Psychics don't die from gunfire

Chapter 183 There is a long way to go

"Yujiyi" stretched out her right hand.

Her surroundings seemed to be empty, but there was an illusory outline - four nearly transparent, vague phantoms with only roughly human outlines quietly emerged.

Their bodies were so light, dancing and circling in the wind with "Yujiyi" as the center.

——Psychic Skills · [Mind Servant].

In the next moment, these four snow-white phantoms swooped towards Song Shi!

With the four phantoms as anchors, one after another psychic attacks against the spirit followed one after another. Even if each one was not worth mentioning, the intensity of these mental attacks was rapidly rising under the effect of continuous reverberation and overlap in their joint encirclement.

——Psychic Skills · [Echo].

Without using psychic skills such as [Scream] and [Psychic Explosion] that are specifically used for attack, the mental attacks performed by "Yujiyi" at this moment are all simple psychic attacks, which are extremely simple and have no special effects.

But "simple" also means one thing.

——That is "pure".

In the encirclement formed by the four phantoms, the energy level of these psychic attacks continued to rise under the repeated reverberations from [Echo], and facing this pure psychic energy, any fancy shortcuts were difficult to use.

Either evade, or use pure psychic energy to hit head-on and suppress the former!

But at this moment, Song Shi stood still, not moving at all.

He turned his head and moved his eyes away from the "Yuji Instrument" to the phantom that was rushing towards him - the latter was quite fast and had already approached within fifteen meters.

At this distance, he could clearly see the appearance of these phantoms.

Transparent, hazy, blurred, the body was a bit like snow-white mist, constantly drifting and gathering.

There was only one place where everything was completely different.

——The faces of these four phantoms.

The burly man on the upper right has a fierce look, and the scratch divides half of his face into two. The woman in the front side is probably in her early forties. Her beautiful face after plastic surgery can't hide her eyes.

Some of these four faces are already blurred, as if they were smoothed by sandpaper, while others are still very clear and lifelike.

"Sure enough." Looking at these faces, as if he was completely sure of something, Song Shi nodded slightly: "It is indeed you."

——"The mob", Yu Jiyi.

In his previous life, after he was promoted to the second ring, he first left the Pandong Continental Union and stayed in Ye Nan for a while, and then entered the territory of the Enterprise Alliance.

That is, not long after he entered the Enterprise Alliance, because of some coincidences, he met Yu Jiyi-so all the conflicts arose.

The path of psychics has never been completely smooth.

The extraordinary organs of [Transcendence] may go out of control, the self-truth firmly believed by [Truth] may be defeated, and the psychics of [Great Source] may be devoured by the Great Source power they control.

And the psychics of the [Consensus] path will inevitably come into contact with the minds and memories of others, which is an extremely dangerous thing.

Just like those cyberpsychopaths who are heavily addicted to simulation games or insert too many memory chips, fall into cognitive confusion, and lose themselves.

Even if [Consensus] can improve the resistance of psychics in this regard, those who drown are often good at swimming. On the path of [Consensus], there are always losers who collapse due to various reasons such as too many memory fragments, mixed minds, and cognitive streets, and become madmen or simply die.

And Yu Jiyi chose a special path.

She devoured others almost unrestrainedly, absorbing all the memories and consciousness of the other party and integrating them into herself-wanderers on the street and company people who failed their missions, ordinary civilians and prostitutes in bars, no matter who they are, she will not refuse them.

When the two met in the previous life, Yu Jiyi had already been promoted to the third ring of [Consensus]. No one knew how many people she had eaten.

This is why she was called "the mob".

And Song Shi knew clearly the real purpose of the other party embarking on this path.

——It's just "polishing".

If genius is regarded as a smooth and gorgeous gem, then the mediocre people who occupy the vast majority are rough inferior stones.

But even "gems" are not born so smooth and gorgeous. They need to be polished in the workshop with sandpaper and grindstones, and after a long and complex process, they can bloom with dazzling brilliance.

This is Yu Jiyi's path.

With the consciousness of the mediocre people who devoured wantonly, they gathered into a complex and turbid sand sea, and placed the gemstone named "Yu Jiyi" in it, so as to polish out its gorgeous true appearance.

Either drown in it, collapse yourself, and become part of the mediocre, or use this to sharpen and climb, and complete the complete bloom.

This is the path called "the mob"!

In the previous life, the other party had really completed this tightrope-like, extremely dangerous road, greatly improved in all aspects, achieved an extremely pure and magnificent spirituality, stepped into the third ring, and became one of the most outstanding young generation of [Zero Degree Network].

——Then, the two met by chance.

At that time, I didn't expect that I would suffer a loss just after entering the Enterprise Alliance.

Song Shi thought.

At that time, he was barely in the second ring, while the other party had been promoted to the third ring for several years. In addition, he had just entered the Enterprise Alliance, and he had no time and place, so he was suppressed and pursued by the other party who could mobilize the resources of [Zero Degree Network] for quite a long time.

It has nothing to do with hatred.

It's just a simple "want".

With her outstanding third ring [consensus], after the initial accidental brief encounter, Yu Jiyi had already seen how brilliant and dazzling the free bounty hunter who called himself "Nan Dou" was.

