"Don't worry, I dare to ask you to go to the real world, and I will definitely not cheat you." Jiang Han smiled lightly, "And..."

"And what?"

"Compared to what happened to me when I ascended, your situation is much better." Jiang Han said solemnly.

At the beginning, although he had a very high basic growth star, he basically had no skills, but a pot of old wine was different.

With the help of the core of order, he can make a pot of old wine have some skills since the beginning of detachment.

Why is it a part?

Because some skills are too perverted in "Eternal", it is impractical to bring them into the real world, and even the blessing of the gods may fail.

Compared to the powerful and unparalleled protection of the gods, his Forbidden Sin Samsara is much weaker, and his power is not worth mentioning, maybe he can get it back again.

That's right, take it back!


The teleportation circle burst into brilliance, drowning the two figures in an instant, causing them to disappear and enter the space tunnel.

In reality, Jiang Han's body in the game room was also pulled into the void and disappeared into the rental room.

The same is true, and there is a pot of old wine.


System prompt: You get an unknown item [Order Core]!

Suddenly, the system bell rang in Jiang Han's ear.

Since the real body travels to the real world, the things he carries will naturally accompany him to re-enter.

"I hope it's what I want."

Holding the core of the order tightly, Jiang Han was also a little nervous.

In fact, he had thought about it from a long time ago, since the basic growth star and occupation of the characters can be brought into the real world, why are the skills not good?

You must know that the false world itself is a part of the real world, not really illusory. With the help of the core of order, Yuandi can not only achieve directional reincarnation, but also have all the skills!

So, he had a conjecture——

Perhaps his own skills exist, but they were forcibly erased by Emperor Yuan using the core of order!

To be precise, it is not erasing, it is just similar to "forgetting".

That's why, with the help of enlightenment props, he can bring back the forgotten skills...

After all, enlightenment items are only used for epiphany, and epiphany is only a small probability event. If the skill itself never existed, it would be impossible to get the skill back.

As for the control of the core of the order, why he has such a powerful power is difficult for Jiang Han to explain.

Although Ding Yu said that the rules of the game were created by Emperor Yuan, he didn't feel like it, because if Emperor Yuan really reached that level, it would be a reasonable plot to smash the stars and easily kill the powerful kings.

However, there is a saying that is good, people make things happen, and things happen in heaven!

The judgment he made was just a conjecture, and it may not be completely correct, but whether it is correct or not, it is worth a try!

This is why the explorers choose to cooperate with him.

Helping Ding Yu defeat Emperor Yuan would certainly reduce the crises he would face in the future, but what really moved his heart was also taking back the skills he had learned while living in Tianheng Continent.


System Tip: Please note that you cannot create a character because you already have an identity in the real world!

Suddenly, a system bell rang, making Jiang Han's excited mood drop to the bottom.

"Create Ni X's character!"

Jiang Han's heart almost jumped to his throat, and he kept activating the power of the core of order, trying to get back his skills: "Give me back the reincarnation of sin!"

To be honest, he doesn't have to go back to eternity and then enter the real world to get back his previous skills. He can simply try to use the core of order to remember the forgotten skills.

The main problem is that even if you get back the skills, you can't do Yuandi. He must have a strong comrade-in-arms.

"calm down."

A pot of old wine is comforting by the side.

Forbidden Sin Samsara is not a plug-in?

Isn't it normal to be deprived by the system?

Yijiang Hanshui's mentality is not good, it will be uncomfortable to lose the plug-in, unlike him, gentle and elegant!

"Cough cough!"

Jiang Han coughed twice and reminded: "If my Forbidden Sin Samsara cannot be obtained, all of your skills may disappear and start over."

If it is difficult for this process to work through the core of order, a pot of old wine will start from scratch like him.

"Cao Ni X's dog comparison system, hurry up and return my best friend's skills to him!" A pot of old wine felt the same way and cursed, "What kind of skill is it to deprive skills, aren't those skills he earned through hard work?"

