Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 272 The battlefield outside the battlefield

It was like plastic buckets filled with paint had been knocked over together, the various colors were mixed wantonly, and even dyed with a strange luster that was almost like industrial wastewater. A line of dreamy rainbow light extended towards the end of the sky, swaying.

On both sides of the rift valley made of colorful dust, there is a kind of derivative body unique to this network domain. They are born with the ability of "spectrometer". In addition to the most conventional optical invisibility, they can also fuse to generate various anti-biological logic. Specific spectral colors.

It is similar to the "uncanny valley effect", but far superior to the former. Just looking directly at it can cause symptoms such as photo-epilepsy, and even a temporary shutdown of thinking.

But at this moment, these derivatives that used to run rampant have curled up their bodies at the same time and buried their heads deep into the crevices of the valley. Their meager consciousness that could not be called a mind clearly showed "fear".

Because a bright and clear rainbow light was cutting through the sky at super speed, dividing the sky, and its undisguised divine power was raging towards the Eight Desolations and Liuhe.

Just the act of "passing by" made the turbid sky tremble and set off waves, as if it was overwhelmed.

Then, a new stream of light rose up!

It was a force of completely different nature, but equally powerful. Since this new stream of light was forced to block it, even the incomparably brilliant rainbow light stopped for it.

"The Eight Wastelands and Rokuhe are unparalleled in the world, the ultimate invincible beautiful girl Zen Ryushana-san-san-san-!"

The rainbow light stopped and lingered, and a young and beautiful girl jumped out, with a touch of silvery golden hair. A few strands separated from the fingers, which were as smooth as water satin.

She raised her other hand to her forehead and saluted, and said cheerfully and loudly: "Good evening! Were you happy last night? Are you happy this morning? Are you looking forward to it now? Everyone!"

Giant Enterprise · [Dust Contract Generation], Depth 6, King of the Abyss.

"The Awakened One", the moment of Zen.

"Not happy, not happy, not looking forward to it."

The stream of light also dispersed a little, revealing a human model made entirely of transparent glass, with only the face constantly changing and blurry.

It held its arms in its arms: "——How can you be happy in the abyss, preparing to fight against the 'King of the Abyss'?"

"But I'm very happy!" Zen Liusha smiled sweetly, clasped his hands together, and said with anticipation: "Since you know so well, can you please give in? I can recommend you a beautiful afternoon tea. , or what do you want? Can I give you a handshake coupon?”

"That's it." The other party didn't hesitate for a second: "Give me your singularity technology [Fake World], and I'll get out immediately."

"Hey, hey, hey, he gave up so easily!" Zen Liu took a step back and covered his mouth in surprise: "Mr. Borage! Did you just abandon Mr. Chacoro like that? How easy!"

Well-known hacker organization · [Theatre], Depth 5, Lord of the Abyss, Borage.

"The theater is trustworthy, which does not mean that I, Borage, am trustworthy. It all depends on which of you offers a higher price." Borage slowly raised her hand: "Is the transaction established?"

"Oh, it doesn't seem to work."

Zen Liu held his head in distress for a moment and sighed: "If I were stopped by you so easily, my reputation would be damaged. This is different from Mr. Borage. A beautiful girl cannot have any stains. ”

"Then stop talking nonsense!" Borage sneered and waved her hands fiercely: "Brothers! It's your turn!"


As soon as the words fell, the door opened in the void, or the light rose to the sky, or even the complicated data flow took shape out of thin air. Four figures appeared at the same time beside Borage.

[Clock Wizards], [Transparent Iron Curtain], and [Doomsday], in addition to these three well-known hacker organizations, there is also an abyss lord who does not belong to an organization.

Yes, the four figures that appeared at this moment, even though they looked very strange, except for the white-bearded wizard of the "Clock Wizards", their appearance had nothing to do with humans, but the terrifying data intensity, all of them were clearly A demon who has reached the level of [Lord of the Abyss]!

