Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 187 Ten copies

Feeling the undisguised fire coming from afar, the nautilus screamed and stopped eating seaweed.

Its shell began to flip over, and parts and debris fell in large swaths. From the winding gaps, azure blue light lit up, flowing through the body in an instant - and then, the full thunder light condensed towards the top of the shell. , a beam of bright blue light shot out!

This beam of light extended straight through three buildings in an instant, roaring towards the target.

And in front of the suddenly rising sea of ​​flames, this beam of light was slapped down hard.

The moment the two collided, a violent explosion rose. From the center of the collision, a ring-shaped shock wave carrying the spilled energy spread suddenly - the nearby buildings shook violently, as if they had been hit hard, and the blue water below that submerged the ruins of the city did the same. It exploded with a bang, causing waves to rise.

"—Too rough."

Feeling the aftermath of the collision, Song Shi shook his head slightly.

The spiritual energy level contained in this "Nautilus" is huge, and the way it can be used is too crude. The seemingly powerful lightning strike just now could be said to be simply a matter of mobilizing psychic energy, and then managed to stick together and smash out.

It collapses at the first touch.

Realizing that the attack was ineffective, the Nautilus squirmed, its abdomen and legs suddenly released their attachment to the building, and the huge body fell downwards. It actually did not intend to fight anymore and prepared to escape into the sea water.

The next moment, a beam of red slashed across the sky, trailing for more than ten meters!

Time seemed to stand still for a moment.

The Nautilus' movements suddenly froze, and a scorching mark slowly appeared on its huge shell - no, it was not just a "shell".

Just like a giant swung a sword that was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, a scratch appeared on the surface of the six-story building it adsorbed. This scratch split most of the building into two, and even extended all the way to the Nautilus. body of.


The world flows again.

Raging flames surged out from the scratches and swept in all directions in an instant. In just a few breaths, the entire building was completely enveloped in flames, like a torch standing in the sea.

On its side, the nautilus trembled feebly, and fell into the thick seawater below amid the fierce flames that enveloped its body.

Then, the building began to fall apart.

In the movement trajectory visible to the naked eye, plates of different sizes collapsed and fell. Some of them were reduced to ashes in mid-air, and some were not completely burned, just like meteorites that burst into the atmosphere and crashed into the sea water.

Amidst the dull noise, huge amounts of waves rose and fell, and it was not until a long time later that they slowly returned to calm.

Song Shi overlooked all this and casually snuffed out the flaming sword that was wrapped around Chongshu and flowed out for more than ten meters - the essence of the flaming sword was an "extension module" temporarily forged through [Forging Flame], specially used to target large-scale Target.

It's a technique for using psychic energy.

It's a pity that I haven't encountered any large-scale units in this life. Back then, Gaboy was also good at "high-speed maneuvering" and "survival in complex environments". Unlike [Southern Region Heavy Industry]'s high-circuit transcendence, almost everyone can drive a giant mecha. There are extraordinary structures like Ship Man, so I haven't used this one.

Moreover, my current spiritual power is indeed a bit inferior, and I cannot make anything like the ship-cutting knife in my previous life. Since it is not big enough, there is no need to use it.

"Oh, here it comes." Song Shi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

A ball of light suddenly appeared above the body of the Nautilus that fell into the sea water and was barely exposed.

Song Shi jumped up a few times in the ruins of the wall and leaned over. Before he could really touch it, the light ball flew over.

"The technology blueprint 'Grasshopper' pneumatic short-range jetpack." Lapis Lazuli scanned it and gave his own judgment: "Not good. This technical direction is no longer novel. There is nothing outstanding about the structure and the performance parameters are average. ”

Although it is not a scientific research Omnic that specializes in research, it is at least a second-level demon. After waking up but before taking back his body, he collected and stored an extremely rich database of information in order to understand the current world situation. , there is still no problem in evaluating and judging common types of equipment.

But at this moment, Song Shi didn't pay attention to the technological blueprint.

