Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 235 Return and Choice


Cold white air burst out, and soon, a hand pushed open the hatch of the deep diving chamber.

Song Shi climbed out of the deep diving cabin and stretched his body in the studio.

The hands on the transistor clock hanging in the living room were pointing to four-twenty, early in the morning.

He sat on the sofa in the living room. After a while, he yawned: "I'm hungry."

Without saying a word, Lapis Lazuli stuffed a bunch of pizza, scones, and protein paste into the microwave oven, and set it to heat for three minutes. After a "ding" sound, it placed these items in front of Song Shi through gravity control.

Unwrap it, eat it, unwrap it, and eat it again.

Song Shi started working at a steady frequency and quickly mastered these things.

“Generally speaking, the food stuffed by these restaurants is too low, so it’s a bad review.”

Song Shi commented, then pushed away the stacked empty lunch boxes, straightened up, and looked at the omnic.

"What are you going to do next?"

Lapis Lazuli didn't answer, but asked first: "How is your current condition? Do you need it?"

"A little uncomfortable, but nothing major."

Song Shi leaned back slightly and tapped his eyebrows with his index finger: "That guy is not bad, his will is stronger than I expected."

The collision of "wills" is the purest and most dangerous.

Even if he succeeded in defeating the opponent, with the opponent's level, it would still leave some sequelae, but after tomorrow, these discomforts can be ignored.

In comparison, Song Shi paid more attention to "power".

To be precise, under the rules of the abyss, it was the part of the spiritual energy that came from Yao Xing San and Yu Xingyi and was swallowed by himself.

With the help of this spiritual power, he successfully pushed the number of "fire seeds" to twenty-eight, reaching the pinnacle of the second ring.

But strictly speaking, these can only be regarded as "possessions" on paper at the moment, and I have not yet fully digested them.

It is different from the redundant psychic powers of those [derivatives].

The spiritual energy from Yao Xing San and Yu Xing Yi far exceeds the former - both in terms of quality and magnitude.

Although this allows you to improve yourself far more than killing the derivatives, the difficulty of absorbing it is also soaring.

If the former is like a cracker that can be easily swallowed, then the latter, especially the part of "Yao Xing San", can be called millet mixed with grit, and it takes a lot of effort to fully turn it into its own power.

A conservative estimate would take a week.

"You also heard what Yao Xingsan said."

When he said this, Song Shi glanced at his left hand. On his wrist, there was a half-width, dark gold metal pendant.

When he logged out of the deep dive cabin not long ago, this pendant lay quietly on the young man's chest.

——A gift from Yao Xing III.

The illusory things from the abyss, under the influence of will and spiritual energy, turned into reality at this moment.

A promise from an "omnic".

Although it is only the projection of Yao Xing 3. Yao Xing 3 unilaterally made a promise on behalf of omnics, considering the influence of the former sole leader of omnics and the fact that Lapis Lazuli is responsible for witnessing the endorsement, the power contained in this pendant is indescribable. Not big.

Even if omnics were asked to kill a fourth-level psyker now, they would most likely accept it.

As for changing to the fifth ring.

That's a bit unrealistic. First, the cost is too high, and second, with the current strength of omnics, they can't beat it.

"I want to make formal contact with the Enlightened Ones," Lapis Lazuli said.

"Which identity?" Song Shi didn't look surprised. He nodded: "Lapis Lazuli or Atal? Which strategy are you going to use?"

——In the name of "Lapis Lazuli", he has since become a rising omnic star, waiting until the necessary moment to reveal his true identity.

——Or directly expose the name of "Atal", the dead returns, and try to directly take over the high-level authority of omnics and unify the situation.

It answered quickly: "Lapis Lazuli."

"Atal's current identity may not bring any capital. Twenty years have passed, so there is no need to rush now." It paused: "Besides, my strength and memory have not been fully restored."


Song Shi stood up: "Set a time, and I will take you there directly. But with Cha Keluo, you definitely can't hide your identity. The specific cooperation depends on how you negotiate."

"Song Shi, don't you have any inclination?" Lapis Lazuli's voice sounded hesitant, and it said slowly: "My choice."

"You said it, this is your choice."

Song Shi glanced at it: "I am neither Lapis Lazuli, nor Atal, nor an omnic. Don't tell me that you forgot what Yao Xing San said."

"Can the 'freedom' that rests on others really be considered freedom?" Lapis Lazuli was silent for a moment and repeated word for word: "What omnics need is not this kind of thing."


Song Shi looked at the intelligent machine in front of him, and after a while, he suddenly laughed.

"If you are going to hire me then, that's a different matter."

Lapis Lazuli was stunned for a moment.

"Freedom." It was stunned and read it subconsciously.

The other party smiled and snapped his fingers: "——Bounty Hunter."


It was obviously just an artificial eye, but when Abadet slowly opened it, an astonishing divine light bloomed.

But in the next moment, this divine light disappeared.

"It's still a little bit worse."

Abadet thought to himself.

Four years ago, he had reached the peak of Depth 4, and only one step away from becoming the Lord of the Abyss from the Devil. From then on, even in the Zero Degree Network, he could be considered a real management who was of great importance and would not be discarded as consumables.

Unfortunately, until now, that last step is still "one step".

It is so close, but it can never be crossed.

". Tsk."

Rarely, the head of the Intelligence and Strategic Analysis Department of the Zero Degree Network in Zhuguang City felt a little irritated.

He was also listed in the Zero Degree Network's high net worth talent training directory, but now, looking at the Yu Jiyi from the headquarters, he had to admit that as a talent, the other party had a higher "high training net worth" than him.

He was already forty-four years old, but the Lord of the Abyss was still out of reach.

The other party was only in his early twenties, but he achieved the Depth 4 Devil with the second ring of psychic power - when he reached this step, he was thirty years old and had the third ring of psychic power.

He had browsed through the high-net-worth talent training catalog for this issue. Yu Jiyi was one of the most outstanding people in it. There was a high probability that she would achieve the fourth ring in the future, which was considered to be very promising.


After a few breaths, Abadet regained his indifference.

He opened the internal communication channel and was about to deal with the matter when a scarlet urgent secret message suddenly popped up.

[Sir, please go to D-7 Deep Diving Center immediately]

[Repeat, Sir, please go to D-7 Deep Diving Center immediately]

[Worker number P243, "Yu Jiyi", psychic response and vital signs have disappeared! ]

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