"There are so many people." Zen Liu opened his eyes wide for a moment: "But, why are they all Depth 5?"

"Isn't it your fine tradition to defeat the superior?" Borage spread out her hands: "That's it for now, I won't let you enter the Casting Light City. Oh, isn't the King of the Abyss very strong? If we all go up together, we may not be able to counterattack. !”

Zen Liu raised his hands high in an instant: "That, that."

"How old are you, and you still pretend to be a pretty girl?" Borage sneered.

Zen Liu blinked for a moment.

She slowly tilted her head, shook her highlights, and smiled.

"You're going to die."

As a result, the sky split into pieces and surged.



Thousands of miles away from Zhuguang City.


"--I see."

After saying these words, the walkie-talkie was crushed into pieces and flowed out from between the fingers.

But these debris did not fall to the ground. Like sand castles in the wind, they quickly decomposed in the air and turned into smaller, blue-gray particles. These particles surrounded the man's body, condensing and not dispersing.

Like a storm.

The man unbuttoned his work clothes one by one, pulled them off, and threw them aside.

"Chakoro is here"

"It's my turn."

He raised his head indifferently.

Then, just like the intercom just now, everything nearby, those workshops that worked all night, the towering reaction towers, the dense network of pipelines, this huge industrial area that was enough to lay the foundation for a city and covered hundreds of square kilometers, suddenly decomposed and collapsed, and the endless blue-gray particles turned into a storm that truly swept this world!

Even the man's body also decomposed and collapsed, becoming a wisp of particle fluid, pouring into the storm.

The storm began to gather again.

Those blue-gray particles churned and condensed wantonly, gradually outlining a specific outline.

Since being promoted to the fifth ring [Transcendence], each of his cells has been transformed into a "nanoworm-like" structure, which can be dispersed, aggregated and reconstructed at will, transformed into any posture, and reproduced any creation needed.

The outline is already clear.

The horns are like deer, the head is like a camel, the belly is like a clam, the scales are like fish, and the paws are like tigers.

That is a "dragon".

It can be dark or bright, it can rise or hide, it can be big and spit out clouds and mist, it can be small and hide its shape. Its posture is ever-changing, it can soar into the sky, and it can also dive into the underworld.

It uses its own body to become a large industrial zone, continuously providing the weapons, equipment and industrial products needed by the Enlightened Ones, and has since been called a "factory".

However, there are still some people who still remember the real title of men in the endless fighting before being hailed as a "factory".

The giant dragon reorganized from the nano-bee colony steps on the Zhoutian body to resist the storm and soar into the sky. Its posture is so powerful and has an awe-inspiring and inviolable majesty.

Although its body is only a mechanical mechanism, anyone who sees it can feel a sense of perfection that is clearly unique to "living things". That is an existence that can never be born by nature alone.

Deputy Commander of the Enlightened Ones, the fifth ring [Transcendence].

——[Panlong] · Xu Yudu!

The dragon roared and rose, and the blue-gray storm continued to reorganize and condense into a ship-level weapon, circling around it. It was a great power that was enough to flatten the mountains and burn the sea. Even giant companies had to give it "equal" power.

So, a hand reached out.

No, it was difficult to use the quantifier "one".

The hand that stretched out from the sky seemed to be pressed down by a mountain.

It was not a description of "temperament", or rather, it was not just that - this iron-colored giant palm was as huge as a mountain!

Because of its huge size, its movement trajectory seemed very slow, just slowly pressing down. Only the turbulent sky and the heavy clouds that were squeezed out and left a huge hole showed the pressure.

The cloud flow that covered it was broken, revealing the true appearance behind it.

The giant steel god perched in the sky, with dense silver lines flowing all over his body. He looked down at the world indifferently. In front of this terrifyingly huge body, even the dragon winding for more than ten miles below seemed a little smaller.

Giant enterprise [Southern Heavy Industry], the fifth ring [Transcendence].

[Colossus], Bafus Nasanei.

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