PUBG Nightmare Player System

Chapter 369 The chaos begins!


Seeing the other two dancing and dancing, Ye Lang laughed out loud.

"I'm going, these two still can't find their way, I'll get another one!"

Ye Lang threw the flashbang again.

The use of throwing objects, among professional players, is generally recognized as Ye Lang.

At present, several of the most authoritative e-sports clubs in the world, with members from dozens of countries around the world, have always believed that Ye Lang is better than anyone in the use of throwing objects.

Even the top professional players are inferior to Ye Lang in terms of skill level and proficiency in using throwing objects.

Ye Lang's use of grenades is obvious to all. Whether it is in the game or in the live broadcast, various analyses have been carried out to interpret the diversity of Ye Lang's grenades.

But the usual problem is that Ye Lang knows and everyone understands that, when it comes to actual operation, it still won't work.

However, this situation has changed. Many players are now attaching great importance to any props. This head is from Ye Lang.

At least every time Ye Lang plays a game, he has a lot of throwing objects in his hand, just like he is now,

Three consecutive flash bombs exploded in his hand, and the other party was like a fly without a head, running back and forth in the room.

Ye Lang picked up the m16, took away the opponent directly, and made up for it.

Under the cover of the flash bomb, the other party didn't realize that they were dead, and they didn't know that they lost blood, so they didn't realize that they had been plotted against and had died until their field of vision was pure white.

Ye Lang appeared slowly, and when the two people's bags were filled, the system prompt also appeared.

"Ding dong, nightmare value +17."

"Ding Dong, nightmare value +15."

When the two of them were cleaned up, the barrages were no longer yin and yang.

Why is this Ye Lang so yin and yang? He doesn't tidy up, doesn't make trouble, this is purely technical appreciation, and the first perspective of professional players,

Duan and Tuantuan are still searching for things next door.

The two of them searched for a long time,

At this time, a sentence suddenly came: "Huh? Brother Ye Lang killed someone?"

Ye Lang's black lines were overflowing from the skin on his face.

The barrage laughed.

"Are you dinosaurs? Is the reflex arc that long?"

"I suggest not to call them two huskies in the future. The huskies react much faster than them."

"What are you talking about? People are looking for supplies and delivering couriers. It's so hard, how dare you say it?"


Ye Lang almost laughed out loud, what is a hard-working courier, searching hard for supplies to deliver the courier?

"Don't be harsh girls all the time. What's wrong with the courier? You look down on the courier? The mission must be fulfilled, and it will never be delayed for a minute. Isn't this worthy of respect?"

Ye Lang's strange words were a bit complicated, Duan and Tuantuan suddenly stopped.

"Brother Ye Lang, what do you mean?"

"Yes, the courier brother worked hard!"

The length of the two girls' reflex arc is simply incomprehensible.

After Ye Lang was equipped with the items, he took an m16 and an ump and went to the north of St. Martin.

Between the buildings, there is a small road running across, where you can pass people and cars, which is called the cross of St. Martin.

Around Saint-Martin, there are several large warehouses, very rich warehouses.

There is also the legendary mansion where you have to pick up bullets when you land!

In the mansion, generally speaking, there will be more than a dozen people appearing together.

If in a certain game, there is only one team or only one or two people in the mansion, then this mansion will definitely create a few monster-like people.

On their bodies, all kinds of equipment are complete, the magnifying glass is also sufficient, the bullets are more abundant, the throwing objects are too many to be taken, and the drugs are enviable,

Generally speaking, coming out of the mansion, those people will directly attack St. Martin.

At this time, Ye Lang felt the quietness in the direction of the mansion.

There was a crackling as soon as it landed. Although the sound was not loud, Ye Lang could hear subtle sounds.

But now, when Ye Lang shuttled in St. Martin, he didn't feel the sound coming from there.

Explain a problem, it has been played over there.

The big bosses of the mansion have already started to march towards Ye Lang,

The teams that fell in Saint Martin are still searching. In this game, searching is not the only fun. After searching, how to kill is the key.

"No, I have a bad feeling, brothers, the man from the mansion is here!"

Ye Lang said slowly to the barrage, "You said that at this time, what are Duan and Tuantuan doing? Will they be afraid?"

At this time, the barrage displayed question marks one by one.

"????? Ye Lang, see for yourself what they are doing!"

Ye Lang looked at the location of the two people on the small map, and suddenly sweated profusely. Why are these two still in the building just now?

"Brother Yelang, I'm lost. Come and save me!"

Tuantuan's roar was heart-rending. On the map, Ye Lang saw that Tuan Tuan and Dian Dian were not far away, and that tall building wasn't so easy to get lost, right? At most it's more complicated.

The barrage laughed wildly at this time, "Ye Lang, you don't know, these two are top-level lunatics, otherwise why don't they play the desert map? It's not because this map is not fun, but because the terrain is complicated and they don't recognize it. clear."

"Haha, this one upstairs made me laugh, what happened to Lu Chi? Lu Chi can't play games? Lu Chi can't deliver express? This one can't, it will be late."

"I'm speechless and invincible. Perhaps, this is Ye Lang's nemesis."

Ye Lang said lightly at this time, "Don't be afraid, both of you, come out when you see the door, and be brave, okay?\

,"Tuantuan gathered up his courage and shouted, "I'm going out! Huhuhu!"

So Ye Lang saw a figure jumping straight down from the balcony, with less than half of his blood left in an instant.

Then, there's a second one!

Ye Lang was stunned.

The barrage also froze.

Only dumbfounded said: "This, small problem, I have a lot of medicine."

Tuantuan was even more indifferent: "Brother Yelang, the most thing I bring is medicine."

"Okay, we have to be careful, people from the mansion may want to come, and there are many people in the city."

In this situation, Ye Lang felt like a melee. How could the melee gain an absolute advantage?

Of course at the top!

"Brother Ye Lang, where are we going?"

Ye Lang nodded immediately after hearing Duan's question.

"Let's go to the top of the mountain! The top of the mountain to the south!"

Tuantuan snorted, "But, Brother Ye Lang, I don't know if there is anyone there."

Ye Lang said decisively, "No! I observed it when I was parachuting."

At this time, the top of the mountain is indeed empty. Generally speaking, no one will come here. It is too poor and the location is only of strategic significance. It is not suitable for the first time to develop here.

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