Song Shi, who spread his flame wings, continued to make various extraordinary maneuvers with the help of lapis lazuli, and moved up and down between the beams of light. Even if he had not been hit for the time being, he was like a moth in a storm and could be shattered at any time.

"Join Fubo Energy." Emmanuel looked at the other party in the distance: "Everything in the past can be written off."

"So generous?"

Song Shi, who was about to move forward, suddenly stopped his momentum, shook his wings, and retreated violently, brushing past the falling light column.

Hearing the other party's words, he laughed wildly and slashed, and the flames of disaster instantly swallowed up dozens of meters in front: "Don't think about your niece anymore? Don't look at Bordeaux lying on the ground?"

"Stop loss is a compulsory course for every 'Groden'."

The anti-gravity prosthesis provided sufficient power, allowing Emmanuel to maneuver at high speed and avoid the straight flame slash. He looked neither sad nor happy: "What's more, your value is high enough and you have the ability to create far more benefits than these."

Song Shi nodded in admiration, and then slashed again without hesitation.

Emmanuel raised his hand, and a beam of light smashed the Flame Slash. He nodded slightly: "... You made the right choice."

"Oh?" Song Shi's figure was moving and flying, but his voice was still heard: "What do you mean?"

"Because from a personal standpoint, I don't want you to accept the recruitment."

Emanuel stretched out his only remaining left hand, as if he finally didn't need to suppress his heart. The man slowly stretched his knuckles, and then clenched them suddenly.

"-Because only in this way can I kill you here!"

A huge beam of light roared and fell!

It was the most magnificent and fierce light ever seen since the war began. Its light was so scorching and bright that even ordinary artificial eyes could not bear it and could not look directly at it. In front of the huge scale of this beam of light, those not long ago were simply "slender" and insignificant.

-And this time, Song Shi failed to avoid it!

The bright light spot just lit up from the sky, and the next moment it completely filled the pupil. The huge beam of light enveloped Song Shi, and almost in an instant, it bombarded him to the ground in one breath!

In the fierce sunlight that connected the sky and the earth, everything within a radius of hundreds of meters melted and decomposed into particles. The power from the gods was clearly revealed at this moment. This long-accumulated overload attack, not counting the range, is almost close to the real space-based weapon [Solar Radiation Focusing Array] in terms of lethality.

Even if Fast, who was in his prime, came in person, he would never want to take this attack head-on.

Emmanuel's eyebrows moved slightly.

In the composite vision from the artificial eye "Pupil of Amos", the center of the orange-red high-energy level distribution map of the impact point of the light column below, there was an obvious dimming, which meant that the energy level there was significantly lower than the surrounding area.


"Not dead!"

The golden light energy was swallowed by the suddenly blooming flames. At the bottom of the giant pit nearly ten meters deep, Song Shi pulled out his legs and stood up in the dragging glass slag.

His body was covered with many scars, the most serious of which was on his left arm. The skin had melted away, and even the bones had partially melted away. But at the moment he didn't care at all, and instead laughed heartily!

"Lapis Lazuli, you can move the others away." He suddenly raised his voice: "Fast, you are all like this, don't think about staying here anymore, I will take over everything from now on - keep it here , but it gets in the way.”

The vector engine group that was originally absorbed into one body detached and reorganized into the Lapis Lazuli body, quickly flying out to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield with Fast and others who were seriously injured.

A beam of light immediately fell down, and the torrent of light and heat energy was about to engulf the earth again.

However, the next moment, the light beam stopped abruptly for the first time - something went against the trend and withstood the light beam!

It was a pillar of pitch-black fire that was not inferior in scale. It suddenly rose from the ground. Two completely different colors, pitch-black and platinum, collided together, causing large swaths of sparks to fly violently in all directions.

"I must admit, even I didn't expect that with the 'vacuum zero-point energy engine', even if it is incomplete, it will make you so troublesome. It is indeed a singularity technology."

Song Shi carried the heavy sword and looked up at the sacred outline on the sky: "But I can already see it almost."

