Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 195 Active and Passive

Looking at the few people who were either cautious or indifferent, saying nothing, but spreading out at the same time, and surrounded and killed, Song Shi shook his head again.

"What a pity." He said.

——Then, the flames rushed!

In an instant, the whole world changed.

To be more precise, with Song Shi as the center, everything nearby was stained with a layer of red gold. It was like the camera switched the rendering style, and the dark streets under the [curtain] became a red-gold "world"!

Psychic skills · [Scorched earth].


At this moment, the man's face suddenly changed.

Only by being here in person can you feel the terrible pressure he is facing at this moment. It was like suddenly throwing him into a steelmaking furnace, and endless flames attacked from all directions, leaving no place to hide.

Completely beyond imagination.

——The original "Anfu Axeman" was actually fighting against such a guy? !

The man pulled away and retreated violently, and at the same time pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Even though he was filled with intense regret, he had fought all the way to this point. His honed combat qualities told him that he must not think of escaping at this moment—if he risked his life now, he still had a chance!

Bang, bang, bang!

The expensive special ammunition "Zero Degree Bullet" roared. Just one bullet could completely freeze a small truck into ice, and also had an energy inert effect.

——But it was useless.

The man's pupils contracted. The surroundings that were turned into frozen soil by the "Zero Degree Bullet" in the previous moment would be melted by the returning flames in the next moment and burned to scorched earth again.

He subconsciously looked at the others and found that they were also in a bad situation—the weakest one among them had already begun to burn to ashes!

The opponent had not even really made a move yet, he had only activated a psychic skill!

No, not one.

Song Shi walked leisurely.

[Burning Blood], [Embers], [Forging Flame], with the blessing of the three at the same time, even the psychic flames he cast casually would reach a very terrifying level.

If we classify them by "texture", the psychic flames released by ordinary second-ring sources are soft "clay", while ours are "rock" or even "gold and iron".

Unbearable weight.


Heavy Killer collides with the charged hot melt knife.

The owner of the latter is a pure third-level cyborg, who turned on the optical and thermal camouflage device in advance, but was forced to remove the camouflage under the indiscriminate spread of scorched earth, turn on the neural acceleration cyborg, and try to break into close combat.

Song Shi blocked the hot melt knife with one strike, and then swung it away with force.

He didn't even look at the other party, and seized the gap between the latter's unfinished slash and the next slash, and made up a casual blow - Heavy Killer smashed the abdominal armor, and the flames took advantage of the momentum to rush in and engulfed it.

The burning fireball fell behind him.

The young man shook off the heavy kill, still walking forward, without stopping for it.

For a long time, Song Shi has never given up "forging" himself through [Forging Flame], sharpening his spirit, tempering his body, and enhancing his functions - mainly the latter.

And when necessary, using "Forging Flame" to bless himself can also temporarily further strengthen his body.

With these two ways of strengthening, even if it is still impossible for Song Shi to completely match [Transcendence] or advanced prosthesis, at least in the confrontation, the "body" will not be considered a big disadvantage.

——And the "psychic power" other than that is pure crushing!

Song Shi turned over and killed again, slashing to the right.

In the environment dyed red gold, more than ten streams of flames emerged and gushed out of thin air, and then condensed into one beam in an instant, and arrived in the direction of the slash in an instant, smashing a wall, and after countless flying burning fragments, the company's armed personnel who had not had time to retreat were instantly swallowed up.

From a distance, it was as if Song Shi flipped his hand and swung it down, and then cut out a line of red marks that stretched for dozens of meters in an instant.


The raging flames moved as he wished, gathered, and blasted in another direction again.

With the support of abundant spiritual energy far beyond others' imagination, Song Shi's casual attacks were all unimaginable "luxury". These flames expanded rapidly in the air, and when they really reached the target, the original flames had turned into an absolute wave.


Then, keep moving forward.


With a crackling sound, the man crossed his hands and instantly changed the magazines of the two pistols. The combat uniform ejected a layer of cavity shell again and got out of the burning state again.

But there was no fluke in his heart.

Only the uncontrollable astonishment and numbness remained.

Is this the second ring?

—— Is this the second ring? !

Since the start of the war, less than a minute has passed, which is enough to easily break through the headquarters of a small or medium-sized company and capture the elite five-man team of the other party's senior executives alive, leaving only himself.

The terrifying sense of crisis suddenly soared, and the man was startled. Under the pre-lock of the auxiliary aiming program, he poured out all the zero-degree bullets in one breath.

Taking advantage of this brief gap, he wanted to retreat again - but the next moment, someone stepped forward, and in the roar of flames, he blasted through the frozen barrage of zero-degree bullets and slashed forward!

Raised the gun.

The specially modified double guns softened, dented, and shattered.


The prosthetic limbs fell apart, and the broken parts flew everywhere.

"You -"

The man's eyes were bloodshot, but all the words he said and didn't say were shattered and burned to ashes by the heavy killing in the next moment.

"I told you to leave your last words early." Song Shi shook his head gently and stepped over his body: "May you be reborn in a good way."

He pressed the headset.

"This is 'Nandou'." Song Shi said: "From now on, provide me with the location of all invaders, starting from the nearest."

In this position, the Enlightened not only invested a large number of autonomous defense weapons, traps and predatory drones, but also built a "monitoring network" consisting of reconnaissance drone groups, cameras, and high-energy reaction imagers with fortifications as the main body.

In the final analysis, the Enlightened's strategic goal is to complete the deployment of the extension of the geothermal power plant, rather than causing casualties.

They must intercept every armed member approaching the extension to ensure that the extension components are intact and sink smoothly into the ground.

On the other end of the headset, the monitoring department personnel were shocked: "Wait! Everyone has an assigned interception area! You can't-"

"Do you really think that you can completely intercept in this way?" Song Shi interrupted the other party.

He suddenly laughed and said leisurely: "——Why do you think Cha Keluo invited me here?"

No time was left.

"How can passive defense be foolproof?" Laughing, Song Shi gave the answer: "There is only one real solution, that is to kill all the people who come in! Take the initiative! Kill them until their bodies are piled up and they can no longer move!"

"Defense. Of course we have to defend, everyone, you are responsible for defense and interception-"

Song Shi stroked Zhong Shi: "I will take the initiative."

"——I will be responsible for trying to see how heavy these guys are!"

After a short silence, the voice in the headset sounded again.

So, Song Shi raised two fingers, causing the dazzling pillar of fire to rise again.

Like a signpost.

Song Shi's figure turned into a stream of flames and rushed towards the distance, and the pillar of fire also moved with it.

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