Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 211 Return Journey

Lapis Lazuli was silent.

Its dozens of data cables were not even put away, just hanging there, swaying gently in the air.

".Chakoro?" After a long while, it suddenly spoke.

"If you want, I can go to Chakoro."

Song Shi shook his head and said lightly: "But you saw what it looks like inside."

In the brief fight not long ago, a large amount of viscous black liquid could be clearly seen flowing from the gaps in the surface armor, even overflowing and splashing - the interior of this tank has long had no mechanical structure, only these liquids are left to fill it, spread everywhere, and stick the entire body.

In the [Abyss], most things will be presented in a way that conforms to the cognition of the diver.

Therefore, the "degree of distortion" can be evaluated by appearance.

"With this degree of distortion, it has sunk at depth 4 for at least more than ten years, and even Chakoro cannot reverse it."

Maybe in his memory, the "rebel" at his peak could do it, but Chakoro today can't do it.

Song Shi paused, stretched out his hand, and took off the ball of light floating from the tank's body.

——This intelligent machine is not a psychic.

But it was distorted by the influence of redundant psychic energy, and now it is essentially similar to a "derivative body". It has the appearance of a second ring middle position by relying on the redundant psychic energy injected. Under the rule of [Survival of the Fittest], it will also provide a part of psychic energy to itself.

Five fingers crushed the ball of light, and the forging flame gushed out, separating out the impurities.

But this time, this psychic energy is no longer "catering" like the lizard man, and the normal absorption difficulty has been restored.

Song Shi was thoughtful, and took some time to absorb it, and looked at Lapis Lazuli: "What did you see?"

Not much time had passed.

But Lapis Lazuli had stabilized his emotions, and his voice returned to a low and powerful voice, without the previous haste.

"FR8 is called FR8. Its memory loss is very serious. The part I extracted is also mixed with a lot of chaotic data that you can understand as 'dream talk' and 'tampered'. It takes time to pick out the real memory."

"But one thing can be confirmed."

Lapis Lazuli paused, and the tone changed again: "They are witnesses of the Freedom Revolution."

On the list floating in the sky, after the names of Song Shi and Lapis Lazuli, the number jumped from "1" to "2" as the tank body completely disappeared.

". They?"

Listening to the words of the intelligent machine, Song Shi raised his head and watched the changes in the list.

The countdown of "309" on it was still silently retreating.

"Yes." Lapis Lazuli said briefly: "I saw a glimpse in FR8's memory. There is more than one intelligent machine here."

"No derivatives?"

"No, within the range I can see."

Song Shi turned his head and stared at Lapis Lazuli for a long time before speaking again.

"Obviously, this place is related to you omnics. So as long as you don't want me to, I won't tell anyone about everything here. I only have one question - what are you going to do next?"

"I want to find out what happened here."

The young man shook his head: "You know, that's not what I'm asking."

"They must know what happened back then. I can retrieve my memory, and they may even know who I am."

Lapis Lazuli's tone was dry and difficult, and gradually became lower.

"Then what?" Song Shi said.

"Even if we count from the end of the Freedom Revolution, more than 20 years have passed." The young man looked at Lapis Lazuli and said the answer that the other party avoided: "Depth 1 and Depth 2 may still have room for recovery, but this is Depth 4. After such a long time, they have already completely sunk and distorted."

"--Lapis Lazuli, give them a quick death."

Staring at the omnics, Song Shi said calmly and indifferently:

"Find out what happened here, and finally, give them an end."


The normal speaking speed of a natural person is about 80 to 140 words per minute.

Even if you recite the prepared manuscript, it is difficult to exceed 400 bytes.

In the face of increasingly prosperous and diverse technological advances, there is no doubt that "sound" is an extremely inefficient way of transmitting information.

Abadet slowly opened his eyes.

As the head of the intelligence and strategic analysis department of [Zero Network] in Zhuguang City, he actually does not reject the inefficient way of transmitting information such as "sound", but when necessary, he will not hesitate to take some more efficient ways.

"The above is my report."

Opposite Abadet, Yu Jiyi blinked, and the pair of red pupils became more and more gorgeous, as if they could capture people's minds, with a subtle and dangerous beauty.

As the [Consensus] at the peak of the second ring, in this report that Abadet personally asked about, she released the restrictions and the two sides shared some memories-with just a few breaths, the other party fully knew everything that happened not long ago.

"There is a time limit, it must be conquered within thirteen days. No, there is a limit every day." Abadet knocked on the table.

After continuous investigation, the woman in front of her successfully obtained an access key and really found her target, entering the so-called "Legacy of the Free Revolution", a network domain located at depth 4.

According to the memory just now, after entering, the other party faced a large number of "questions", including but not limited to simulated firewall attack and defense, algorithm cracking, trap program removal, etc. She must enter it every day in the next thirteen days and continue to answer questions, and then face the final level on the thirteenth day.

Is this the original operating rule of this domain, or has it been in the abyss for a long time, gradually mutated and evolved into what it is now?

Abadet thought.

There is another thing. Although my realm is the third ring, higher than the person in front of me, I am [Balance] and the other party is [Consensus]. Even if she tampered with the shared memory, it would be difficult for me to see it.

No. It shouldn't be necessary.

The access key was the spoils of war that the other party got after this action involving intelligent machinery. Because of its non-transferable nature, it was fully handed over to the other party - this is also a trust in a high-net-worth talent.

"Can you lock the location of this network domain?"

"Unfortunately, no." Yu Jiyi propped up her chin with one hand and sighed: "The concealment and wave encryption of that place are very tricky. Although it is not completely unsolvable, the time is too short, less than half a month, it will definitely not work."

As if she remembered something, her eyes curved, and she suddenly smiled and said: "Of course, if you can borrow the time-series [chaos probability calculation], I think these are all small problems and can be easily solved."

"If I pay attention to the singularity technology, you can only see my corpse now."

Abadet shook his head, adjusted his collar, and stood up.

"In this case, you are still responsible for this matter. I will transfer two groups of computing resources to you to solve this matter as soon as possible. The situation in Zhuguang City will become more and more tense in the future, and you are needed for combat power."

"The headquarters sent you here, and the first target is still the "Enlightened One". I can allow you to have your own thoughts, but never delay the real mission."

The [Freedom Revolution] that shocked the world in the past has ended for more than 20 years. Even if there is any technical legacy, it is probably outdated and has no value.

As for the possible secrets, even if the corporate principle of [Zero Degree Network] is "Information is power", after so many years, how much timeliness does the secret have? The man does not hold any hope.

Yu Jiyi smiled unchanged and waved: "Yes, sir!"

I wish you all a happy May Day.

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