Public Enemy

Chapter two hundred and forty four: break away

So powerful! As soon as a driver came into close contact with Chen Yi, he discovered that the alarm had sounded from the mechanical arm. It was obviously an old weapon that had been eliminated. How could it be so powerful!

Pressing the release device, the postman looked at the "broken knife" in Chen Yi's hand, and it was hard to imagine that this knife was a sharp weapon for easily removing the two arms of the "Sunderland" mecha!

Can't stop it, but time is enough! In the cockpit of 'Mordred', Ania looked indifferently at Chen Yi who was approaching fast. Even the locking function on the detector was difficult to capture the figure of the other party, but as one of the knights of the round table, she would not rely on it all. A locking function, a strong sense of combat is also the key!

The dark red beam of light symbolizing destruction was reflected in Chen Yi's eyes, causing Chen Yi's pupils to shrink rapidly. This kind of attack...

boom! ! !

What a powerful destructive power, the other imperial pilots looked in amazement at the large hole on the ground that was close to hundreds of meters. It was obviously a weapon in the embryonic development stage. Once it was completed, what kind of destructive power would it possess? ! As for those unlucky ones who were attacked together, it is normal for them to die when they fight. The worst thing in Lu Luxiu's world is the miscellaneous soldiers!

But that monster should already be dead, under this kind of attack...

"Roar!!" A roar shook everyone's mood again, this is not dead, what a fool!

Chen Yi, with bloodstains on half of his body, rushed towards the 'Mordred' mecha at an unabated speed, and the wounds on his body were healing at a speed that ordinary people would never be able to match.

"Monster." There was no surprise coming from Ania's mouth, and it was impossible for the hadron cannon in the experimental stage to fire again. The cooling time is not a short period of time. For melee it comes!

Ding! The reason is that the mecha, compared to a weapon like a toy knife, collided with the mechanical fist that hit Chen Yi, splashing a lot of fire, and at the same time the carapaces of other parts of the 'Mordred' were opened at the same time, a lot of [ Mucang] Kong pointed to Chen Yi.

"Death, exposed to Chen Yi's red eyes, a cold light flashed in the girl's indifferent red pupils. She pressed the attack command without hesitation! A large number of barrages aimed at Chen Yi's close-range Shot, as for those stray bullets, the super armor on "Mordred" itself can be completely ignored!

Hissing—the ear-piercing noise echoed. Such a hard shell! There was only a trace on the cockpit pulled out by Chen Yi with a flame!

Come again! The harsh sound continued to echo as the scratches on the cockpit of "Mordred" continued to increase, and even Arnia in the cockpit felt the strong shock.

This speed again. The cold-faced girl thought of the speed at which Chen Yi escaped the hadron cannon attack and disappeared in an instant not long ago, as if she had really teleported, and even the attack just now was overwhelmed by the same method!

When Cao manipulated the "Mordred" to accelerate at zero distance, the mecha made a sharp turn, and the strong centrifugal force brought by Ania confidently threw Chen Yi outside the cockpit by taking advantage of the weakness of the mecha.

hiss! The flames that suddenly appeared in the cockpit caused the girl to lower her body slightly, she was broken through, and looked at the extra half of the cracked blood-red blade in the cabin. The blade is slowly being pulled to one side!

Are you scared? The girl looked at her slightly trembling hands, or was she helpless?

The next moment the blade was pulled away from the cockpit, and a large number of hooks and locks from the outside shot at Chen Yi. While Chen Yi jumped backwards, several bloody cold lights flashed past. The hook that hit first was smashed to pieces, Chen Yi grabbed one of the hooks, after a short period of stiffness, the originally slightly slender arm suddenly swelled up, and he pulled back hard!

The huge 'Sunderland' mecha was abruptly pulled away from its place, and was thrown to the side mecha. God! That's more than seven tons in weight!

"I've caught you!" A mechanical hand with a cold light tightly grasped Chen Yi who was in the air, and even the weapon in his hand was bounced to one side, and stabbed obliquely on the ground.

"Ah! Roar!!" The mechanical hand that was gripped tightly was partly stretched apart, and then it was held tightly again.

"Successful capture, let's start recycling work!" Looking indifferently at Chen Yi who was tightly grasped in the heart of the robot hand, he was really a monster. With the ability to fight back, is this the realm that human beings can achieve?

whispering sound! Did you get caught after being confused for a while? Chen Yi looked at the mechanical hand that was holding him tightly, and moved his arm. It is not easy to break free, and... there are many mechas around him aiming the machine [wooden warehouse] at his head, now If you eat so many attacks, you will definitely not end well.

