Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 225 Yaoxing Three

The air was still for a moment.

Song Shi's eyes gradually lit up.

"——Amount, how many rings, time?"

"Yao Xing San" seemed to be stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "One person, the peak of the second ring, is the same as you."

"Like us?"

Song Shi understood in an instant. He looked around the square and couldn't help but frown slightly: "Has the 'Duel Arena' of the native network affected your sanctuary to this extent?"

"The same time" undoubtedly refers to the thirteen-day limit, which is obviously not a rule of the asylum.

As for a theoretically important point, "Yao Xing San" did not say whether the other party was a [Devil], nor did Song Shi ask.

Because it's unnecessary.

——Zero Network, Appearing in the Abyss, and Psychic. When these three words appear together at the same time, there is only one answer to this question.

But looking at it this way, the condition of the shelter is worse than I expected. After all, it has been sinking here for more than twenty years, even if...

Song Shixin said.

Hearing the young man's words, "Yao Xing San" had a look of confusion on his face.

Only this time, it's no longer "seemingly", but a real "obvious".

Its gaze stayed on the young man for a moment, then moved to Lapis Lazuli, and then moved back to the young man.

"Yao Xing San" sounded a little hesitant, and it considered its words: "I thought you knew it from the beginning."

Song Shi was confused: "In the beginning? Why?"

"The network domain structure here has obvious mosaic traces. As long as you bypass the surface layer and then use the probe to jump into the inside, you can determine the approximate status."

Lapis Lazuli suddenly spoke, it calmed down its "breathing", and whispered: "Sorry, this kind of inlaying after the collision of network domains is not uncommon in the abyss, so I ignored it at the time."

"Yao Xing San" seemed to have just realized something. It stared at the young man, its empty pupils lit up: "You are not a demon."

"Actually, it can be regarded as yes." Song Shi corrected: "I still have the level of depth 1."

"He's not a demon, but he can actually show this level in Depth 4."

"I originally thought that you had such power because of the protection that you and Atal weaved together."

"……It is my fault."

For the first time so far, "Yao Xing San"'s expression became emotional, and seemed to be lonely: "I am really envious that the Enlightened One can have you and Chakro at the same time."

"Wait... I asked Chacoro, and he said he had never seen you."

Hearing this, Song Shi raised his eyebrows and said rather strangely: "I believe he didn't lie to me, but it sounds like you are quite familiar with him?"

"He certainly hasn't seen me."

"Yao Xing San" shook his head: "But while I was alive, he had already done a lot of things, started to stand out, and became quite famous. I wanted to cooperate with the Enlightened One at that time, so I paid attention to your seeds—— My judgment is that he has great potential.”

"And you are not inferior to him at all."

Song Shi nodded thoughtfully: "I understand."

"How long can you probably last?" he asked.

Under the cognitive shaping of the virtual network, the other party's riddled appearance represents that it is close to collapse. The heavy losses suffered in the past, the oppression of more than two decades of sinking in Depth 4, and the burden of maintaining the shelter.

It would be better to say that the other party could still maintain his self-awareness until he met himself and Lapis Lazuli, and he was already worthy of the name "Yao Xing San"!

"If we have to survive, I probably have a few more days."

"Yao Xing Three" raised his head and glanced at the sky above the square. The iron-gray sky enveloped the world, bringing a strong sense of depression: "At first, the omnics and I tried to maintain the shelter, hoping to wait until the compatriots came to rescue, but We failed."

It was only later, in the fragmented information floating here, that it learned the outcome of the "free revolution".

Under the encirclement and suppression from all parties, the omnics fell apart and could not care about this place at all - not to mention, as a highly confidential shelter, only a few omnics knew its location.

"We have been holding on for a long time, but this is depth 4. Even the second level of psychic energy is difficult to withstand. First it was FR8, then Red and Terra, and finally F052." It raised its eyes and was silent for a moment. Suddenly he regained his composure: "Sorry, I lost my temper."

"Anyway, I integrated myself into it in order to maintain the sanctuary."

A giant tree wrapped with iron thorns stands tall, spreading its canopy from the center of the square.

"I can't leave here."

"Yao Xing San" stretched out his hands and exposed his fragmented body to the young man in front of him among the increasingly tight iron thorns.

