Public Enemy

Chapter 248 You just want to see it?

"Huh!?" Suzaku, who was brought to his residence by Lu Luxiu, was stunned, and looked at Chen Yi in surprise.

"Suzaku, do you know him?" Lu Luxiu asked puzzled after seeing the change in Suzaku's expression.

"I don't know each other, I just met once on the street, and I have a deeper impression." Suzaku shook his head, not understanding why Chen Yi would be here too, "Do you know each other?"

"Ah, we are friends, why don't we know each other?" Chen Yi said with a smile.

Don't talk too much! Lu Luxiu stared at Chen Yi with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Really? Lu Luxiu, you have changed a lot." Suzaku said with a smile, and stretched out his hand to Chen Yi, "My name is Shumu Suzaku."

"Well~" Chen Yi stretched out his hand and held it together "Chen Yi."

"Oh? You said the Chinese Federation..."

"Okay, Suzaku, that's all you want to read Chapter 248? Don't worry about him, he's just an impolite guest, you should hide first, Nana is coming back soon." Lu Luxiu signaled Suzaku hid in another place first.

"Want to give Nana a surprise? Got it." Suzaku nodded and walked to the other side.

Chen Yi looked at the corner of his mouth and stood up, walking towards another room.

"Really, it's not easy to see your jokes. I thought you would be completely out of touch and become an old antique, but I didn't expect you to know this era so well." Sitting by the bed, c.c looked at Lu Luxiu's phone skillfully. Chen Yi, who started to operate the computer, "I really doubt that he didn't intend to deceive people at the beginning."

"Ha, it's just that I have a strong adaptability... Ah, don't we even have any entertainment facilities in this era. You can't even find online games..." After browsing the computer for a while, seeing that there was nothing interesting, Chen Yi Wuqu said, but novels and so on can still be found, such as... The Legend of Condor Heroes, Yitian Tulongji...\u003cLooking warily at Chen Yi who was reaching for the pizza box, he quickly lifted the box aside.

"... By the way, I bought it, so it doesn't matter if you let me eat one?" Chen Yi's eyebrows twitched. Unexpected Perseverance Chapter 248 \u0026 continue to refuse.

"Okay, as long as you don't care about getting fat." Chen Yi withdrew his hand helplessly. Sitting on the side and reading the newspaper, he said vaguely about ".

Seeing that most of the computer is encrypted files, Lu Luxiu is careful enough.

"Sleep~sleep~" Chen Yi lay down on the sofa. He fell asleep on his arms.

"Where do you want him to sleep?" "On the ground, or in his sister's room, um! He really wants to do this, he really deserves to be a super sister." Chen Yi closed his eyes and said maliciously. \u003cLooking at Lu Luxiu who came in at some point, his face became a little embarrassed.

"Ah~ how could it be a bad word, you are so eager to do this?" Chen Yi raised his head, and looked at Lu Luxiu who was standing upside down in his sight with a teasing look, "Why, do you want to thank me for finding a good reason for you? "\u003c Said to Lu Luxiu from the side. The words of \u003c made Chen Yi's face twitch, and he jumped off the sofa immediately. "Why didn't you invite me..."

"Your words are too dangerous."

Chen Yi stretched his hand behind his back, and then took out a hammock and two nail rings, "Fortunately, I was prepared."

"Where did you take it out? Are you Tinker Bell?" Lu Luxiu looked at the hammock that Chen Yi took out, and it was hard to believe how Chen Yi put it down in his casual clothes that couldn't hide anything.

"Secret!" Chen Yi tied the two ends of the hammock. With a light jump, after two slight noises, some fine stone foam fell from the ceiling.

Lu Luxiu looked at the nail ring that Chen Yi easily inserted into the ceiling with his hands, speechless, what kind of monster is this!

The next day, Lu Luxiu tightly swayed the hammock on the ceiling, how lazy!

Seeing that Chen Yi didn't show any signs of waking up, Lu Luxiu cursed inwardly, and left the room...

"I'm the president of the student union, Miley Ashford." The radio broadcast throughout the college rang out, "Cat! Please catch the cat that escaped from the campus! The club activities are temporarily suspended, and the club that is assisting needs to pay attention to the budget. Give preferential treatment, and! The person who catches the cat will get a super lucky chance to get a kiss from the student council members as a gift!"

Hmm, I slept so full, I haven't slept in a long time... Forget it, I didn't believe this, Chen Yi jumped off the hammock.

