Public Enemy

Chapter 282: Continue to kill...

"By the way ()! The woman who is following Yakumo is still here?" Diethard suddenly remembered, "If we use her as a hostage, maybe we can still gain this combat power..."

"Ah ha? Threat? That's really your style." Lakshatta chuckled after hearing Dietharut's words.

"Uh... We went to Yakumo's house beforehand, but the woman has disappeared..." Shan Kaname said after hearing Dietharut's suggestion.

"What! How did our people let such a big man run away like that?" Dietharut scolded him angrily.

"Actually, Yakumo doesn't have any intention of taking action, so if he leaves..." Shan said, everyone else remained silent and looked at Chen Yi, who was surrounded by many mechas. If the other person was an ordinary person, maybe he would just With one round of concentrated fire, the opponent will definitely not be found, but the opponent is an ancient beast that has always been a monster!

"When an individual's power is extremely powerful, all the consequences are unknown, just like Zero's geass." Todo looked at the broadcast seriously, "The risk is too great if you let him leave!"

"Oh? Do you want to take action? I don't advocate this proposal," said Lakshatta, who was lying on the sofa. "You haven't understood his physical condition in detail. Naturally, you don't know his potential terror. Let's not talk about his power and so on." Speaking of his powerful resilience, I think that except for death caused by external force. He will continue to live until the end of the world."

"Eternal life!?" The senior members of the Black Knights immediately screamed.

"Ah~ It's a normal reaction. I was also surprised for a long time at first." Lakshata said with a smile. "Then I tried to decipher his blood and even found out the secret of his identity. You said a gust of wind blew a bunch of parts into pieces." What are the chances of being able to fly the 'Ikaruga'?"

"This is simply impossible ()!" Tamaki said on the side.

"That's it. No wonder he was so relieved to let me study his blood." Lakshatta shook his head, "And he may be an old monster who has lived for a long time."

"We can't keep a guy like this. We can use 'that' as a last resort!" Dietharut said seriously.

"Ah? Isn't it too dangerous? You know the goddess of love..." Shan Yao looked at the huge pit that could not be erased in the concession and was obviously very hesitant. Others also showed opposition. After all, this thing is in It's too dangerous!

"I mean, if Kallen takes action as a last resort, I think the chance of eliminating him will not be very small and if others cooperate..." Diethardt said while looking at Chen Yi on the screen.

"Surround and kill?" Lakshatta said.

"Ah! That's right!" Tamaki, who was sitting aside, slapped his palm. "You said that prince left us a Goddess of Love just to deal with him... Oh? Did I say something wrong?"

"No! You are not wrong. This may be true." Diethardt said, another existence comparable to zero, and his mind is more perfect than zero, even if we used the goddess of love to eliminate him, we have no control over him. The benefits are of course quite the opposite. Even if he fails, Chen Yi's hatred will only be dragged to the Black Knights to face him, which will have no impact at all. After all, the goddess of love is a gift for our 'beautiful' cooperation. How you use it is your business.

What a calculation. Dietharut thought in his heart that Chen Yi could never let him go. Once he and Zero met, the risk would be too great! It’s so big that no one can afford it!

"Notify Kalima to proceed with the encirclement and suppression of Zero's 'cronies'." Diethardt glanced at everyone in the command room.

Everyone else fell silent. Without saying anything, he obviously knew that if Chen Yi really assassinated...

"Ah~ I said he saved many of us when you fought before, and now you...I quit ()!" Tamaki yelled and left his seat and walked out of the command room.

"Okay, now that no one objects, let's start taking action! Keep Yakumo there!"

"I'm sorry. Chen Yi." Kallen, who was driving the 'Red Lotus Holy Sky Eight-pole Style', looked at Chen Yi standing in the pit and thought of the massacre that Chen Yi also participated in to annihilate the geass cult and passed by Dietharu Specially talking about the harm that Chen Yi might cause in the future if he leaves, Kallen hesitated for a long time before deciding to take action.

"Ah~ah~" Chen stood up, picked up the cooked shark's fin, and ate it regardless of the temperature of the noodles. "Seeing that you are planning to fall out, even the ace pilot has been sent out."

"Yakumo... Chenyi, why don't you surrender? I don't want to fight with you and sacrifice in vain..." Kallen tried to persuade Chen Yi.

"Hey! I don't want to be a zero. Now that Japan is liberated, you guys have fallen out in the blink of an eye. Are you sure I will do something like surrender?" Chen Yi ate the huge shark fin in his hand. Although there was no seasoning, the unique seafood flavor was still there. What's great is that the world cut from a shark's body is not too polluted.

