At the center of the chaotic element, Emperor Yuan is in danger.

In the face of the powerful attack of a pot of old wine, he no longer has the arrogance and domineering he used to do, his whole body is open to flesh, his complexion is ashen, and he scolded: "Sha X... a group of Sha X..."

Who would have thought that in the end, he would be defeated by a false illusion?

A trick that doesn't do any damage is the key to the enemy's comeback!


Fucking incomprehensible!

"What are you barking for?" Jiang Leng smiled, "Didn't you fall for it yourself?"

The mere Emperor Yuan, how dare you clamor with Emperor Jiang Tian?

Although they both call themselves emperors, the two are not at the same level at all!

"Death to me!"

When his health dropped to 1%, Emperor Yuan's face was ashes, and he charged at Jiang Han with his sword. As a result, a pot of old wine was quick-witted and immediately blocked in front of Emperor Yuan. A sword was stabbed and stabbed into his chest.

—1, 5489, 4152!

The life value was completely deprived, and Emperor Yuan's eyes were round, full of unwillingness, and he couldn't rest his eyes.


System prompt: congratulations for assisting a pot of old wine to defeat [Yuandi], get a reward: level +3!

"Shh! Shh!"

Two golden lights flew up, and Jiang Han's level was made up again. In the end, the price of using Forbidden Sin Samsara was only one level.

This is also normal.

The display of the power of the two burials is very crucial to the reversal of the situation, otherwise it is still unclear who will win or lose.


Seeing Emperor Yuan's death, Jiang Han was relieved: "I should be able to breathe a little now."

Emperor Yuan put too much pressure on him!

In the final analysis, the opponent's realm is too high, and the gap between the two sides is huge. If it is not for the protection of the gods with a pot of old wine, the team's combat power will be doubled easily.


A pot of old wine sighed: "Now I can also have a chance to understand the outline of the plot."

He was really dumbfounded, dumbfounded from start to finish.

He basically didn't know anything, but he turned out to be the strongest boss in the universe!

It is a pity that killings under the protection of the gods do not give any rewards. Even if they come to the real world, the effect will change to a certain extent, and the price will remain the same.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Suddenly, the explorer let out a strange laugh, moved his arm, and the weapon held by a pot of old wine returned to his hand, and then said indifferently: "If you relax your vigilance, you will die!"

"You mean the threat from Chaos God?" Ding Yu asked with a frown.

The explorer shook his head, and his hoarse voice gradually became heavy: "What is the chaos, the real despair has not yet begun!"


Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why.

The real despair has not yet begun?

This is a bit alarmist.

"The chess piece that Chaos God placed Emperor Yuan must have its meaning." Jiang Han narrowed his eyes slightly, "Teacher, do you want to say that they have layouts in various universes, and the final moment is when despair comes. …”

He was able to scare away the gods of chaos through the funeral. In a sense, it also showed that Emperor Yuan's chess piece was of little significance. In other words, this piece of the universe was insignificant and did not affect their overall planning.


The explorer snorted coldly and said faintly, "Smart!"

"Then what's their purpose?" Jiang Han couldn't guess the reason.

"I don't know about that." The gray fog appeared on the explorer, as if it was a sign of preparing to leave. "I only know that day will come sooner or later, because when I have nothing to do, I have calculated..."


Suddenly, the muffled thunder blasted high in the sky, making everyone's heart skip a beat.

The catastrophe has passed, the black clouds dissipated, and the sudden thunderbolt from the blue sky was more like a warning.

"Apprentice, taking your life in half a year, this is not a joke as a teacher!" The explorer's topic changed, and then he entered the void and disappeared.

Seeing the explorer leave, the slightly relaxed atmosphere that had been there was gone.

If the explorers are not aimless, the enemies that need to be dealt with later are probably far beyond imagination.

"At least once Emperor Yuan dies, all of our four major families can break through to the Emperor Realm with all their strength, without any scruples!" Nangong Lan reminded.

As the mainstay of this universe, the reason why they didn't break through the Emperor Realm was not because they couldn't break through, but because they didn't dare to break through, because Emperor Yuan was overwhelmed and the threat was too great.

Now that Emperor Yuan is dead, the only restriction has completely disappeared.


Hearing this, the other three looked much better.

"Next, we can only concentrate on cultivation and prepare for the upcoming crisis." Dongfang Yuan put away the big sword on the door.

"If... I mean if..."

Jiang Han's face was serious: "If Chaos God assembles people to come to suppress it from now on, how long will it take to arrive?"

A fluke is a must!

Chaoshen also said harshly before to ask for advice, he must take precautions as soon as possible.

In addition, although the information that the explorer wanted to give was not officially given, the strange and dull thunder proved that the answer was powerful enough.

Don't say it, or you will be punished!

This is a fact that everyone has seen with their own eyes.

Then from this reverse, it can be judged that there is an invisible big hand that seals the sky and locks the earth, and will not give you any chance to say the answer.

Is there something that can be snooped on and warned all the time?

there is only one truth!

Rules of the game!

In other words, the overall situation laid out by Chaos God and others is related to the rules of the game, and even involves the core of the rules, so explorers must keep it a secret.

"For the strong in the realm of the gods, it is roughly estimated that it will take 20 to 30 days!" Bei Mingkuang said helplessly, "Even if they come across the border, it is not difficult for them."

"it is good!"

Jiang Han clasped his fists: "Thank you!"

After speaking, he patted the shoulder of a pot of old wine: "Brother Jiu, let's go."

I can no longer stay with the patriarchs of the four major families!

Taking advantage of them taking it lightly, now they must run away immediately, immediately, and quickly!


A pot of old wine will naturally not refuse.

Watching the two leave, Ximen Zheng couldn't help but sigh: "There are talented people in the country, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years!"

Until the end, it was unimaginable that the killing of Emperor Yuan was accomplished by relying on two young people.

Especially the kid named Yijiang Hanshui, whose means can only be described in four words, it is amazing.

"Really let them leave so easily?" Bei Ming scratched his head madly.


Ding Yu raised his eyebrows and looked bad: "You are disrespectful to the old, and you still want to attack young people?"

Bei Mingkuang's remarks are a bit too much.

If they hadn't relied on the special means of Xuanying Divine Body and the tricks of Yijiang Hanshui, they might not have been able to save their lives.

"That's not what I meant." Bei Mingkuang was speechless, "I meant to say..."

"Stop talking!"

Nangong Lan scolded: "The most urgent task is to improve our strength, deal with the coming forces of chaos gods, and don't point the blade at your own people!"


Bei Mingkuang's face became bitter, and he complained: "But they took away Emperor Yuan's storage ring!"

You must know that although Emperor Yuan died, he did not destroy his storage ring before he died, and now the storage ring is missing, in all likelihood. The ninth is that the pot of old wine that has not disappeared in the state of protection of the gods was secretly taken away.

In other words, nothing left of the spoils.


Suddenly, the expressions of several people changed drastically, and they rushed to the two young people who left: "Come back! Come back for me!"

Unexpectedly, in the end, these two young people actually wanted to take the spoils for themselves!

Grandma drops!

Playing asshole, right?


(End of this chapter)

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