After getting the reply from his teammates, Liu Han looked at Shangcheng District, which was motionless in the distance, and then glanced at the poison circle on the right half of the map. After thinking for a while, he said:

"Let's divide the supplies, let's go."

"I have an eight-fold mirror!"

"It's 98K, cheek pads..."

"Supply me with 436, (4 medical kits, 3 painkillers, 6 Red Bull. I won't explain it later.

"I 521..."

After a few people distributed a wave of supplies, everyone's supplies were already complete. And Liu Han is even more fully equipped with 98K and a MINI14. It seems that he is planning to be a sniper.

A few people got into the car, and after looking at the circle of eyes, Liu Han marked a dot for Kadi who was driving:

"Go here. People outside the drug circle!"

"Aren't we going to the center?" Cardi was a little puzzled.

Liu Han shook his head:

"No, the training game is mainly to find the weak point. We need to practice crisis response and handling, this aspect needs to be strengthened, and now it is useless to go to the whole center to find a place to fight. , but it doesn't help training. So let's start with a **** difficulty, abandon the car after entering the circle, walk the whole way, and do it when you see it!"

"I'm a ghost, am I so domineering?"

Lone Survivor and Dragon God, who were watching the game behind a few people, definitely glanced at them, a little surprised.

When they played in Cologne before, they watched the video and felt that the DOG team was very tough, and they won the championship from the beginning and the end. But I didn't want to play like this in training. It's really not giving others a way to live...

This passage was a little hot for the other three to hear. It's not that everyone is easy to be inspired, but Liu Han's training game is directly on the difficulty of hell. The four-person car overturning the world's play is a bit too aggressive and exciting, and a fresh feeling has risen in their hearts. feel.

So, Kadi didn't talk nonsense, and drove directly towards the bottom of the water city, the most complicated part of the terrain on the right side of the ruins.

Shuicheng's team heard the sound of the car early on, and thought it was passing by, but suddenly found that the car stopped, and then there was no movement.

At this time, it is time to reflect the importance of the assaulter. For the enemy whose position is unknown, the assaulter must rely on his own mastery of the terrain and the excellent psychological quality of 597 to investigate, and quickly report to himself after finding the enemy's position. team, and then let the commander decide whether to fight or cowardly.

JDGYDD does just that.

He had been observing the surroundings on the highest three-story building in Shuicheng. After seeing the jeep parked in the middle of the hills, he received the order of the captain SHUFU, and then directly stuck his head out of the house at the highest point, intending to attract A shot of firepower induces that team to beat themselves, thereby revealing their position.

Anyway, there is a bunker in his building, and he is very close to the door. It doesn't matter if he is knocked down, he is a hero after climbing in and waiting for his teammates to rescue him. Not to mention that there is a brand new secondary defense in the building where he is located.

It's a pity that he often only saw the beginning of the story, but didn't guess the ending correctly.

Liu Han had already locked it here halfway up the mountain. Countless hours of fierce battles have long let him know the detailed divisions of Shuicheng. It was clear where to hide, where to beat, and where to observe him, so he began to observe here the first time he took his place.

As expected, a player with a second-level head appeared in the dark doorway on the top of the three-story building.

"I saw you..."

Liu Han's eyes narrowed.

Chapter 574

"There are people on the top three floors of Shuicheng, have you seen it?"

Liu Han's voice just sounded, except for Tulav, who had been moving back and forth to observe the surroundings, GODV and Cardi both turned their guns in the direction of the third floor.

"I see."

"I'm just twice as hard. It's a little hard to beat."

After the two answered, Liu Han said:

"You don't need to shoot. After I kill this man, Kadi will throw mines, and then hurry back and hear?"


After Cardi answered, Liu Han held his breath for a moment, bullet time, and then...


The 98K made a gunshot, and the second stage fell in response.

IG4AM.NIDAYE knocked down JDGYDD.

"Fall down, Kadi throws mines, others cover, I change positions!"

After Liu Han finished speaking, he took the gun, crossed the hillside and ran to the other side. Then, while running, he observed the seemingly silent Shuicheng, intending to find out the positions of the other three people.

"Oh, I fell. Come and help me. They are on the hill closest to us. A few people haven't seen it for a while. Help me."

"Continue to observe, BLUFF will save him. Be careful, the sniper on the opposite side is very accurate!"

SHUFU's voice sounded in the voice.

As a conductor, he was right. The water city is definitely easy to defend and difficult to attack. The iron rule of not running in the water is too hurt for those who attack the building. That tortoise-like travel speed really makes it easy to destroy the group. So he doesn't worry that the other party will come to attack the building stupidly, it is really no different from courting death.

The only thing that worries him more is... he has already seen who brought YDD down. NIDAYE. This ID is basically no stranger to a professional team, especially when NIDAYE is holding a sniper rifle, it is definitely a terrifying existence.

As expected, as soon as BLUFF went out, SHUFU saw that his blood volume suddenly dropped by half, and then the sound of gunshots in his ears made him understand that it must be NIDAYE.

"MMP, this comparison is really accurate!"

BLUFF cursed, and then heard YDD's cry like killing a pig.

"Holy shit, someone came to throw mines! Sun! I guess it's cold."

Then, following YDD's words, as soon as BLUFF entered the third floor, he heard the sound of "bang" coming from the top of his head, and then a prompt came from the lower left corner:

IG4AM.LUKA killed JDGYDD, leaving 89 players. (The old version does not modify the patch that kills people after teammates kill them.)


SHUFU is a bit big headed. After winning Shuicheng without any risk at the beginning, although he is on the edge of the safe zone, he has already planned how to play this game. Anyway, this place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Basically, in the early stage, the transition can be very smooth. He could even wait for a few people who came from Port G.

But why did you come across this 4AM team?

He's not afraid of GODV. It's not like everyone has never done an invitational tournament, but this NIDAYE is a bit scary. No one knows how deep the water is, or... they don't even know how accurate this product is.

Looking at it now, it turns out that there is no vacuous person under the reputation. It is really not for nothing that people can be called "the first person in the heaven to eat chicken"...

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