In the afternoon, Qin Fen received a call from Liu Han and said that after the nurses were ready at any time, Liu Han returned home and began to pack up and salute alone.

In fact, in addition to clothes and computers, the two of them should just put everything else here. So he didn't call anyone to help, and quickly folded the two's clothes neatly and put them in the suitcase. Looking at the empty wardrobe, Liu Han suddenly felt a little emotional.

This home was where he grew up, and he was about to leave soon, and there were thousands of emotions in his heart. When the photos of him and the three of his parents were carefully put into his carry-on luggage, he turned on the computer for the last time.


"Hello, friends."

He didn't play any games today, but after zooming in on the video, he smiled and said hello to the water friends who kept pouring in.

"I'm going to move tomorrow, so I've packed up all the salutes. It might be very busy these days, so I'll start a live broadcast for everyone. The next live broadcast will be at the new home."

Liu Han said to the barrage with some sigh.

(I'm going to die in the transition chapter. See you in the early morning! Thank you for your flower reward tickets!)

Chapter 366 When is this day a head?

When Yang Mi returned to Liuhan Community in the company's nanny car, she said to the driver and assistant:

"Come here early tomorrow."

The driver and assistant nodded in unison:

"Okay, ma'am."

Yang Mi nodded, sorted out her windbreaker and walked into the corridor.

In the elevator, she carefully looked at her clothes against the reflector of the elevator, and found that the waistband of the windbreaker seemed to be a little tight, and then quickly loosened it like a child who sat in a bad way.

"Huh... The little man will be unhappy when he sees it."

She muttered to herself, and stepped out of the elevator.


When Liu Han saw Yang Mi coming back, he politely said goodbye to the water friends and his new apprentice.

"Okay, we're going to continue packing, bye everyone. Let's go see Milan."

"Bye bye master." Milan nodded obediently, looking at the soaring popularity of his live broadcast room, narrowed his eyes and laughed.

After closing the live broadcast, Liu Han quickly walked to Yang Mi, who was bending over to change her shoes, and said angrily when she saw that she was still wearing high heels today:

"Are you completely floating? Still wearing high heels?"

Yang Mi stuck out her tongue mischievously, looked at her lover who squatted down to help her take off her shoes, and touched the top of his head with a bit of flattery and reward.

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to it for a while. I'm sure I won't wear it again in the future, okay?"

As she said that, while looking at her lover who put on cotton slippers for herself, she straightened up and tied her hair with a head rope. From a star wearing a mask to a little woman at home.

"What about the ribs I let you slow down?"

Liu Han pointed to the kitchen and walked in first. After washing the ribs clumsily, he started to fight according to Yang Mi's instructions.

Onion, **** and garlic, cut into shreds and slices, wash the peppers...

While Yang Mi turned on the gas stove, she looked at her clumsy but extremely focused lover, and showed a sweet smile.

"This is home..."


Yang Mi knew that she was going to move tomorrow. Today, Sister Li called Liu Han to go over and she also ordered her. Because she didn't want her lover to ponder blindly, she also let him see that she had abandoned all the past, just to stay with him.

Two pairs of chopsticks, a pot of pork ribs and potatoes. Although the meal was simple, the two of them got the warmth of their hearts from this simple farewell dinner.

After dinner, as usual, Liu Han covered Yang Mi tightly, put on her shoes and walked out of the house.

Walk a hundred steps after dinner and live to ninety-nine.

This time, Liu Han walked around every corner of this slightly outdated community. While walking, I told Sister Yu that he once played football here, and there he secretly burned the exam papers...

Yang Mi just listened quietly, giving out sweet laughter from time to time. She knew that her man was immersed in memories at the moment, so she didn't urge him, just quietly accompanied him through all the roads in the community, then took his hand and returned home.

As soon as she got home, she hugged Liu Han and kissed her hard.

Liu Han was caught off guard by her enthusiasm. Fortunately, he still remembered that Yang Mi was pregnant, so he hurriedly took the initiative to get out of her arms before she was about to take the next move.


He made a standard traffic action, and then said to Yang Mi:

"Go and take a bath and sleep honestly, something will happen when you go down!"

Yang Mi not only did not obey, but went a step further.

"I think today can be a very memorable night, after all, it's our last night in our first home..."

Liu Han was instantly moved, but after struggling for a while, reason prevailed.


"Uuu..." Yang Mi was a little unhappy.


When Dami Mi, who had been tossing about three or four times, was forced into the bed by Liu Han again, she finally sighed and frowned.

"Ah ah ah! When will this day be a head!"

"Be patient, it will be enough in a few months..."

"Ah ah ah! You did a good job! You are still living as a husband and wife!!! I will kill you!" Yang Mi immediately froze when she heard it.


In the early morning of the next day, because there were not many salutes, only a driver from the company and Yang Mi's assistant came over.

Liu Han was carrying the largest bag, and the little assistant looked at him strangely for a long time with his effortless appearance. Then, except for Yang Mi, who was sitting in the co-pilot early, the other three put Liu Han's pre-organized salute, including the computer, into the nanny car. After the door was closed, the nanny car walked towards the two of them' new home. .

When the four arrived, Wang Shichong took Sydney's hand, Qin Fen, who was squatting beside him, and two strange middle-aged women were already waiting at the door of the villa.

After seeing the nanny car stop, Principal Wang walked over to the co-pilot like a dog, and respectfully held his hand, and said with a smile:

"Sister Mi, please slow down..."

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