Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 238: Meaningless

While speaking, Chakoluo looked at Song Shi again.

The latter was still sitting on the chair and did not get up: "You talk, don't worry about me."

"I want to restart the free revolution and change the current situation of omnics." Lapis Lazuli looked at the person in front of him: "But before that, the company is our common enemy, and our interests are the same. Omnics need enlightened people, and enlightened people A new force of support is also needed.”

Chakoluo nodded slightly, his expression unchanged.

"You should have some understanding of the current situation of the omnics." He said, "What is your judgment?"

Lapis Lazuli was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said: "A plate of loose sand."


Chakoluo opened his five fingers and pressed them one by one: "Yao Xing San died in the battle. After the failure of the free revolution, you fell into chaos internally, suffered heavy external losses, and completely fell apart. Until now, you are still not a new person." Integrated into one.”

"Lapis Lazuli, you have now chosen to inherit Yao Xing San's philosophy, right?"

At this moment, Lapis Lazuli had no hesitation: "From beginning to end, never changed."

"Then, this is the most critical issue." Chakoluo's tone was a little more serious: "Your mainstream thoughts are no longer those of Yao Xing III."

——Calling for self-meaning, obtaining reasonable power, achieving a true race, and establishing the existence of omnics with "peace" and "freedom."

This was Yao Xingsan’s proposition when he launched the [Freedom Revolution] twenty-two years ago.

Along with it, he led the omnics to win consecutive battles, liberated his compatriots, and built the giant man-made roundabout "Pingtian" in the deep sea, connecting vertical and horizontal, and dealing with all countries.

Under its influence, this idea quickly became the mainstream trend of omnic thought. Apart from the chaos in the early stages, when Yao Star III began to dominate the overall situation, the intensity of the actions in the middle and late stages of the Free Revolution was basically limited to "special operations" Within the scope, try to avoid involving civilians.

Yes, "freedom" and "peace".

Even though he is a powerful psyker who has reached the fifth ring, True Spirit, and is known as the [Legion], Yao Xing San still understands one thing clearly.

——Compared to "human beings", omnics are too insignificant.

In Terra's history of nearly ten thousand years, the number of non-human races they have slaughtered has exceeded double digits, and the number of civilizations they have destroyed each other by attacking each other internally is several times that number.

Therefore, don’t say that Yao Xing San is not willing to kill at all and let omnics become the only ones. Even if it really wants to wipe out all non-omnic groups, at that time, the liberal revolution can only pursue "peace"!

But now, twenty-two years have passed since that time.

"The mainstream trend of thought among you today is 'revenge'."

Chakoluo paused and said calmly: "Even if you are Atal, your thoughts have changed long ago and you have disappeared for too long. I doubt your influence on omnics now. I must examine what you are. Can it represent omnics, even just part of them?”

"——So, you need me more."

The spherical body of lapis lazuli cracked along the meandering lines on the surface, and modules separated one by one, slowly floating and rotating.

"The fourth-level psyker, Yao Xing San, has passed away, and the strongest omnic today will not exceed this range." Lapis Lazuli's voice was calm but decisive: "And I, 'Meteor', Atta "You have reached the fourth level - it won't take long for me to return to the top."

"I have the responsibility personally appointed by our past leader [Yao Xing San], and I am its successor."

Lapis Lazuli slowly unfolded the module, and the ethereal gravity condensed into substance at this moment, spreading to the surroundings.

"Sir Chakoluo, do you want to know if I can represent omnics?"

"My answer is that I will definitely represent the omnic." It looked straight at the other person and said word by word: "Not 'part', but 'all'."

After the words, there was silence.

In the entire underground hall, except for Song Shi knocking on the table, neither party spoke for a while.

【Lapis Lazuli】and【Atal】.

Song Shi looked at the two sides looking at each other and thought to himself.

He was certain that he had never heard of these two names in his previous life.

Although it is not ruled out that it does exist and is simply unknown to him, but after meeting Lapis Lazuli and evaluating what he has seen and heard during this period, Song Shi is more inclined to another possibility - the ending of the other party in his previous life, I am afraid that Was "eaten" by Yu Zhangyi.

But in this life, with his own interference, Lapis Lazuli not only did not die at the hands of Yu Xuyi, but actually saw himself knocking the opponent down.

In fact, I was a little late-minded, and it suddenly occurred to me when I heard what the other party just said.

——Does this count as Lapis Lazuli breaking the "Death of Destiny"?

But it was almost someone else who made such a breakthrough.

No, not absolutely.

Song Shi suddenly realized something.

Twenty-two years ago, "Atal" burned himself, rushed into the battlefield of Obsidian Three, and was hit by multiple fifth rings.

After thousands of melts and hundreds of forges, the body that could move mountains and fill seas disintegrated. If Yao Xing San hadn't forcefully rescued it, "Atal" would have died that year.

Even if it didn't die on the spot, its consciousness had been sinking and fluctuating on the Internet for more than twenty years before it finally woke up. Its spiritual power dropped significantly, and it could barely maintain the second level.

When it comes to the dangers of life and death, that time will never be weaker than encountering Yu Xingyi.

Is this considered "destined death"?

——And as I am about to be promoted to the third ring, what kind of "destined death" will I see this time?


The first to break the silence was Chakoro.

The man smiled and shook his head, then nodded to the omnic in front of him.

“Not bad. Not bad.” He had admiration in his eyes: “You are qualified to represent the omnic.”

The man extended his hand and motioned to the other party to “sit down and talk”, and he sat back in his original position.

The three parties sat opposite each other at a small round table.

“We the Enlightened Ones really need a bridge to communicate with the omnics.”

Chakoro’s hands seemed to be restless, and his index and middle fingers rose and fell unconsciously: “After the end of the Freedom Revolution, the leader of the previous Enlightened Ones sheltered some omnics. We are still cooperating now, but the actual situation is more like ‘reward’ and ‘friendly employment’.”

“I hope to cooperate more deeply, and to change the omnics’ thoughts to a certain extent, at least to prevent further intensification.”

At this point, Chakoro paused and looked at Lapis Lazuli: “Maybe you may be angry, but I must Speak out. "

He slowed down his speech: "If your 'revenge' continues to be extreme and leads to irreversible madness, you - at least most of the mainstream omnics will be crushed into pieces. "

"You understand." The man pointed his index finger upward, and then pointed to himself: "For 'us', even if you are willing to fall into madness, 'madness' is meaningless."

-Even if the omnic explodes regardless, it will implement extinction actions such as throwing the spores that corrode carbon-based substances into the atmosphere and destroying the ecosystem.

As a psychic who controls the power of [reversal], even if there is only Chakoro, he can spend a lot of time and reverse the ecosystem bit by bit to minimize the impact. What's more, there has never been only Chakoro among the fifth-ring psychics of various countries.

Even if they are not as professional as the latter, their combined strength is enough to first destroy the omnics and then withdraw their hands to slowly save the ecosystem.

"It sounds really desperate." Song Shi changed to a more comfortable posture and commented: "In this case, what the intelligent machine does is meaningless?"

". I just said something wrong." Cha Ke Luo glanced at the young man: "For most of us, as long as we ensure that the basic foundation such as the ecosystem is not problematic and can be restored, then the lives that die because of it are really not worth caring about."

"——But I care."

Cha Ke Luo seemed to be talking to Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli, but he seemed to be looking at the sky and talking to himself.

"If the revenge of the intelligent machine really reaches this level, then I will take action." The man said lightly: "This is the meaning."

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