"In order to avoid the sight of all parties and deploy the performance of the focusing device, you were forced to choose a worse version. As a result, the power of the radiation focused strike was not enough - at least not enough in a battle of this level."

"So you use a 'vacuum zero-point energy engine' to make up for this, which is electromagnetic waves, right?"

Emmanuel looked down at the young man below, stopped bombarding the light beam, and allowed the latter to talk to himself.

His chest, where his heart once belonged, was shining with a blazing eye that could not be looked directly at, and whose specific outline could not be clearly seen.

The only thing that can be known is that this light group never stops for a moment. Time and time again, it sets off terrifying tsunamis of energy in the rise and fall of the electronic tide.

"If I think about it according to the academic classification, it should be 'optical prosthesis'?"

Song Shi twisted his neck slightly: "A vacuum zero-point energy engine is the energy source and a specialized prosthetic body that uses electromagnetic waves as a remote charging medium. You are now equivalent to an 'acceleration field' or a 'lens' ?”

"When the radiation focus strike falls, as long as it passes through your charging range, you can get a second energy level increase, which can also cause effective damage to level 4 units. You have been staying at high altitude, firstly for the COS Sun God, and secondly for convenience To avoid attacks, the most important thing is this - only a 'lens' that is wide enough and thick enough can effectively increase the energy level twice."

"Which psychic skill is it?" Emmanuel suddenly said: "Mirror wall? Body made of flowing fire? Incarnation of elements? Sui Shi?"

"Why don't you guess the prosthetic body or equipment?" Song Shi raised his eyebrows.

"Personality profiling analysis shows that your first identity is 'Psychic', and you tend to be a purist. As long as there are other options, your first choice will never be an implant."

"And equipment?" Emmanuel said calmly: "It can significantly reduce the anti-light energy protective weapons that were attacked just now, as well as the engineering application of individual soldiers. With the technical power of the Enlightened One, none of them can do it. ”

Song Shi sighed, but nodded in approval: "That's right, the whole world knows that your technology is the best and the most advanced. You guessed a quarter of it right, it was 'Suishi' just now."

".[Suishi]." Emmanuel chewed on the word: "So that's it. The psychic skill of the black flame was uniquely created by you. No wonder I can't find the relevant information."

After the man said this, he seemed to have no interest in continuing the conversation.

He slowly raised his hand.

"Output threshold." Song Shi said.

From the vision of the extraordinary, the figure high in the sky no longer has a human form, but has become the incarnation of energy. Even if it is an incomplete [Vacuum Zero Point Energy Engine], in terms of energy reserve, it has reached a terrifying level of the upper fourth level, far beyond the reach of third level psykers.

The red-gold fire light lit up.

"Indeed. Indeed, even I will never be able to waste it with you." But at this moment, Song Shi laughed wildly: "But your instantaneous output limit has an upper limit! Even if the energy source is infinite, as a medium, you, But there is still a carrying limit - Emmanuel, this is your biggest flaw! "

——Since there is no chance of winning in a war of attrition.

——That will lead everything to an instant.

The black hair was extended and elongated, and the ends of the hair were dyed with little red gold. Every inch of cracks spread from the surface of Song Shi's body. The self-burning, tempering and climbing effect of "self-immolation" reached its limit after enduring the overloaded light beam bombardment just now, accompanied by injuries all over his body.

The pinnacle of "self-immolation".

In the depths of Emmanuel's pupils, what is reflected at this moment are sparks that suddenly rise——

Twenty-eight [Fires] burned out at the same time for the first time since his rebirth.

If the total reserve is far less than that of your opponent, then use your own output power to surpass it.

The unprecedented terrible disaster has become a literal raging tsunami, swallowing up all things and ravaging the world.

A golden stream of light like a torrential rain pierced the sky, falling towards the madmen who dared to disobey the gods. Almost at the same time, burning pillars of pitch-black fire rose up one after another, like iron forest arrows connecting the sky and the earth, trying to destroy the sky. Ignite, the divine court is shattered.



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