Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 216: Each has its own strengths

Song Shi pushed the armchair away and stood up.

He walked a few steps to the center of the hall next to him, stepped on the ground, and snapped his fingers.

A spark appeared, then two, then three.

It was as if countless fireflies were flying around him, and sparks appeared around Song Shi, undulating and circling, and soon merged together to become a wisp of slender flame.

Song Shi stretched out his hand and gently grasped the wisp of flame in his palm.

He did not squeeze it tightly, as if the mist of incense slowly sank down, and these flames really flowed out from the gaps between his five fingers like running water and sank into the ground below.

However, compared with real incense or running water, the red-gold fluid that these flames turned into silently melted the moment it touched the ground.

At first it was a point, then the point expanded to become a scorching circle, and the boundary of the circle expanded in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye - just like washing the steps covered with gravel with water.

Under the scouring of water, the attached gravel will quickly fade away, revealing the true appearance of the steps. If you look from the side, it seems that the "thickness" of the entire step has been flattened by water.

At this moment, the scene in the hall is a similar scene.

The silky smooth "flame" flows into the ground and spreads rapidly, and the sandstone ground melts silently.

However, in the blink of an eye, half of the hall was immersed in the red-gold "water curtain". Some equipment in the hall, the piled beverage boxes, furniture and electrical appliances. These things placed on the ground, together with the ground, all turned into firewood for the magma to burn and expand again-

"Stop, stop."

Cha Keluo finally couldn't help but speak.

"If you keep burning, there will be nothing left here."

He didn't make any moves, but with the man's voice, the magma that had originally submerged half of the hall and was spreading suddenly stopped flowing.

In silence, the spreading flames rolled back and countless fine dust particles were peeled off from the flames, filling the melted ground and restoring it to its original flat shape.

The outlines of the equipment connected to the cables also gradually solidified, followed by furniture, electrical appliances and beverage boxes.

Finally, the sea of ​​fire that had just submerged all directions rolled back into a point, turning into the first wisp of flames, lingering between Song Shi's five fingers.

Everything reversed.

"What do you mean by burn it to nothing?"

Song Shi flipped his five fingers and extinguished the flame. He pointed around and said lazily: "Isn't it all here?"

"Reversal is not a universal wishing machine." Cha Ke Luo also stood up and said unhappily: "I also need to spend effort."

"I'm excited to see the prey, just try it a little, don't you want to see it too?"

Song Shi spread his hands and asked: "Where did you get this zero element crystal? Its previous owner was at least a few hundred years ago."

"Strictly speaking, this is not ours." Cha Ke Luo replied: "This is the spoils of the Enlightenment in an action against the company. It was originally used as a resource reserve, but it has not met a suitable member, so it has been idle."

"I think you are very suitable, so I sent it over - now it seems that I 's vision is quite accurate. "

"Hmm" Song Shi pondered for a moment, nodded, and acknowledged the other party: "Indeed."

"The second ring of psychic skills has been filled, and now it's just a matter of slowly accumulating. How many fire seeds are you short of reaching the limit?"


"Hmm?" Cha Keluo looked a little surprised. He carefully observed the person in front of him. After a while, he spoke again: "The limit is 28, which is a bit scary."

"Normally speaking, 10 are considered excellent."

The man shook his head and sighed: "Really, what do you say, 'The back waves push the front waves', it seems that I am old too."

"Didn't you just celebrate your 40th birthday? Is this considered old?"

Song Shi sneered, and seemed to suddenly remember something: "Wait a minute, if you are 40 years old."

"Cha Keluo, have you ever seen Yaoxing III?" He asked.

"Yao Xing San?"

Hearing this, Cha Ke Luo's eyes were a little strange, as if he didn't know why the other party suddenly asked this. He pondered for a while and said, "If the 'Yao Xing San' you are referring to is the leader of the omnics in the Freedom Revolution, I have never seen him."

"How should I put it? The Freedom Revolution was very powerful back then, but I had just become an adult at that time, and my psychic power was only at the second ring. Yao Xing San had already been promoted to the fifth ring, and he unified various omnic factions on his own, and defeated the 'Nest Master' Modorat, the fifth ring of the [Pure White Creature] at that time."

"Although the Enlightened Ones were trying to cooperate with the omnics at that time, I was just a, well, small character. This kind of negotiation at the top level would not leave a place for me."

As if recalling something, a faint emotion emerged in Cha Ke Luo's eyes.

He sighed softly: "It's a pity that Yaoxing San left too early, too early, too early."

"It was the only leader who was supported by all factions at the same time, but when it died in the siege of the Fifth Ring, the entire group of intelligent machines instantly fell apart, fighting each other, and the Freedom Revolution ended hastily."

"Even if we, the Enlightened, wanted to cooperate, there was nothing we could do. We could only protect some intelligent machines, and it became like this now."

"Hmm" Chakolo turned his head, looked at the young man, and thought for a while: "Your spiritual energy is accumulating so quickly, did you go to fight in the bloody battle of the abyss? It really suits you."

"You suddenly asked about 'Yao Xing Three'. Let me guess, you encountered something related to omnics? And it's in the abyss?"

The man fiddled with the cable protruding from the projector in front of him, which was swinging gently in mid-air: "Since you didn't ask us for support, you should know it well. I won't ask any more questions. If you need it in the future, you Just go to Gwenlin directly, she is more professional in this aspect, I have never been very good at the Internet.”


"If the situation is just right, Song Shi, there is something I can tell you."

The man stopped what he was doing, turned around, and looked at the young man not far away.

Facing the other party's gaze, he raised his index finger and pointed upward.

"——Omnics will not regard themselves as 'new gods'." The man said calmly: "This is the attitude of the Enlightened One and I."

There was silence.

After a long time, Song Shi suddenly laughed.

He smiled and said leisurely: "Speaking of which, who is stronger now, you or Yao Xingsan?"


Chacoro also laughed.

"Didn't I say that I haven't seen it? But, let's make some less rigorous assessments."

The man said gently.

"Probably, each has his or her own strengths."

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