"Besides, if there really is a fight, it's not certain who will hit whom... The last sentence! For the sake of my former colleagues, if you don't want to die, please leave me for a while. The only ones left behind are enemies!" Chen Yi's eyes narrowed and blood flowed. The dangerous aura in Se's eyes made the surrounding members of the Black Se Knights swallow unconsciously, but they did not dare to retreat without authorization because of the order above.

Maybe it was because he felt that Chen Yi couldn't fly. Except for a few mechas that were evacuated sporadically in the distance, nothing else moved.

"Chen Yi, you..." Kallen wanted to say something else but was directly interrupted by Chen Yi.

"Cut the nonsense. What kind of persecution paranoia have you got out of your own paranoia and want to destroy me? To you, am I an alien?" Chen Yi smiled sarcastically. "If a group of people have power, then it's normal if one person has power." It’s abnormal…”

The red skeleton-like (pseudo) wave wings appeared behind Chen Yi. Although the amount of wave power is small, the power to maintain the invisible wings is enough without other consumption. It is obviously much easier than using physical strength to maintain it. The speed will also become faster...

"What is that!!" The top brass of the Black Knights and other members looked at the 'Bone Wings' that appeared behind Chen Yi in surprise.

"Is it possible..." Dietharut thought of something he didn't want to think about and shouted into the communicator, "Be careful! He might fly..."

A series of explosions occurred on the monitor, making things difficult!

I originally wanted to use the advantage of flying to eliminate Chen Yi, but I didn't expect Chen Yi to come. This move was hidden deep enough.

"I'll go too." Todo walked out of the command room with a serious face.

At the same time, TVs everywhere were broadcasting the situation of Chen Yi.

Of course, what was announced to the public was that because of Zero's death, Yakumo beside him tried to seize control of the Black Knights as his own private power, which seriously violated the purpose of the Black Knights and now destroys them...

Is it really? Li Xingke watched the TV broadcast and thought silently.

Hahahahaha! This family member is a monster! Charles looked at Chen Yi who had ‘bone wings’ appearing on his back and thought to himself that humans have been extremely repulsive to aliens since ancient times! snort!

What a speed! Kallen was shocked when she saw Chen Yi's sudden burst of speed. He has become stronger! Seeing that the mecha Kalian was being killed by Chen Yi at a speed that was completely different from Chen Yi's, she gritted her teeth and rushed forward in the 'Red Lotus Holy Sky Eight Extremes Style'.

An arm with radiant waves was connected to a hook and locked with a red light to grab Chen Yi. The flying bird pattern appeared in Chen Yi's eyes. Since it is a battle, he should use various advantages. Moreover, the nature of the 'Red Lotus Holy Heaven Eight Extremes Style' It can be said that he is one of the top people in the world ()!

Ten cuts! A streak of blood as high as a person's height followed Chen Yi's swing of the weapon and collided with the oncoming arm. Looking at the blocked arm, the demon knife in Chen Yi's hand slashed diagonally with great force. A bloody blade directly joined the slow movement. The advancing ten slashes with strong thrust and cutting power bounced away the incoming mechanical arm.

The other mechas launched attacks on Chen Yi and retracted their arms. Kallen looked at the unpainted sharp claws of the mecha and it was so bloody. It was such an unreal feeling...

At the same time, people watching the battle also discussed it. Chen Yi's attack just now reminded many Japanese people of the cartoonish things before Britannia occupied them. If they didn't know it was real, They might watch this as a movie during the broadcast...

What an unwise approach! Li Xingke looked at Chen Yi who was drowned by the barrage. He had a high IQ. After thinking for a while, he also thought about why the Black Knights did this. For an unfounded risk, they pushed down a nightmare person. The opposite was indeed gone. Zero makes your eyesight become shallow and short.

If the other party really wanted people who wanted to mess up time to assassinate high-level officials from various places, they would have done it long ago.

"Did Yakumo really rebel? He shouldn't be such a person." Tianzi said in confusion that if Chen Yi hadn't intercepted the bullet for her, she wouldn't be sitting here.

"..." Kagura looked at the broadcast footage, "After all, knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing hearts... this kind of thing..."

"Okay, we don't need to discuss things like continuing to watch the broadcast." Li Xingke said as he watched the smoke gradually dissipate on the screen.

Should be dead? Looking at Chen Yi who was drowned by the barrage, a member of the Black Knights thought why no body fell down? To be continued. .

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