Have you given up struggling? Anya in the cockpit looked at the quiet Chen Yi, or was it a trick? In the battlefield just now, many staff members wearing research uniforms started to walk back and forth, and one of the staff members walked up to Chen Yi's weapon.

Putting the white gloves on, he looked at the cracked but extremely powerful weapon in front of him full of research desire. It is hard to imagine that this 'eliminated' weapon has a mecha that can break through 'Mordred' Defense, the ordinary 'Sunderland' mecha can't even do defense, like cheese being sliced ​​by a hot knife...

"Hey! Lord Ania has an order, you are not allowed to touch this without authorization... What's wrong with you?" A soldier looked warily at the researcher who turned his back to him, "Hee hee hee! Hahahaha! So strong Power... vomit!" After the weird and fanatical researcher spat out a mouthful of blood, his expression became even more [excited], and the images of countless killings lingered in front of his eyes, watching others one by one without any resistance I fell under this knife with all my strength, that kind of intense pleasure "Kill! Kill! Kill! Go die!"

What! Seeing this researcher with a wrong look, the soldier immediately felt something was wrong, and pulled the trigger without hesitation, but the trigger [Wooden Cang] did not make the familiar clicking sound. , splashed blood lingered in front of his eyes, this was the last time he saw this scene...

ha! As expected of a demon sword, Chen Yi looked at the out-of-control researcher, the opportunity has come.

"What happened!" Seeing the chaos at the scene, the people in the mech suddenly lost their minds for a short while.

"Open!!!" Chen Yi's originally thin body looked like a Hulk transforming at this moment, the muscles all over his body were bulging, and a feeling of soreness also began to arise.

"Shoot!" Looking at the stretched mechanical arm, the other drivers immediately pressed the attack button.

"Stop, people have already run away." Arnia in Mordred' gave the order to stop shooting, and a figure quickly shuttled between the mechs.

Wipe it! What an embarrassment! Chen Yi, who was moving at high speed, took out a huge cloth sheet out of thin air to cover his body, and even ran back, which made him feel embarrassed, but fortunately, the quality of the clothes underneath was not bad... Forget it, it's not much better.

"Are you also the one who came to grab this weapon? I...absolutely don't allow it!"

"Well! How can you say grab it?" Chen Yi dodged this neat attack, looking at the staff who fell into madness, "It should be said to be taken."

"Take it? Ah!!" A large number of blood swords splashed out from this staff member, exerting his body strength overload, isn't this the limit?

Snatching the monster knife from the staff member's hand, Chen Yi quickly jumped to the side.

"No...that's mine...!" The extremely weak staff member stretched out his hand towards Chen Yi with difficulty, and was torn into pieces by the bullets that swept over him the next moment. How could the weapon in my hand be easily taken away by another person...

"Goodbye! Everyone who came so far away!" Chen Yi looked at the chasing mechs from behind, and quickly ran to the distance.

Two dark red beams of light chased towards Chen Yi at a faster speed, the sound of the huge explosion reverberated again, and a pothole close to 100 meters on the ground appeared again.

"It's flying... It's flying!" The imperial personnel looked at the gradually shrinking figure in the sky in disbelief, showing that this battle...failed!

So hungry... After flying for a while, Chen Yi stopped, and he was so hungry sometimes.

The previously prepared food in the inventory has been eaten up now, but for Chen Yi, it is just a relief.

After taking a breath, Chen Yi sat on the ground and looked at the blue sky. The mech just now was that Arnia's 'Mordred', and that terrifying shelling, it seems that it really was at the beginning of the plot. Ah, otherwise, the bombardment that can flatten the 'Eighty-Eight Tombs of the Emperor of Heaven' in one blow cannot only have that kind of power.

Then it's time for him to go to the eleventh district now, Chen Yi put away the small notebook that recorded a lot of content again, the "goddess of love" who wiped out more than 20 million lives at once... Hey!

Chen Yi shook the chain on his arm, listening to the crisp sound caused by the collision, it would be enough if he came down once, it was really cold-blooded.

With a self-deprecating smile, Chen Yi looked at the old antique clothes on his body, and first looked for a decent one...

Sitting on a ship leading to District 11, Chen Yi, who was not at all worried about being discovered, looked at the island country that was getting closer and closer in the distance, occupied by the Holy Britannian Empire and divided into District 11, and then looked at On the other side, the Chinese Federation controlled by the eunuch...

So the next step is to continue to be a black household? Or get an ID card? Chen Yi flipped through the small book in his hand that recorded a lot of content. It would be good to have the identity of a citizen of the Chinese Federation, at least he could enjoy the treatment of a Britannian citizen in the concession area, and it would be convenient to act...! .

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