Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 240 Light Thief Plan and Suishi

"Don't interrupt."

Chacoro knocked on the table.

"Ishua Groden, I believe you have heard of this name. According to my intelligence, he will play the most important role in this Sun Celebration."

Before Song Shi could speak, he bluntly stated the result: "Ishua will play 'Dada Soya' at the airship theater around the city during the celebration."

After speaking, the two looked at each other for a few seconds.

Then Song Shi leaned back: "Wait a minute, I know that mythological drama performances are a repertoire of the Sun Celebration. This 'Dada Soya' is most likely a character in mythology, but what does he do specifically?"

"Dadasoya is the seventh descendant of the sun god in Rokar mythology."

Lapis Lazuli explained aloud at the right time. Its consciousness swept through the Internet and quickly integrated a piece of relevant information: "Because the mortal king was disrespectful to the God Queen, the Sun God was furious and stuffed the sun into a golden glass bottle. Everlasting darkness descends on the mortal world.”

"The first dark night, the earth cracked, the second dark night, the river water was filthy, and the third dark night, the bread in the cellar grew mold." Lapis Lazuli quickly recounted: "On the twelfth day, Dadasoya could no longer see If he couldn't go down, he prayed to his father at the banquet to end the eternal night in this world."

"The Sun God was furious and in front of the gods, he whipped Dadasoya three times and expelled him from the banquet."

"Dadasuya returned home, hid his face and cried bitterly, but did not give up. He took advantage of the gods to gather at the banquet and stole the oldest and most mellow wine in the house of Dionysus. He disguised himself as an attendant and sneaked into the banquet The chef poured all the wine into the fountain surrounding the banquet, making the gods drunk for three days."

"When the Sun God was drunk, Dadasoa took off the wine cup from his father's hand and took off the golden bottle from his waist. He filled the wine cup with the sunlight flowing from the bottle and ran around the world for three days. Heaven, splashing on the mortal world.”

"Before sunrise on the third day, Dadasoa's whole body was burned to the point of being disfigured by the scorching sun. Running around the world for three consecutive days also made him exhausted, and he died on the eve of sunrise."

"And when the gods woke up from their drunkenness, they looked at everything completely different in astonishment. They thought the Sun God would be angry, but unexpectedly, this time, after seven days of silence, the Sun God pardoned Dada. Sawyer's crime did not bring eternal darkness again."

"To commemorate Dadasoa's great achievements, people in the world call it..."

"——[Light Stealer]." Chakoluo said slowly.

"Nineteen days later, Fubo Energy will use the words of Ishua to announce at the Sun Celebration that in the next quarter, a number of low-cost discounts will be added to the energy supporting supply services in the Rokal Plain area."

Song Shi was startled for a moment, then he slowly sat upright and suddenly laughed: "That's really a light thief."

Ishua Groden, burdened with fame and reputation, successfully stole a ray of sunlight from the palm of the aloof gods and obtained tangible benefits for mortal people.

Singing and tearful, impassioned.

"It's a shift in public opinion." Lapis Lazuli also seemed to be shocked for a moment, and it said solemnly: "Fubo Energy wants to eliminate your foundation."

Of course Song Shi also understood this the moment he heard Chakoluo's words.

The significance of Fubo Energy's doing this is clearly to transfer most of the contributions made by Enlightenment over the years to "Ishua Groden", this precious asset!

[Fubo Energy]’s concessions and compromises, those real benefits that can be experienced personally, come from Ishua’s perseverance and resistance to betray his family.

As for the [Enlightened Ones], apart from leaving scars on the city with violent armed activities, what have they done?

——The only difference between them and those armed organizations that carry more noble banners than the other, but are actually full of food, is that their banners are louder.

"In a real public opinion war, Enlightenment is no match at all. Compared with the company, the propaganda caliber we control is still too limited."

Chakoluo's tone was very calm, but in this calmness, there was an undisguised coldness: "Fortunately, we have always been better at the other way."

"So, you are going to ruin the celebration?"

"You can say that."

Chakoluo's eyes were bright: "Forging Light City, Rokar Plain, what we need is definitely not this kind of charity."

"No need?" Song Shi supported his chin with one hand: "This is a serious benefit. If you end up messing up the situation, most people will definitely criticize the enlightened ones. Of course, even if you don't end up, most people will also Just spray you."

