Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 173 The Art of Burial

You're done!

As expected of me, so clever!

Jiang Han was relieved.

This "unscripted speech" was purely improvisation.

In fact, it is not true that he came to let the dwarves take refuge on behalf of the dark camp, because he cannot represent the dark camp. Even if there is a task of making Longyu change his position, he is also a lobbyist and cannot represent the whole faction forces.

Besides, the one who can represent the position will definitely be the leader with the highest core of power. Even if he is a dark swordsman, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual power.

However, these are all trivial matters, to deceive the dwarves or something, take it easy.

"It's okay."

Jiang Han shook his head and said with a smile, "It's harmless, it's fine if you understand the patriarch."


Xia Zuo sighed: "If it wasn't for your suggestion, I'm afraid I would have led the dwarves astray."

"Then let's stop gossip and leave this place as soon as possible." Jiang Han said, "To tell you the truth, in addition to convincing you dwarves, I will also visit Longyu next."

"Longyu also rebels?"

The dwarves were overjoyed: "If the Dragon Domain forces can be brought in, the dark camp will have a much greater chance of winning."

"Don't worry, I am one of Jiang Hanshui's talented and virtuous people. If I go out, Longyu will definitely agree." Jiang Han's expression was flat, with an expert demeanor.


After that, a few people left the forge area, and the dwarves came up one after another, shouting that they wanted to see the sharp weapon forged by the patriarch with their own eyes.

However, Jiang Han could only show his incomparably heavy magic weapon again.

"Seriously choose a name, right?" Xia Zuo reminded, "I believe the life that this weapon will accompany you through will be extremely long..."


Jiang Han nodded in agreement.

A magic weapon, enough for him to use it in the late game, or even in the big late stage, and there is no need to replace it during the period.


What should be the name?

As your own exclusive weapon, you should have a little personal taste, right?

Jiang Han looked at the dazzling blade of Han Mang, pondered for a moment, and used his own name to make a homonym again, naming it: "Jianghan!"

Not so domineering in the second, but the name of the blade is still appropriate.


System prompt: You have successfully named the weapon [Jianghan]!

"Dwarves compatriots, I want to announce something next..." Xia Zuo said loudly, "Most of our dwarves may have to leave the underground palace and join the dark camp!"

"Finally you can leave!"

"It's long overdue, the bright camp treats us so ruthlessly, we must turn against them!"

"Let them know that dwarves are not to be messed with!"


The dwarves strongly agree.

Jiang Han's heart is like a mirror, and he is happy to see it happen.

Although Xia Zuo only said that the dwarves were once forced to become "artificial craftsmen", and briefly mentioned the reasons for hiding, the hardships they experienced in the past are certainly not that light.

After the result was announced, Xia Zuo and Jiang Han entered the depths of the palace.

There, there is a bead placed on a protruding column, the column is dark blue and emits a faint light.

"Brother, please lend me the Fallen Feather and the General Han Shenbing." Xia Zuo stretched out his hand.


System prompt: Are you willing to temporarily lend the exclusive weapon [Jianghan] for two hours?


Jiang Han chose to agree.

Holding the Jianghan sword, the aura of the dwarf patriarch suddenly skyrocketed.


Xia Zuo drank lightly and turned Han into a blood-red axe in his hand.

Seeing this, Jiang Han was not surprised.

Jiang Han has an extremely special skill that can change the shape of the weapon, which is a magical effect he has never seen before——

[Divine Magical Changes] (Passive) (SS level): The shape of the weapon can be changed, but the attached attributes will also change accordingly (if it is not available for this occupation, only 50% of the effect can be obtained)

Changing the shape of the weapon can sometimes be very useful.

For example, when you need a long range, you can convert it into a bow and arrow, when you need a larger attack range, you can convert it into a spear, and when you need to cast a spell, you can convert it into a staff...

There is no doubt that this is definitely a well-deserved super stunt!

He slowly came to the ball and pressed his palm on the ball.


Intense blue light blooms, illuminating the surroundings.

The next moment, a translucent blue phantom appeared in front of Jiang Han and Xia Zuo. He was holding a big axe, his skin was bronze, his body was exaggerated, and his aura was very powerful.

【Dwarf Patriarch·Qingyu】(God Level)

Jiang Han can't see it in the attribute panel, but his strength is beyond doubt.


Qingyu laughed and said boldly: "Xia Zuo, not bad, you have actually broken through to the god level. It won't take long for you to defeat me."

"No need later, just today."

Xia Zuo charged Han Fei with what turned into a big axe and chopped down heavily.

Qing Yu did not retreat but advanced, and also attacked with an axe.


The two big axes collided, and the bursting sound was deafening, and a terrifying air wave surged out. The ground collapsed and sunken, and the space seemed to be shaking violently, and the destructive power was unimaginable.

Jiang Han, who was almost blown away by the air wave, hurriedly applied the protection of light and the blessing of holy light to Xia Zuo to increase the attack and defense, and then used the war trample to stay away from the center of the battlefield.

"The weapon is really powerful, but..."

Qingyu's arm exerted force and shook Xia Zuo back: "I'm afraid this ability is not enough?"


The black wings stretched out from Xia Zuo's back, he stepped forward again, entangled with Qing Yu, the sound of the axe colliding was incessant, and the air waves were like a sea tide, rushing and whistling frantically, the terrifying power seemed to destroy all the sights. Promise never to give up.

The two hit the air from the ground and changed positions everywhere, causing the entire underground palace to tremble slightly, making people feel terrified.


Qingyu resisted the fierce attack and snorted coldly: "Don't think that with the blessing of wings, the strength will be improved a little bit, I'm afraid of you!"


Xia Zuo, who lost a lot of health, quickly came to Jiang Han's side.


The white light flickered, and the blessing of dawn was activated.

+200, 0000, 0000!

The green number jumped out, Xia Zuo's state returned to its peak, and his strength skyrocketed again.

20% blood return is 20 billion?

Isn't that full of blood a full 100 billion life value?

Jiang Han was speechless.


Qingyu glared: "You are rude, and bring a priest with you!"

"Senior, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense." Jiang Han shook his head and corrected, "I'm not a priest, I'm just an ordinary melee professional."


Several black lines appeared on Qingyu's forehead.

Ordinary melee professions have so much milk?

Jiang Han nodded, then rushed towards Qingyu without hesitation: "Senior, look at it, my invincible lore!"

"Yijiang Hanshui, be careful, you are not his opponent!" Seeing Jiang Han's impulsiveness, Xia Zuo's face changed drastically.

Ancestors are god-level powerhouses, and Jianghan districts are spirit-level, and their strength is still weak. If they dare to attack, isn’t it self-defeating?

"Interesting and interesting..."

Qingyu laughed: "With your strength, if you can beat me back half a step, I will give you a chance."


What kind of chance is not a chance, I Jiang Tiandi shot, is it for a small chance?

Jiang Han was overjoyed, but his expression was still solemn, and he shouted, "Senior, take me a move!"


It seemed as if the domineering black light of the shattering void emerged from the sky, and then quickly fell down. It was grasped by Jiang Han's right hand, and then shot towards Qingyu.

Although the special effect is fifty cents, it is not powerful, but the picture is eye-catching enough.


Jiang Han's whole body trembled slightly, as if he had exhausted his strength.

With the movement he made, the black light in the palm turned into a palm shape and quickly swept out, and it kept expanding.

"Forbidden Burial!"

He let out a low growl like a beast.

This move, shocking the world and making the world famous, is the essence of his lifelong skills!

Xia Zuo: "!!!"

Qingyu: "!!!!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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