Public Enemy On Online Games

Chapter 600 Set things right

Li Xingxuan, who occupied Yijiang Hanshui's body, shrank his pupils suddenly, and took a few steps back, his face was purple, feeling that his soul was being ruthlessly crushed and torn to pieces.

"How is your soul so tough!" Li Xingxuan was terrified.

This trick of seizing the house is a secret skill in the supreme inheritance that he has learned, occupying the body of a highly qualified genius for his own use, thus having a higher upper limit.

And the reason why he talked to himself was because he wanted to occupy the magpie's nest "righteously" to a certain extent, so as to avoid doom.

After all, this is not a means to see the light.

"Because I am a down-to-earth and honest person!"

Opening his eyes again, Jiang Han regained control of his body and completely crushed Li Xingxuan's soul. He said indifferently, "Good people are rewarded with good rewards, have you heard of it?"


System prompt: Congratulations on successfully killing [Li Xingxuan] and gaining 100 experience points!


The golden light flew up, and Jiang Han reached level 2.


System prompt: Since you have part of the memory of [Li Xingxuan], you have acquired the skills [Pure Yuan Xin Jue] [Holy Yuan Art]!

"So it's Seizing House?" Jiang Han thought thoughtfully, "It's really a trick that cannot be guarded against!"

To be honest, Li Xingxuan really didn't know what to do, and dared to take away his original goodness, he was simply deceived by lard!

Fortunately, God has eyes, so that the original goodness has the characteristic of ignoring the attacks of souls!

"You actually killed people in the village?"

Quite unfortunately, someone passed by and saw Li Xingxuan's body, and was furious: "In broad daylight, people's lives are ignored, everyone, come and see!"

It's not that he doesn't want to monopolize the experience, the problem is that Yijiang Hanshui's panel is too high, and he can't beat it alone, so he still needs to call in more helpers.

"Murder in the village? Is there any law for this?"

"The dead Li Xingxuan was really miserable. He was so miserable just after he was reborn!"


Soon, a group of people gathered around, full of murderous intent, pointing at Jiang Han and cursing, surrounding him, it can be seen that they will not let him go easily.


Jiang Han smiled all over his face, and said loudly: "Actually, everyone is an adult, and there is no need to pretend, but they all want to occupy morality. The crime is mine, just come and kill!"

Li Xingxuan's words still make sense.

This is a barbaric world without human order at all, and blood must be stained under his hands!

These guys in front of him, I don't know if they are pretending or from the bottom of their hearts, but why should he care so much.


Finally, someone couldn't hold back anymore and charged towards Jiang Han with a weapon in hand.


A faint light flashed, the sword intent was strong, a human head flew high, the corpse fell heavily, and blood gushed out.

— 10415!


System prompt: Congratulations on successfully killing [Wang Shi'an] and gaining 50 experience points!


For a moment, everyone was shocked and frightened.

Why is it that others are novice wooden swords, but in his hand is a magical weapon that is not simple in appearance?

It's not fair!

Flicking the blood off the sword and splashing it all over the ground, Jiang Han smiled and said, "All righteous men, is this all?"

He suddenly figured something out.

These people in front of him are all people who came back to life after the long river of time was cut off by him.

In other words, they should have died long ago, and they appeared here because of what he did. Killing them is equivalent to letting them return to their own timeline.

The exclusive task given by the system is to set things right, and the upgrade condition given by the system is to hunt and kill creatures. The information expressed on the side is already very obvious——

This is what you started, and it's up to you to end it!

That being the case, he should let go of any moral shackles and turn the chaotic world...

Kill back to the origin!


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then resolutely retreated and scattered like birds and beasts.

As for the idea of ​​justice, forget it all!

To put it bluntly, the panel is not invisible. After the weapon is equipped, the opponent's attack is quite terrifying. The weak at level 1 basically have a sword, so there is no room for manipulation!


Why is the weapon in this person's hand so fierce?

Is it a lucky account with particularly auspicious numbers?

"It's all here, save your life!"

Jiang Han shot out in a big stride, growing with a super high base speed, leaving a body of corpses wherever he passed.

In just one minute, the golden light scattered, Jiang Han's level reached level 3, and his strength became stronger.

At the beginning of the advent, due to too many sights around, no one dared to be the first bird and provoke public anger, but he was different.

In terms of basic growth stars, the aptitude superposition of the two gods can't compare with him. In addition, the exclusive weapons can be preserved, killing Li Xingxuan in advance to occupy the level advantage, and no one can match him.

Even if there were many superpowers in their previous lives, so what?

The previous life was just the previous life, but in this life, everything has started from scratch, even the skills are gray, temporarily unusable, there is no other way but to slash, how can you save your life in his hands?

"Hero, let me live!"

"I would like to be a cow and a horse for you!"

"I, the saint of the Heavenly Demon Sect, is willing to be your bed-warming maid!"


Jiang Han had no expression on his face, he didn't care, he killed whoever he saw, and when there were corpses lying around, Xinshou Village was in a mess, only a few escaped from the village.

"This so-called game is too difficult!" The face of the player who had escaped from death was pale, with lingering fear in his heart.

Novice Village!

This is Novice Village!

In the end, they had to face this murderous maniac head-on, and they had to reach level ten before they could leave...

If you don't have enough ability, I'm afraid the village will never even think about going out!

"Chi Chi Chi..."

The sword rose and the sword fell, Jiang Han was covered in blood, and the head was harvested very quickly.

Today's him has extremely high four basic attributes, and he is not an ordinary person at the beginning. He is far superior to ordinary reborn people in all aspects, and the easier it is to kill later.


System prompt: Because you let the entire Novice Village fall, and killed more than 10,000 people, you got a special title: [Village Slayer] (Class C)!

【Village Slayer】(C Grade)

Introduction: You have done such a horrific thing in Novice Village, your reputation is enough to scare newcomers to death

Effect: Damage dealt to novices below level 10 is increased by 30%


It's also a good title!

Jiang Han immediately equipped it, and his ID became [Village Slayer·Yijiang Hanshui] on the spot!

After a long time, when only Jiang Han was left in the village standing alone in the cold wind, he stopped his behavior of "putting things right".


A few seconds later, a bright white light emerged, and a man came to Xinshou Village, completely oblivious to the surrounding situation, ecstatic: "I was born again?"


Jiang Han went up with a sword, and successfully set things right.

"Don't think about it, live in the moment, what you love is your life!"

Jiang Han shook his head and sighed, opened the task panel, and found that none of the protagonists in the world had been killed. While regretting, he also felt that it didn't matter.

Kill and kill, sooner or later you will meet.

At that time, everything will be settled!


(end of this chapter)

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