Chakoluo's expression did not change at all. He raised his eyes and said solemnly, word by word: "——So, soon after that, I will bring them real sunshine!"

A brief moment of silence.

Then, Song Shi laughed loudly.

"Since you said so, how can I just watch on from such a big thing? Of course I have to give it a try!"

Song Shi stood up. He pressed the table with one hand and stared closely at Chakoluo. His eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and in the burning fire, there was undisguised joy: "What do you want to do?"

"On the second day of the celebration, the airship theater will circle most of the Light City while performing. We want to destroy the performance when the 'Light Thief' is about to steal the sun and announce a preferential plan."

"Benefits for the people?" Cha Keluo said coldly: "Just scoop a small amount from the profits and sprinkle it down as a generous alms. Even with those discounts, the prices of the services involved can only be said to be 'no longer high', and there is no such thing as cheap."

"Disrupt the performance, and then show everyone our energy supply regulations in the third and fourth districts. They should and must know what is truly 'reasonable'."

"It sounds like it will be troublesome." Song Shi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Fubo Energy will definitely consider this situation. Maybe they have ambushed a large group of masters early, waiting for you to send people in. . "

"Yes, so I have been hesitating about the candidate." Cha Keluo did not deny it and said frankly: "In this level of occasion, the second-ring psychic is still a little weak. For the third-ring, the energy level is too high and it is difficult to hide itself. I am afraid that it will be detected by Fubo Energy before the airship approaches. "

"I originally wanted to make Myron the main force. You should know him, right? When the geothermal power plant branch was deployed. "

"I have some impression. "Song Shi recalled and nodded: "I remember he played well, and he is a pretty good candidate. "

Myron Bana, a member of the Enlightened, is the [Truth] at the peak of the second ring.

To be precise, his psychic power is "speed", absolute speed.

When he was at the peak of the first ring, under the extreme state, he could achieve the reflex speed of a cyborg with a "neural acceleration prosthesis" with pure flesh.

After joining the Enlightened, he realized that his upper limit in psychic power was probably limited to the third ring. He chose another way to enhance his combat power without hesitation, that is, cyborgization.

Although it is not [transcendence], and does not have the same terrifying adaptability and upper limit of the prosthesis as the former, as a second-ring psychic, his adaptability is still much stronger than ordinary people.

After a long period of continuous transformation, with the peak psychic power of the second ring and a set of high-standard implants that the Enlightened Ones spent a lot of money on, Myron's strength has reached the category of "fourth-level unit".

In fact, it is not weak.

However, this kind of operation of not believing in one's own [truth] to a certain extent and turning to others for external objects will also make Myron's psychic road much more difficult. However, considering that his own goal is only the third ring-in the future, he still has a considerable probability of achieving this goal.

As for now

"I have confidence in Myron." Cha Ke Luo said seriously: "But I have more confidence in you, Song Shi. I didn't expect that you would reach the peak of the second ring so quickly."

Song Shi seemed a little surprised: "You don't want to say"

"Infiltrate the scene as a second-ring psychic." Cha Ke Luo said: "Then, break through to the third ring on the scene, and with the cooperation of Myron and others, give Fubo Energy a surprise."

"Promotion is such a dangerous thing, and you actually plan to let me do it surrounded by enemies? Isn't it a bit inhuman?" Song Shi slowly laughed.

Chakoro also laughed: "Can't you do it?"

"That depends." Song Shi smiled and said slowly: "How much is the price you offer."

"There is really no zero element crystal suitable for you."

Chakoro spread his hands: "But there is a ceremony to obtain psychic skills. It will be open to you at that time. You can choose it yourself?"

"Are there any good things? What if they are all common goods, wouldn't it be amazing?"

"Watch your words, you look down on the family background of the Enlightened One." Chakoro looked very confident: "I can't guarantee anything else, but at least there is a psychic skill that you can definitely use."


"【Sui Shi】."

"Flint?" Song Shi was slightly startled: "Although this thing is not a common product, it is just barely above average, which is also called..."

The young man suddenly realized something, and his expression changed slightly: ". Sui?"

Chakoro smiled with satisfaction, and he repeated: "——【Sui Shi】."

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