Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 247 The Stone of Divine Induction

"Just take a look at you, don't be nervous." Jiang Han did not refute.

In fact, from the time of Soul Burial, his opponent is no longer a simple Lin Xuan, and it is inevitable for Potter to interfere with it. As for why there are no restrictions on the rules...

Maybe it's turning a blind eye, or maybe it's their "intervention" that doesn't really mean it.


Potter couldn't keep the smile on his face.

take it easy?

Who are you!

"Now, can you still pretend?" Lin Xuan's killing intent was awe-inspiring, and he punched out, the golden dragon phantom appeared, and he walked straight and rushed towards Jiang Han.

"hold head high--"

The dark armor emits dim light, the shadow of the black dragon appears, the dragon tail swept across, and the shadow of the golden dragon collided and dissipated, turning into a billowing wave, causing the fragmented arena to sink several meters deep, and many stones were crushed into powder.

"call out!"

Approaching rapidly, Jiang Han smashed his fist into his abdomen.


Blood burst from his mouth, Lin Xuan's body bent like a shrimp, and it was difficult to stand upright in the pain.

"Poor tool man, what are you angry about?"

Jiang Han stepped forward again and attacked frantically: "From the beginning to the end, you have been toyed with in the palm of your hand!"


Seeing that Lin Xuan was in jeopardy, Potter continued to snap his fingers so that the other party would not fall down too quickly.

Time passed slowly, the arena was long gone, the ground was full of potholes and a mess.


The cold light is breathtaking.

Potter's figure flashed, moved instantly, and appeared in another part of the ring.


Lin Shang gave an order.

Under the constraints of the oath, the Sword God had to put the sword back into its sheath, his pretty face was cold, and he didn't say a word.

"Finally anxious?" Potter smiled and didn't care.

Turning his eyes back, Lin Shang frowned slightly: "It should be almost there..."

The time to bury the soul was only ten minutes. With Potter's help, Lin Xuan's overall state went back in time and could last longer.

This means that once the soul burial is over, Lin Xuan can kill Jiang Han.


At a certain moment, Jiang Han's fist touched Lin Xuan, who remained motionless.


Unbreakable damage jumps out.

"That's it!"

All were relieved.

"Fortunately, I'm going to die." Nicole, the demon god, was relieved and dismissed.

The stubborn resistance of the dark swordsman is a bit...


Harry nodded in response: "Nicole is right, Dark Swordsman, you shouldn't live."


With a sly smile, Lin Xuan raised his fist fiercely, slammed it out fiercely, and slammed it on Jiang Han's cheek: "Please continue to pretend!"


The fist fell, Jiang Han didn't move.


Another low damage jumped out.


Lin Xuan's smile immediately froze.

Grabbing the opponent's arm, Jiang Han folded his force.


Sen Bai's bones were stained with blood and appeared in everyone's sight.

"as you wish!"

Jiang Han replied calmly.

He had never heard such a strange request in his life, how could he not try his best to satisfy the other party!


Many spectators swallowed their saliva involuntarily, only to feel a cold air from the soles of their feet reaching the sky.

This guy……

Just a monster!

The three pairs of snow-white wings gathered together and disappeared, Jiang Han's skin suddenly turned purple-black, his fingernails also turned black, and his eyes glowed with a seductive scarlet brilliance.

Divine and evil, in these few seconds, seems to have undergone a perfect transformation.


A jet-black beam of light rose into the sky and entered the sky, changing the color of the wind and clouds, blocking the brilliance of the sun, and the heaven and earth fell into darkness.


Lin Shang sucked in a breath of cold air and felt unbelievable: "After the power of the holy seraph, he sacrificed the power of the dark swordsman?!"

He knew the effect of soul burial. He didn't expect that in the hands of the dark swordsman, there was something special about it. This was something he didn't expect—

[Burying Soul] (SS Grade)

Synopsis: If you're going to do whatever it takes to beat the other side, use it

Effect: The level is raised to level 200, the effect is equivalent to completing the career promotion, and comprehend all the skills of this career

Negative effect: Immediate death after the duration expires

Negative effect: If you do not die completely, as the same price, you will permanently lose your occupation

Duration: ten minutes


"So, it's a success!"

After a brief shock, Lin Shang shook his head and laughed.

