Even though Song Shi was far from reaching the peak of the fourth ring in his previous life, he could not show the "Ten Suns in the Sky" of the past - in the concept of the Pan-Eastern Continent, nine is the number of the extreme.

And to transcend this shackle, from "Nine Suns" to "Ten Suns", it is far from being as simple as adding one more sun wheel. When the tenth sun rises, it will bring with it the previous nine sun wheels, and transform from simple quantitative change to qualitative change at the same time, greatly enhancing the effect.

At this moment, I can't reproduce this power.

But even if I haven't reached the tenth day, I can achieve qualitative change.

- This low-profile version of "Five Suns in the Sky" is enough to completely clean up the battlefield!

The sun wheel fell into the sand sea, as if endless red light spread in all directions, and the violent impact whistled past, and the entire sand sea was flattened by a layer, and countless huge amounts of sand and dust rushed into the sky.

Then, before reaching the highest point, these sand and dust instantly turned into melted glass in the terrifying light and heat that swept in afterwards.

As early as when the sun disc just appeared, the omnics decisively gave up the attack. After a moment of tactical analysis, they made the judgment that "it is impossible to force the opponent to stop the attack through attack", and they moved closer to each other while activating protection.

The two humanoid, rusty mechas were the closest. Amid the roar of the thrusters, they moved together. One of them ejected a small arm shield, and quickly turned into a giant shield that completely covered both sides in the module proliferation. The latter's honeycomb-shaped artificial eyes lit up, and the four arms stretched out and clasped together, supporting a dark yellow light shield in a rectangular array.

The six-legged spider-like omnic covered with dirty spider webs jumped onto the armored vehicle next to it. The latter's roaring large turret deformed and raised a heavy spherical energy field, with a shiny surface.

But in front of all these protections, there was something blocking them further ahead.

Dozens of flapping-wing drones - a total of 43 flapping-wing drones, they were like satellite sails passing through the atmosphere, neatly arranged in two interlaced planes.

The flapping wings, which had been vibrating at high speed, paused for a moment.

In this moment of stagnation, the center of the forty-three drones simultaneously bloomed with unprecedented brilliant light, like ripples on the water surface, and then under the sole will, all the ripples were completely smoothed out, turning into an extremely flat "mirror" made of light!

——Psionic skill, [Resonance Integration].

——Psionic skill, [Mirror Reflection Matrix].

——Psionic skill, [Light Energy Engine Group].

Under the control of the psychic power from the third ring of transcendence, this silent mirror, like a glass, is enough to withstand heavy armed bombardment, and forcibly prop up a piece of pure land in the rain of artillery fire.

But what it has to face is a more terrifying existence than the so-called "heavy weapons" and the so-called "gunfire rain curtain".

--The torrent transformed by pure light and heat floods in all directions!

The first thing it touches is the mirror.

Reminiscent of a dam blocking a raging flood, the mirror generated by forty-three flapping-wing drones intercepts the torrent. It is only a thin layer, but it seems like an indestructible barrier--

No, it is not indestructible.

It seems that there is a sound of glass breaking, but it seems to be just an auditory hallucination.

First, there is a shallow crack, and then it slowly spreads. This scene appears in every corner of the mirror. The shocking cracks spread in a network, as if it is under some unimaginable huge pressure.

Even the outermost part of the mirror , the border that was originally smooth to the point of being unbelievable, gradually rolled up and showed traces of burnt black under the red-gold torrent, like a tissue in the fire.

Then, the burnt marks began to spread rapidly.

Like a prairie fire.

It seemed that it had finally made a decision. At the same time as the burnt marks spread, the mirror that originally intercepted most of the torrent shrank, and the matrix reorganized in the flashing, but this time, its area was greatly reduced - but this more solid and smooth mirror finally stopped breaking.


The intelligent machines that it had originally protected behind it were also exposed.

In front of the torrent that swept the world, machinery, shields, metals, counterattacks. After a few short bubbles, everything was burned.

"--It's still a little bit lacking. "

The dazzling light that filled the desert gradually faded. Looking at the scene in front of him, Song Shi stood in place, showing a little dissatisfaction: "This kind of wide-area attack is still a little weak for the third ring."

With five "sparks" as the core, the psychic skills are put into the forging flame to forge the outline of the sun.

The sun fell from the sky, pouring pure light and heat in all directions.

This is an absolute and terrifying power.

In this siege, there are many second-ring psychics among the intelligent machines just now, but they are still burned to ashes in front of the torrent of "five suns in the sky".

-Only when it comes to "wide-area strikes", this is It is the strongest move that I can perform now.

After receiving the reminder, Lapis Lazuli fled far away. It witnessed the five sun discs falling to the ground and the torrent pouring down in all directions.

"This energy level." Seeing that his peers had almost no resistance and died in an instant, at this moment, even though the detection module had clearly displayed the result, the intelligent machine still couldn't help but whispered: "How can the output limit of the second ring reach this peak?"

Song Shi raised the heavy kill.

The group of flapping wing drones in front of him - in the previous collision, only thirty-four of them were left.

They vibrated their wings, vibrating faster and faster, but other than that, there was only silence.

In silence, the drone swarm dispersed at the same time, maneuvering at high speed in the sky, and the barrage rained down like a torrential rain.

Half a minute later, three drones fell.

Two minutes later, Song Shi received a beam of light on his shoulder, leaving twenty-two drones.

Four minutes later, when the scorched earth burned the seventh drone, everything settled.


Staring at the last two drones in front of him, which did not move or fight back, Song Shi shook his head slightly, with no joy on his face: "You have been sinking here for too long, and your spiritual energy has been polluted and is no longer pure, and because you are not [Devil] cannot borrow the environment of the abyss."

"This is not the posture you should really have." Song Shi made a judgment: "Your strength should not be like this, but it is a pity that you will not have the chance to learn from it again."

"——F052!" Lapis Lazuli rushed up suddenly, its voice sounded extremely urgent: "You still have a certain self, right? Do you know me? What on earth is happening here?"

"F052! Tell me!" it said quickly, as if it suddenly remembered something, it immediately stretched out the data cable: "Isn't it too late? It doesn't matter! Let's exchange data! You -"

When Song Shi spoke, the drones did not respond. They just floated quietly.

It's like he doesn't care.

Until now.

After hearing Lapis Lazuli's words, the drone slowly turned. It was obviously just a "machine", but in a daze, they seemed to be staring deeply at each other.

"haven't seen you for a long time"

Lapis Lazuli was startled.

The next moment, the drone suddenly disintegrated and turned into spots of light that spread all over the sky.

A standard magnetic card quietly appeared in the distance.

After glancing at Lapis Lazuli, who was at a loss, and confirming that the other party would remain stunned for a while, Song Shi sighed, crossed it, and picked up the magnetic card.

This magnetic card is pure black.

But then, the black color jumped——

A line of white, meticulous words appeared on the card surface.


There is also a countdown below, the time is exactly the same as the duel field.


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