He closed his eyes and carefully felt the "light ball" that came with the technological blueprint in the center of his palm.

——This is the spiritual energy fed back by the Nautilus under the rules at the bottom of the abyss after killing it.

"Sure enough, it's still so muddy."

Song Shixin said.

The source of spiritual energy contained in these "derivatives" is the "redundant spiritual energy" that countless Internet users in the past were unconsciously attracted and invested in while surfing the Internet, including countless self-emotions and other impurities.

They sank into the [abyss] and were stitched together with a series of strange things such as broken programs, virus memes, software fragments, etc. to form "derivatives".

In his hometown, the Pan-Eastern Continent Federation, or before the birth of the Federation, the ancient psykers there created a high-speed cultivation route called "Incense Enlightenment".

The so-called "incense" that comes from believers' worship, prayers and sacrifices are essentially redundant spiritual energy. The psykers who are the objects of sacrifice also need to be purified in various ways before they can be absorbed for use, otherwise it will be harmful - they call it "poisonous incense".

Now the route has not completely disappeared.

Even if you don’t count the state religion that the Vampusta Empire devoted all its efforts to build, just look at the corporate alliance.

Song Shi also clearly knew that the new religions of the giant enterprise [Dust Contract Generation], which consisted of virtual idols, bloggers, and artists, were also following this path, with big data analysis, public opinion incitement, user portraits, emotional and mental guidance and control, and targetedly catered to believers - or fans.

Relying on this hand, although the quality was a bit low, [Dust Contract Generation] quickly upgraded a considerable number of low- and medium-level psychics. The main point is that the quality is not enough, and the quantity is enough.

"It only contains part of the psychic energy of the Nautilus, but it is not particularly low."

From the palm of Song Shi, the forging flame quietly emerged, wrapping the light ball and burning it.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a clanging sound of forging iron.

Under Song Shi's gaze, the light ball began to shrink little by little, and wisps of ashes floated out from time to time - that was the impurities burned out during the forging flame.

I don't know how long it has been.

As the flames gradually died out, the ball of light was only one-tenth of its original size, but compared to the original turbidity, the luster it showed at this moment could almost be called "pure".

Song Shi pinched out the ball of light.

Lapis Lazuli looked at Song Shi who was slightly looking up, and did not disturb him.

Until a certain moment.


Song Shi slowly exhaled.

He opened his eyes again, and the terrifying flames flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"Not bad. Very good."

The young man smiled and gave a heartfelt praise: "Just absorbing this one portion is equivalent to my own progress in practicing for half a day."

"One day's limit?"

Song Shi said without hesitation: "At this level, ten portions."

". Ten portions?" Lapis Lazuli was shocked, and it was a little unbelievable: "Song Shi. Are you sure? It's equivalent to a derivative of the second ring, and you can absorb ten portions?"

To defeat a derivative of this level, the spiritual energy fed back, under normal circumstances, a second-ring psychic, absorbs one portion and needs to digest it for a long time before it can completely remove impurities and completely transform into its own strength. It can be considered excellent to absorb two portions a day.

——And the person in front of him, ten parts?

Lapis Lazuli hesitated for a moment, and spoke cautiously: "Song Shi, ignoring your own limits in a short period of time and absorbing too much redundant spiritual energy will damage the purity of your own spiritual energy. You are talented enough and young enough, so there is no need."

"Thank you for your teachings."

Song Shi was stunned, and then he couldn't help shaking his head: "But don't worry about this, I'm not a guy who doesn't know how to measure."

He smiled and said: "I am a very measured person."

Before Lapis Lazuli answered, Song Shi pulled out the heavy killer that was inserted aside, and the red-gold flame reappeared and flowed freely.

"——Lapis Lazuli, prepare to find the next derivative."

"Originally, I planned to accumulate for a year and break through to the third ring of 'control'"

Song Shi's voice was full of undisguised joy.

"Now it seems that it may be completed in three months!"

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