Unfortunately, his wish was doomed to fail. The circle was so big, Liu Han had already occupied a corner, so the rest was very simple. At this time, Thomas only needed to find people in bunkers with guns.

Sure enough, when SCOOM saw Thomas who was close at hand, he was helpless and turned to his side to knock him out. But as soon as he appeared, Lao Tuo, who was ready, squatted down directly, stood up, and the squatted one was killed by a shuttle of bullets using his movement technique.

And Thomas, who had just killed the last enemy, saw a grenade falling under his feet, and his face showed the light of victory.


After the grenade exploded, Liu Han looked at the auspicious message on his screen, and laughed directly when he was eating chicken tonight.

Chapter 466 Taste the taste of the world champion

Six kills, eat chicken.

This result is actually very common in single-row games. Under normal circumstances, if you want to eat chicken, it is basically 5 kills, or about 6 kills. After all, it is impossible for everyone to be like a stupefied young man. Wherever there is a gunshot, and after sweeping a shuttle of bullets, they are looking for the next target.

And if it is a competition, it is a good result to kill six kills and eat chickens. After all, other talents killed two or three, and Liu Han succeeded in killing six kills and eating chickens in the midst of so many masters. He proved that he did not rely on Gou and luck to play the game.

But these are all based on if this game is just one game.

And what is reality? The reality is that under everyone's attention, this player from the Celestial Dynasty - NDY, the captain of the PANDATV-DOG team, has been in a row in front of everyone's eyes.

15 kills in the first round, the same as the dish abuse round. In the second game, 6 kills, a grenade cart overturned the world.

The total points are 1105 points, 420 points ahead of the second-place LIQUIDSCOOM player...

This huge gap means that as long as Liu Han gets more than 150 points in the next game, he can confirm his title of SO24LO champion. And this is also based on the premise that the big brother SCOOM must eat chicken in the next game, and the number of kills can barely catch up with him.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong in the middle, then Liu Han's points have basically determined the champion.


"Brother dog! Ness! A thunderbolt directly took over the last Thomas. Well, Thomas didn't bother to resist, he just stood there and was killed! These two are really spiritual, they are teammates after all, this cooperation is invincible already."

"Yes, that's right. In fact, judging from Thomas' actions at the end, we can see that Lao Tuo already knows Liu Han's position. I think he must have thought about it. Personal honor and national honor are compared. Old Tor and Tullaf clearly chose the latter. And..."

Speaking of this, Feng Meiyi swallowed her saliva and moistened her somewhat dry throat.

"Brother Gou didn't let them down. From that momentary sniping, he had already secured the victory in advance. And... We can see from the standings that first of all, the PANDATV-DOG team alone accounted for the top ten. 4. And Thomas and Tullaf are ranked 6th and 3rd... and... brothers, let's look at the top of the list, the name that shines like the sun, and the points behind him! I believe, all The players who can see the points have a deep sense of despair, desperate why they would encounter such a monster! Brother Gou, the captain of the PANDATV-DOG team, NDY! The SOLO champion has been locked in advance! Congratulations! Brother Gou is doing well !"

The remarks of Feng Reminiscing are honestly ambiguous, because after all, the diversity and uncertainty of e-sports are the real charm. Therefore, Hai Tao, who was afraid that his colleague's words would be too full of slaps in the face, quickly took over the words:

"The words can't be said to be so absolute. In fact, it is most likely to compete for the first SCOOM. It only needs a chicken-eater victory and more than 20 heads... eh."

Speaking of this, Haitao also noticed Feng Meiyi's neurotic eyes and the question marks on the barrage.

Indeed, a game of chicken is not bad. If the tactics are right and luck is good enough, he can have a chance to fight for it. But these 20 heads... bro, why are you drinking too much vodka? Or drink it with Chinese Maotai?

So, Haitao took a deep breath.

"Congratulations Brother Dog! Winning the SOLO Championship in advance! Congrats!"


"Congratulations to my dog!"

"My dog ​​is strong! Invincible!"

"Sons, have you learned it?! You won a championship first and said that others are cheating!"


"DOTAER next door congratulates my dog ​​for winning the championship!"

"The dog next door to DOTA congratulates my dog!"


More than 4 million people in the live broadcast room completely turned into a sea of ​​joy at the moment when Liu Han joined chickens. And when the director showed him the camera, he found that he was not in a very happy mood, just eating very plainly, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes.

And suddenly, a great talent appeared on the screen first, followed by the human body.

After Milan came to Liu Han's side, he cheered and directly hooked Liu Han's neck and smiled happily. Behind him were the fat Tulav and the grinning Thomas.

"Master, it's great!"

The scent of Milan made Liu Han feel relieved for a while. Her head, which was slightly swollen from using bullet time just now, was also awake a little bit by her cold little hands.

After first signaling his little apprentice to stop shaking, he smiled and extended his hand to Thomas and Tulav, giving him a big high five.

"Cow is better than cow!"

"Brother dog, isn't my gun line good?"

"Hahahaha, it's a must, add chicken drumsticks to the box lunch tonight!"

For these few people, this result is the most comfortable for them. Their ranking is not bad, and a champion has already been born... In addition to Tulav who played professional CS and DOTA, Liu Han and Thomas finally understood why e-sports is so obsessed.

The feeling of meeting a lot of people, beating a lot of people, killing a lot of great Chinese, and the car overturning the whole world is really enjoyable.


The three chatted for a while, and Liu Han also knew that his points could basically lock in the championship, so he asked Lao Tuo and Tullaf to ensure their ranking, looked at the time, and turned to Zheng Zheng with a look of admiration. The little apprentice staring at him praised:

"Gou is not bad, keep working hard next time!"

Milan smiled. Although in front of the camera, she knew that she could not do too intimate actions, but she had already thought about it. After this round was over, when she returned to the hotel, she must ask her master what it was like to be a world champion. See if there is a big difference from yesterday...

The three chatted first, and the time slowly entered the competition stage. Some staff members began to greet other players who were chatting back to their competition seats.

Lao Tuo and Tulav returned to their seats first after Liu Han's cheers. And Milan, at the end, looked at the teacher who was a little tired from the corner of his eyes, and suddenly leaned into his ear and said:

"Master, if you can win the championship, I will give you a big reward, come on! We can't wait to taste the taste of the world championship, we must do our best!"

After speaking, he left Liu Han's seat without looking back and returned to his computer.

Liu Han looked at his little apprentice's figure that looked very good from behind, and his heart became warm.

After sitting back in the chair, he looked at the few Snickers that were left, and an energy bar, which he swallowed directly into his stomach.

The third game, let's do it!

Chapter 467

The route of this round is from the upper right corner to the lower left corner, and basically all resource points are occupied. And Liu Han still chose to skydive immediately after looking at the route.

The tactics of this game are very clear, just play blindly, kill as much as you can. Therefore, he flew directly to the LIP town on the far right of the map for the first time.

He looked at the habits of this group of people in the first few rounds. Although there was a small group of people, although he didn't know who they were, he liked to quickly find a nearby town and jump down as soon as he could skydive.

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