Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 197 Gloria Groden

1st Groden

From behind a burning, rolling humanoid silhouette, Song Shi crushed a piece of fire.

After those fires were broken, the overflowing flames instantly poured into the body, allowing the already dim spiritual energy to return to its peak again.

Then, Song Shi turned his head and looked to one side.

It was a gesture that could be called "solemn". The luxurious exoskeleton armor was dark gold in color, and four rotating lightsabers surrounded the body, revealing pure majesty.


The visor is open.

She walked slowly towards Song Shi and stopped when they were ten meters apart.

Armored helmet fully retracted.

The gorgeous red hair was silently liberated, fluttering in the foehn wind.

The woman looked solemnly at the person in front of her.

Surrounded by seemingly endless flames, the young man stood tall and shook off the plasma from his weapon.

"Why kill?" she said.

Song Shi sneered: "Why eat people?"

"Some people have an innate desire to kill. They like to smell the smell of blood and hear the sound of sharp weapons cutting muscles. This is a genetic flaw." The woman ignored the other person's words: "There are also people who simply enjoy killing people. But you are different."

"I can sense that you don't take pleasure in killing, but the number of people you have killed far exceeds the former." She asked again: "Why are you on the side of the Enlightened Ones, and why are you willing to kill for them?"

"They paid the reward and received the reward, shouldn't they still be working?" Song Shi said casually: "The simplest exchange of equal value, as Groden's 'whole person', shouldn't this even make sense?" Don’t understand? How about I teach you for a fee?”

He looked at the woman in front of him and tilted his head: "It's your turn."

At this moment, if someone looks down from directly above, he can see such a scene.

In the broken ruins, two figures looked at each other and walked in circles.

"You are wrong about eating people." The woman shook her head slightly: "——It was you enlightened ones who caused all this."

"You secretly set up geothermal power plants, which seriously interfered with the market." She said: "The market is the foundation for maintaining the functioning of society, and the foundation of the market is order."

"You have destroyed the order and affected the reasonable operation of the market through this malicious competition, and now, you actually want to deploy additional extensions——"

"You are right, I completely agree." Song Shi couldn't help but nodded and praised: "I monopolize the sunshine, I freeze people to death, I set the prices of goods and services, and I withhold salaries. , I am squeezing everyone.”

He sneered: "I am really guilty of a heinous crime."

The woman was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Stable order is the right path that can last forever. I will not deny the 'innocent sacrifice' you mentioned. But all I can do is apologize."

She paused again for a moment.

Then, from the lightsaber that she had grasped and pulled out, she stared at the person in front of her, and the woman solemnly announced: "——'Whole Person', Gloria Groden."

"The momentum is very good."

The young man turned to kill again and stopped circling: "I have killed a few of you 'whole people', so it feels like that. I wonder if you can have more weight?"

"Nandou." He laughed and said, "——Song Shi!"

In the next moment, both parties disappeared from the same spot.

——Then, they collide violently!

Zhong Ji and the lightsaber resisted, and behind them, a wave turned into flames surged over, drowning everything around him.

But then, a beam of "light" suddenly lit up from the ocean of flames, cutting through the wave forcefully!

No, not a bunch.

——Psychic skills·[Light-Chasing Fierce Edge]!

Four beams of "light" burst out at the same time, like an indestructible blade, breaking through everything with a gushing stream of light!

The source of these four "lights" is the four "light sabers" surrounding Gloria's side.

Their predecessor is [Fubo Energy], which uses condensed energy beam technology to bind plasma into sword-shaped energy weapons.

These custom-made weapons specially manufactured by Fubo Energy and provided to Gloria, under the effect of her psychic skills, have completely become a psychic weapon that can be driven like an arm and belongs only to herself - its name is, [Light-Chasing Fierce Edge] .

If necessary, these four light-chasing blades can extend a beam of more than ten meters, easily cutting through large units. But at this moment, facing Song Shi, she did not choose this method.

Gloria clenched one handle to block the heavy killing, and the remaining three turned into floating cannons, breaking through the flame tide, and then slashed at Song Shi!

At the same time as the golden stream of light fell, Song Shi shook Gloria away with a blow, and the surging flames gathered instantly, with him as the center, soaring into the sky in ten seconds!


Like a volcano erupting, the blazing, almost slurry-like fire pillar rose ten meters, and the terrifying heat flow swept under it. Gloria was forced to call back the light-chasing front and retreat violently.


The fire pillar collapsed and fell to the ground, and Song Shi's figure reappeared in the rain of flames that filled all directions.

He looked ahead.

Being in the realm of [Scorched Earth], even if it was just a brief collision, the opponent's exoskeleton was stained with some flames.

Gloria looked at the flames calmly.

They wrapped around the arm armor, burning like tarsal maggots, but they failed to actually burn it to ashes - there was an extremely thin layer of light golden film that covered every inch of the exoskeleton's surface, and also isolated the flames. .

——Psychic Skills·[Light Energy Coating].

This is similar to a subcutaneous carapace, but completely different, an "extraordinary organ" created with the help of psychic skills.

A special, personal defense energy shield.

Then soon, Gloria's brows couldn't help but frown. These flames actually melted through the light energy coating that was enough to withstand a round of heavy energy machine gun salvos. If she hadn't extinguished it in time - no, even now, on the exoskeleton, There were also several obvious burn marks.

The energy level of the opponent's psychic flame is a bit too high.

What are the effects of "Boiling Blood" and "Forged Flame"?

[Tip, the current integrity of the outer armor plate is 93%]

Gloria glanced at the pop-up window and then looked at the young man in front of her again.

There are also some issues with the feel.

My own [Light-Chasing Fierce Front] is an out-and-out high-level psychic skill. Even if the opponent just forced me back with a burst of fire pillars, the extremely solid Chasing Light Fierce Front can still withstand it and cut in.

But at that moment, the three light-chasing blades felt a little obscure at the same time, and it was difficult to use them at full power, so they had to be called back.

At this moment, Gloria has determined the reason.

——It is [rendering].

While the opponent was gathering and erupting pillars of fire, he could actually use [Rendering], which to a certain extent interfered with the operation of Zhuguang Liefeng - the latter was essentially an "energy weapon" after all.

"Not bad. Pretty good."

Song Shi suddenly spoke.

He nodded his head in sincere admiration.

"The combat awareness is good, the judgment is decisive enough, the actions are clean and neat, and the combination of psychic skills is also good - of course, for this last point, it is natural that you have Fubo energy to support you."

“Excellent second loop beyond.”

"I have never concealed the help my family has given me." Gloria said calmly: "I have always been proud of being Groden."

She stared at the young man: "I don't think you are someone who would be resentful and dissatisfied because of this 'difference'."

"Resentful? Of course I won't be resentful."

Song Shi's pupils lit up little by little, like a flash of red gold, and he slowly laughed: "I mean, after coming to Forge Light City for so long, I can finally use my full strength again."

"Who was it the first time?" Gloria suddenly said.

"I'll tell you later."

Song Shi slowly stretched his body and calmly raised his body: "The new divine people, the whole and glorious Groden?"

The red gold flame appeared here, sweeping in all directions, covering all Gloria's vision!

He raised his head, smiled and said:

"——I will shatter your glory bit by bit."

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