"I no longer have much power and can no longer stop the man from the company - twelve days ago, I had two hopes."

"Now, one is done, but I still have two, and you guys can do it."

As if feeling a vibration, one, two - all the iron spines began to tremble, sliding along the trunk, twisting like a snake, trying to tightly restrain the prey.

But it's of no use.

Amidst the harsh and sharp friction sound, "Yao Xing Three" was still stretching. It slowly opened its arms, and the iron spines suddenly tightened, screaming, but it could not stop the former in the slightest.

Eventually, they began to break apart inch by inch.

"Song Shi, Atal. Thank you for allowing my compatriots to be liberated."

The "first hope" twelve days ago was to liberate the intelligent machines that had fallen into distortion and madness step by step in front of its eyes over the years.

The "second hope" twelve days ago was to ask Song Shi and Atar to repel the company's intruders here.

For some reason, the tone of "Yao Xing San" suddenly became more powerful?

It was no longer the previous calmness that was almost indifferent, and the deep fatigue hidden under the calmness.

Unable to bear the increasingly terrifying power, all the thorns collapsed and turned into iron filings splashing all over the sky. In the rain of iron, "Yao Xing San" walked down the giant tree step by step, showing its complete body for the first time.

"Yao Xing San" has a human-like appearance, but the left arm is broken at the joint, and the right arm that barely maintains the outline has countless winding cracks on the surface.

Starting from the left eye, along the bridge of the nose and across the jaw, the head on this dividing line is no longer there. There are two huge holes in its abdomen and chest, which allow people to glimpse the collapsed mechanical structure inside.

The dark gold paint that used to shine brightly, along with the mostly shattered body, has long been completely dim.

But there is no "horror".

Nor is it "ugly".

At this moment, anyone who sees the existence of "Yao Xing San" will only have one feeling, that is pure "power" and "tolerance".

Twelve days later, four minutes ago, the "third hope" was born.

"Leader?!" Lapis Lazuli was stunned for a moment, extremely panicked: "Stop! You are using power now! The state will-"

"- Lapis Lazuli."

When "Yao Xing San" opened his hand and made the iron thorns tense, Song Shi had already stood up.

He stepped back three steps, stood firm, raised his hand, and drew out the heavy murder.

"You are also 'transcendence'." The young man looked at Lapis Lazuli who wanted to step forward, and said word by word: "Don't you really understand?"

"Atar Atar, just witness it here."

"Yao Xing San" also looked at the intelligent machine and said softly.

Lapis Lazuli's voice suddenly stopped. It paused for a moment, stubbornly floating in the air, as if it still wanted to move forward, but slowly, under the gaze of the former, it silently retreated to the side.

So, "Yaoxing III" retracted his gaze and stared at the young man in front of him.

All the words were exhausted here.

Even if it was not the real former leader, but just a projection of it.

But he carried the name of "Yaoxing III" and was a practitioner of the way of "transcendence".

How could he choose to step into the ending of "lingering on"?

The intelligent machine raised its head.

Psychic energy began to surge, and under the exquisite control and psychic skills, it evolved into concrete power.

The first to appear was a steel tank. FR8 raised the barrel and roared excitedly.

Next came two humanoid mechas, without the rusty look seen a day ago. They drove side by side, with new and high-spirited paint. Then came the flapping-wing drones flying all over the sky, which circled the leader affectionately and danced to their heart's content.

And more.

In the duel arena these days, the opponents that Song Shi had seen, the intelligent machines that he had killed, and the intelligent machines that Song Shi had never seen in the past and outside these days

Until finally, in the sudden trembling of Lapis Lazuli, the outline of "Lapis Lazuli" also appeared in the group of intelligent machines.

"Yao Xing San". Behind Yao Xing San, one projection after another emerged, countless intelligent machines occupied every inch of the corner. They were either smiling, angry, or looking forward to it. The only thing that had not changed was that they were still standing behind the leader they followed.

In a trance, it seemed as if countless completely different voices were heard, and in the next moment, all the voices merged into one line.

"We are called——"

The biological weapon cluster that defeated the [Hive Master] head-on in the past, shook the eight directions of the sky, integrated all intelligent machines into one, and wanted to create the power of "Equality Heaven". After 23 years, it appeared again at this moment.

"——[Legion] Yaoxing Three!"

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