All skills disappeared?

Can this be tolerated?


System prompt: Congratulations on your comprehension of the skill [Broken Star] (prefecture-level top grade)!

[Broken Star] (Earth Grade Best)

Introduction: The real powerhouse can snap a finger to the broken star, which is precisely the embodiment of the tyrannical finger of the broken star

Effect: Gather the power of the whole body to increase the damage of the next hit by an additional 300%

Cooldown time: ten minutes

(can grow)

(Note: range skills are invalid)


Suddenly, unfamiliar memories emerged in Jiang Han's mind, and he successfully acquired the powerful skills that he used to fight with him.

Broken Star!

A very powerful damage increase skill!

Although the power has been greatly weakened in the process from the false world to the real world, it at least proves that Jiang Han's conjecture is correct. Some skills themselves exist, but the way of casting has changed from magic energy blessing to vitality blessing.

"Even if the forbidden and sinful reincarnation is erased, at least some skills can be brought back." Jiang Han knew it well.

It is true that he really wants to get the Forbidden Sin Samsara, but to be honest, that skill is really too much.

Death again and again, resurrection again and again, and will become stronger, if you use vitality to cast, how can you use it?

It is conceivable that in the process from the false world to the real world, unrealistic skills will be eliminated, and skills that can be comprehended need to have a certain rationality.


System prompt: Congratulations on your comprehension of the skill [Bagua Array] (prefecture-level top grade)!

[Bagua Array] (Prefecture-level Best)

Introduction: The mysterious inheritance formation in the Eastern District, after the big formation unfolds, the sky is sealed and the earth is locked, it is extremely difficult to escape

Skill effect: Construct a gossip array to reduce the final all attributes of all enemy units in the array by 10%, reduce their movement speed by 30%, and increase the final all attributes of friendly units by 10% (Note: The range increases with the increase of strength)

Bonus: No escape unless the gossip circle is broken

Duration: two hours

Skill Cooldown: 15 days


Another skill that traps enemies in a large area!

Looking at the end of the space tunnel that is about to arrive, Jiang Han's heart is surging: "I don't want to take back the reincarnation of sin, just return the flame of sin and the king of the world to me!"

It is also a boosting technique. The sins of reincarnation is the strongest, but the other two are not weak. If you can't get one of them back, you can't say that you are a loss, you can only say that you are regretful.

Two minutes...five minutes...

Time passed little by little.

Can't get it back?

Just when Jiang Han was disappointed, the crisp and pleasant system bell rang again in his ears——


System prompt: congratulations on your comprehension of the skill [Forbidden · Evil Reincarnation] (rank unknown)!


Immediately, Jiang Han's whole body was tense, and a surge of blood surged up, almost breaking through the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

Blessed by the ancestors of the Jiang family, I have brought it back!

"It would be great if the Flame of Sin and King's Landing were brought back." Jiang Han was insatiable.

It is also a boosting technique, the sins of reincarnation is the strongest, but the other two are not weak, if you lose two, you can't say that you are a loss, you can only say that you are sorry...

It's a pity that God didn't respond to him this time.

"How is it, have you got it back?" A pot of old wine smiled beside him, "Although I lost a lot, most of my skills are still there!"


Jiang Han frowned: "I'm not very lucky..."

This time, he took back three skills, which was really unfortunate.

"It's a pity!"

A pot of old wine reached out and patted Jiang Han's shoulder, comforting: "It's okay, everything will be fine!"


Jiang Han nodded and stepped out of the shadows: "At least I've brought the forbidden and sinful reincarnation back."

A pot of old wine: "..."

give me back!

Give me back my sympathy!

With great anticipation, Jiang Han opened the skill bar and immediately checked the strongest housekeeping skills.

I don't know how this skill will appear after entering the real world——

【Forbidden · Evil Reincarnation】 (rank unknown)

Introduction: With the mysterious spar as the core, the power of evil is added to the body



(End of this chapter)

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