"I went?"

Yang Mi was feeling a little nervous at the moment.

And Liu Han's hands and feet were a little cold in an instant, and his heart began to beat violently unconsciously.

"Relax, relax..."

Yang Mi suddenly laughed when she looked at his somewhat helpless appearance. Some love walked into the kitchen and put his hand on Liu Han's cheek.

For some reason, she suddenly wanted to complain at this moment:

"It's just pregnancy, seeing how nervous you are..."

But what she didn't notice was that her hands were shaking a little. And the moment she touched Liu Han's cheek, suddenly an electric current stronger than ever passed through her 207 body.

She shivered suddenly, and the mist quickly came up in her eyes. Then, she instinctively squatted down, wanting to wake up her lover in the way they both liked best.

As a result, as soon as she squatted down, Liu Han directly pinched her chin with both hands, and then pulled her up like a radish.

"Don't squat, what if you crush the child? Hurry up to the toilet, hurry up! I'm a little... a little impatient."

As he spoke, his eyes flickered, and regardless of Yang Mi's hazy eyes that were completely filled with mist, he gently pushed her to the bathroom.

"I...I'm waiting for you!"


When the bathroom door was closed, Yang Mi woke up. She first touched her hot cheeks, and a thought suddenly flashed in her mind.

"Can't you be pregnant when you're pregnant..."


Two minutes, three minutes, four minutes, five minutes...

When Liu Han watched the watch pass the sixth hand, he immediately paced back and forth impatiently and muttered to himself:

"Why haven't you come out yet?"

Then I wanted to go up and knock on the door, but just as I took the first two steps, the bathroom door was suddenly opened.

Yang Mi's expression was mixed, which made it a little unpredictable for a while. And her two hands were hidden behind her back, so that Liu Han had no way of knowing the result.

Seeing this girl's posture, Liu Han's heart skipped and cursed.

"What time is it, auntie, are you still in the mood to play this? What's the result?"

Yang Mi looked at his impatient look, suddenly laughed, and then played a favorite meme of the two.

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"


Hearing this meme, he suddenly wanted to curse. But after thinking about it, now that the results have come out, the most important thing for me is to calm down. So he took a deep breath to calm his emotions, and said softly according to the routine:

"Listen first..."

Yang Mi showed a teachable look in her eyes, and looking at her lover's calm appearance, for some reason, she was a little flustered and calmed down.

"You're going to be a dad..."

She suddenly took out the pregnancy test stick in her right hand and pointed the front at Liu Han. The red and blue bars on the top exude a dazzling light, and he can't even open his eyes.


At this moment, after getting the result, he suddenly didn't know what to say. An emotion mixed with surprise, anxiety, daze, etc. appeared in my heart. He, who originally welcomed the crystallization of their love, was suddenly a little scared for some reason.

If there was a psychologist here, he would tell Liu Han without hesitation:

"Brother, you are an early symptom of prenatal depression..."

But suddenly, he remembered Yang Mi's stalk again, and immediately asked a little uneasy:

"Then... what's the bad news?"

Staring at Liu Han all the time, Yang Mi's expression darkened as she watched his face change like an emoji.

"The bad news is...if it's certain, then we won't be able to live in harmony for a long time..."

"Damn it! It's such a time, are you still thinking about this?"

Listening to Yang Mi's words, Liu Han wanted to die. Excited, he spoke foul language to Yang Mi for the first time.

But neither of them cared about it. Liu Han was just holding the pregnancy test stick and looking at it again and again, for fear that the two bars would suddenly disappear together, giving himself an empty joy.

Then he suddenly remembered something, hurriedly returned to the kitchen, came out with the milk pot, and urged:

"Hurry up and eat, then we'll go to the hospital!"


"Jingle Bell……"

After the phone rang, an impatient look suddenly appeared on the face of the principal who was dreaming. Then he reached out and hung up the phone directly to the lock screen.

But a few seconds later, the phone rang again. After hearing this this time, he finally opened his eyes helplessly.

It is rare for ordinary people to call him a second call after hanging up on the first call. And when that happens, usually something is going to happen.

So he opened one eye and closed the other with difficulty, glanced at the phone blankly, and cursed secretly.

"Hello? Are you crazy in the morning? But it's time? Brother, what time is it?"

And Liu Han on the other side of the phone obviously didn't care about his tone at all. As soon as Wang Shichong finished speaking, he hurriedly said:

"Brother, what a big deal!"

"Huh? Bangguo earthquake?" Summing up, he thought Liu Han was still in Bangguo.

"My sister is pregnant!"

"What did you say?" Wang Shichong woke up immediately. And his voice woke Sydney, who was sleeping beside him.

Sydney looked at her boyfriend who suddenly sat up from the bed, rubbed her eyes and asked:

"What's the matter? What's wrong?"

But the principal made a "stop" gesture to her and asked the phone:

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