The price of burying the soul, death may be avoided by the dark swordsman's strongest means, but even if the death is avoided, the occupation will be deprived of the rules as the price.

If the other party thinks that relying on the reincarnation of darkness, he can use the soul burial with peace of mind, then it would be fantastic!

"Fuck, come again?!"

"Is this someone robbing?"

"Damn it, what's the point of not letting players see the game's plot!"


Light and dark!

Such a vision of heaven and earth, no one can ignore.


System prompt: You use the skill [Soul Burial] to raise the level to level 200, comprehend all the skills of your own occupation, and last for ten minutes. After the duration expires, you will die immediately!


System Tip: The effect of your skill [Forbidden · Dark Reincarnation] has been greatly improved!


System Tip: Congratulations on your comprehension of the [Dark Swordsman] exclusive skill [Forbidden Dark King]!


System prompt: Congratulations on your comprehension of the [Dark Swordsman] exclusive skill [Death Eye]!


System prompt: Congratulations on comprehending the exclusive skills of [Dark Swordsman]...


When the dark beam of light dissipated, Jiang Han, who seemed to be an evil spirit, did not drop in strength but rose.

"You actually gave up the Dark Swordsman?" Lin Xuan lost his voice.

War Trample!


The ground trembled violently, and deep pits burst out. Jiang Han kept kicking Lin Xuan, his face expressionless.


Lin Xuan laughed wildly, as if going crazy: "You are an idiot, and you gave up the power of a dark swordsman!"



Jiang Han was too lazy to pay attention to it, and quickly harvested his life until it was confirmed that his life value fell below 20%, then turned to look at Potter: "Come on, continue to adjust the time, it didn't involve me so many times, I want to see , how bad is my luck!"


Potter's face darkened, he snorted coldly, and did not communicate with him.

His time and space power is not an unlimited means in the final analysis.

"I can understand other people laughing, what are you laughing at?" Jiang Han looked down at Lin Xuan, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"I laugh at you, like me, not only are you going to die, but you don't even have a job before you die!"

Lin Xuan did not resist, but showed a hideous smile.

He knew that he had no chance of winning, but he knew even more that Jiang Han would follow in his footsteps.


Jiang Han took out a dark purple scroll from his arms, with a picture of thunderclouds on it, and sneered: "Don't worry, I have many occupations!"


The scroll is torn.

Purple beams of light soared into the sky.

For a time, the sky seemed to be splashed with ink, dark clouds rolled in, and a depressing atmosphere swept the world.


System prompt: You use the SSS-level item [Scroll of Condemnation] to forcibly and permanently deprive [Prince Lin Xuan] of his occupation, skills, equipment, props, and wealth!


System prompt: Congratulations, you have obtained the only hidden occupation of [Prince Lin Xuan], [Quanshi], do you want to change careers?


System prompt: Congratulations on obtaining the skills of [Prince Lin Xuan] [Golden Dragon Sword Art] [Broken Wind Sword Qi] [Delusion of Delusion] [The King's Qi] [Eternal Life] [Forbidden · King of the World] [Forbidden] ·The Shackles of Heaven], do you want to study immediately?


system hint:……


The information continued, Jiang Han was silent, looking at the gorgeous purple beam of light in front of him with a regretful expression.

Whether it is the Dark Swordsman or the Holy Seraphim, they are definitely more powerful professions than the so-called Powers, but...

Once the power of soul burial is activated, it cannot be stopped.

Life is always full of helplessness, and he can't get everything right and everything goes well.

"No, the big deal is to start all over again..."

Jiang Han muttered to himself in a low voice and had to accept the fact.


Suddenly, a strange heat flow surged between his limbs and bones, making Jiang Han feel as if he was in a hot spring, and his whole body felt comfortable.


He was astonished.

Right now, he hasn't changed his job to a power man, how could other powers appear out of thin air?


The colorful brilliance overflowed from Jiang Han's body, and then turned into a beam of light, penetrating straight into the sky of the thundercloud masterpiece like a long rainbow, breaking through the clouds and swaying heavy air waves, and the picture was shocking.


System prompt: Your SS-level prop [Shijinshi] has been used!


There was silence outside the arena, silently watching the purple beam of light dissipate, and the colorful beam of light emerged, not knowing what expression to make.

In this battle, there are too many beams of light!


(End of this chapter)

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