Even if the entire corporate alliance was exhausted, perhaps only two or three people could compare with him.

After polishing herself with the "rabble", Yu Jiyi's next step was to use each gifted person as a mirror to reflect and contrast her own shortcomings.

She wanted to "eat" Song Shi, constantly fight and learn with the latter's consciousness, make up for the shortcomings, and then turn it into the cornerstone for her to climb higher.

Strictly speaking, Song Shi did not reject this move.

The other party wanted to kill him and devour his consciousness, which was just a matter of course, without hatred - how could there be hatred?

Those who kill people will always be killed by others. "Song Shi" has killed many people, so there is no reason not to let others kill him.

It's just that the other party's behavior is a bit disgusting.

On the way of escaping and counter-killing, the other party devoured most of the people he had contacted during the pursuit, and then reproduced in front of him - not simply, reproducing those familiar or unfamiliar people, and talking to him with their appearance and tone.

She took out the characteristics of those people at the same time and made them appear on her.

Just like a naked corpse stitched monster, with just one look, Song Shi can clearly feel the faces of all the people he met along the way.

This may disturb Song Shi's mind, or it may be completely useless.

And for this uncertain possibility, Yu Jiyi took action without hesitation - in a sense, she did succeed, and she was really disgusted at that time.

It was also in the second half of this long chase that the Enlightened finally noticed it and sent people to support him, cooperating with him to completely repel Yu Jiyi, laying the initial foundation for future cooperation.

This is also one of the reasons why I am willing to stand on the side of the Enlightened.

And later later.

When I knew that Yu Jiyi had reached the peak of the third ring and was about to enter the fourth ring [Sublimation], I, who had also reached the peak of the third ring, traveled thousands of miles in half a month with the help of the Enlightened One and an Abyss Lord, and killed four of the other party's incarnations in a row - not the "temporary remote substitute" in front of me at the moment, but more like the "external incarnation" in the legend that required a lot of effort to create.

If we use the usual saying of the Pan-Eastern Continental Union, Yu Jiyi's "seven souls and six spirits" were shattered and severely damaged after the incarnations were shattered, let alone continuing to advance, it would be a problem whether he could maintain the realm of the third ring.

It's a pity that the other party's last incarnation, or the original body, was hidden in the headquarters of [Zero Degree Network]. Until I died in the final battle, I never found a chance to kill them all. It was one of the few regrets in my previous life.

I didn't expect that in this life.

It would be made up so quickly.

Facing the high-speed flying phantoms formed by those people swallowed by Yu Jiyi, Song Shi stepped forward and slashed out.

Before the heavy murder fell, the red-gold burning wind blew, and the flames gathered and spread, swallowing everything in front!

Under the effect of scorched earth, the warehouse ruins at this moment have become Song Shi's domain.

First second.

Song Shi took the spiritual energy attacks on his mind head-on, and the spiritual energy of both sides wrestled purely in his consciousness.

At the same time, the four snow-white phantoms ignited at the same time, like a piece of burning toilet paper, and the red-gold burn marks spread rapidly along the edge, sweeping the whole body.

Everything in the "scorched earth" will be eroded, and as long as you stand here, you will be continuously burned.

Third second.

The three phantoms burned out, and when Song Shi was about to rush in front of "Yujiyi", the latter decisively detonated the last phantom that was about to burn out, and the misty gas-like impact suddenly burst out, and with a violent swing, even the nearby flames were temporarily emptied.

In the next moment, a red light smashed the impact abruptly, engulfed the sky with fire, and slashed again.

——Slashed into the chest of "Yu Ji Yi"!

The fourth second.

The dust settled.

The burning wind suddenly shook, and a figure flew backwards, dragging a long scratch on the ground, and was forcibly stopped - just like someone inserted an iron spike, causing the moving object to stop abruptly.

"Yu Ji Yi" lay on the ground weakly, lowered her head, and looked at the straight blade that cut into her heart.

She raised her head again and looked at the young man who was stepping on his abdomen and looking down at her.

Deep in her pupils, in the moist luster, unprecedented and undisguised joy began to gradually emerge.

She stared at Song Shi, as if she had seen some rare treasure, and wanted to take it for herself, and carefully played with every part.

Even the lapis lazuli behind her seemed to no longer attract her.

"...Oh, I lost."

The woman sighed slowly, revealing a distressed expression: "A temporary substitute is really no match for you."

"Excuse me for asking one more question... You won't run away, will you?" Song Shi said gently.

This body is certainly not "Yu Jiyi" herself, but she remotely took over a deep diver nearby and fought as a temporary carrier, which is far from being a real "incarnation".

But considering the speed of arrival, the other party did arrive in Zhuguang City as Lapis Lazuli guessed.

Yu Jiyi tilted her head.

She raised her right hand, gently touched the young man's cheek, and smiled: "It will take time."

So, Song Shi also laughed.

He looked at the woman under him and said happily: "There is a long way to go."

The next moment, Chong Shi crushed the bones and internal organs, and flames burst out, burning the body to ashes.

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