Then a "meow~" sound reached Chen Yi's ears. \u003cLooking at the back of Chen Yi leaving, he continued to eat the pizza in his hand.

"Suzaku! Come down!" Lu Luxiu looked at Suzaku who was climbing to the top of the building and shouted quickly. It would be difficult if the mask was found.

"It's okay, leave it to me." Suzaku continued to slowly climb towards the roof.

This guy is more individualistic than before, Lu Luxiu thought, slipped his foot inadvertently, and slid down the slope from the roof, and the people downstairs immediately screamed.

Well~ It seems that I came at the right time. Standing on the bell tower, Chen Yi looked at the people who had attracted the attention of Lu Luxiu and the others, touched the cat named Arthur, and took the cat away. mask on the head of a cat.

Lu Luxiu who was pulled by Suzaku immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah~ As expected, watching news broadcasts is the most boring thing." The alien-like "zero" mask twirled on Chen Yi's fingertips, and Chen Yi looked at the computer on the table, "The curly-haired emperor... huh !"\u003c said with a smile, "Then what's your nickname for me? Green-haired monster?"

"Well, how is it possible, it's not right to have a nickname, is the green hair green? If I know a green hair, there is one who can stab me." \u003cLooking at Chen Yi meaningfully.

"Just kidding, don't care about this little detail." Chen Yi waved his hand.

"Dishonest people."


"Ah! Split!"

Chen Yi, who passed by Lu Luxiu's classroom, immediately blushed. This voice is that Nina Einstein who created the "Goddess of Love" power to compete with nuclear bombs, but is more environmentally friendly without nuclear bombs?

Sure enough, anyone who has something to do with Einstein will make a nuclear bomb, Chen Yi thought so, walked into this classroom and looked at it.

"Oh? You mean the one from the Chinese Federation?" Nina, who was concentrating on the computer, immediately turned her head when she heard Chen Yi's footsteps.

"Call me Chen Yi, just keep going, I'll just look at it and say nothing." Chen Yi motioned Nina to continue what she just said.

"Oh, Chen Yi, do you know what this is?" Regarding Nina's question, Chen Yi said that he felt dizzy immediately after seeing the large amount of data on it.

"I don't know." Chen Yi looked at Nina and immediately said with a disappointed face, "But I've seen something similar before."

Chen Yi patted Nina on the shoulder, "This is a 'great' invention, keep working hard."

Isn’t it great? The first show of fame directly overwhelmed 20 million people in District 11, plus the power of the attack in the capital of Britannia was magnified ten times... around.

"Oh? Appearance? What appearance?" "To save people, you can't let a lady do such a thing?"

"Lu Luxiu?" The corner of Chen Yi's mouth twitched, "Okay, we are allies, how can we do nothing but put the gun away, you should know that this thing is useless to me." \u003cHolding Chen Yi arms, thinking of the Saitama settlement moving forward, it looks like a couple to outsiders. \u003cputting his head on Chen Yi's shoulder and said softly.

"Well, if I can't do it, I will come. As long as I don't get hit or wiped by the kind of attack that can flatten the place with a single shot, I will be fine. I don't have your immortal body." Chen Yi grinned After knowing that there will be a "big list" of 20 million in the future, the attraction of these small incidents to me has plummeted.

"You are arrogant enough." "It's self-confidence, okay?" Chen Yi looked at the blocked area in front of him, "Would you like me to send you in, no one will find out."\u003c Said and ran to the side with the backpack .

"Well~ how could it be possible to die in the hands of miscellaneous soldiers?" Chen Yi smiled slightly. After sneaking in, he found another more helpless thing, that is, his appearance was really, too conspicuous. If he came forward, according to his Its characteristics are easy to find its own.

Really... Chen Yi reluctantly folded his body and entered the sewer. \u003cLooking silently at Chen Yi who broke in suddenly. \u003cAfter saying that, he ignored Chen Yi and changed his clothes on his own.

Fuck! ! !

It's better to be in a good time than to be in a good time, which is too coincidental. "Sorry!" Chen Yi hurriedly turned around. \u003cLooking at Chen Yi's glances at the water surface of the sewer from time to time, "Not only is he dishonest, but he is also heartless."

"Who said that!" Chen Yi turned around with a groan, a look of pity flashed in his eyes, the speed of changing clothes is too fast, it's unscientific! ! ! !

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