Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 451: Go round and round!

Latest website: The owner of the manor was a little surprised, but he answered truthfully: "This is the high-grade ingredient we selected from Miliang Town, code-named '0880', and it is still being further cultivated, my lord."

— There is no doubt that the guy was eaten by the master.

But why is the master so angry?

"Secret Grain Town? Wasn't that place destroyed? Wait, is this the soul who did it?" Nightmare King Luo asked keenly.

"Yes, my lord, he is very good. Even in the manor, he has completed tasks that other people can't do. It is a strange fruit beyond the ordinary level, and it has to be further cultivated... The lord ate him?" the Lord asked.

The suffocating killing intent suddenly disappeared.

All the black fog in the void flew back, and all were collected into the body of Nightmare King Luo.

It had a thoughtful look on its face.

"grown ups?"

The manor owner did not know why. .

"It's been a long time since I encountered food that I needed to 'hunt' myself."

Nightmare King Luo showed a long-lost smile, and even reached out and patted the manor's shoulder, and continued:

"I have to say, you've done a great job, and the food is really at an unprecedented level."

The owner of the manor was at a loss, but still said respectfully: "It is our honor to be praised by your lord, but what happened to that 0880...? Your lord."

Nightmare King Luo said: "He escaped from me."

The owner of the manor stayed for a while.


Is there such a thing?

— No wonder the master is so happy.

After all, this is something that can only be achieved by the highest degree of fruit, which proves the energy and value of the fruit.

If the owner eats this "0880", the strength will definitely have a qualitative leap!

Nightmare King Luo thought for a while, and then asked: "What are you busy with recently?"

"Infiltrating Eternal Night - We have found an old **** from Eternal Night World, and will use it to open the Nightmare Era of Eternal Night." The manor said.

It added: "This is also the task completed by the fruit codenamed '0880' just now."

"It's really good, I'm also interested in participating... I will continue to hunt that 0880. During this period, if you have any problems, you can call me and get my help."

Nightmare Luo Wang is interested.

The owner of the manor hurriedly said, "Thank you, my lord!"

"You're welcome, this is an affirmation and reward for your work."

Liu Ping opened the manhole cover and drilled out of the tunnel.

He saw a lawn outside.

blue sky.

deep cloud.

Boundless grass.

and a majestic castle.


A robbery thunder struck down and was slashed by Liu Ping.

This robbery is also persistent enough. Even if he goes straight from **** to the Holy Kingdom, he still pursues Liu Ping perseveringly.

"Is this the Holy Nation?" Liu Ping asked.

"Yes, it was originally hidden in the manor, but you can't steal things under the eyes of those enemies, so we went around **** and finally arrived here." God said with emotion.

"We're going to start from here and collect the Holy Nation cards one by one?" Liu Ping said.

"No, it's the moment that really matters," God said.

"Time?" Liu Ping and Mother Earth asked in surprise.

"That's right - when you arrive at this moment, and stand in front of the Holy Kingdom, with Mother Earth and Lucifer - at this point in time, the entire manor is in a state of no one." God said.

"It's unlikely, even if the manor owner is not there, there are still so many servants in the manor, and there are even many cultivated humans." Liu Ping said.

"We don't have to know the reason. If we have to explore the reason, it will only alert the enemy. We only need to know that at the moment when you arrived in the Holy Kingdom, there is indeed no one in the entire manor." God said.

Gaia, Mother Earth, interjected:

"Damn old man, you used the power of 'Omniscient and Almighty'? Aren't you already dead?"

"I did run out of power, but—"

There was a solemnity in God's voice: "In fact, the most important thing is to arrive at this moment, and it is our only chance to escape."

Void flashed.

I saw the phantom of Nightmare Manor appearing in front of Liu Ping, overlapping with the real Holy Kingdom.

A card flew out of the Nightmare Manor, pierced through the void, and landed in front of Liu Ping.

- Holy State Card: Holy Stables.

In addition to this card, more cards flew out and were continuously spliced ​​together in front of Liu Ping.

"What did you see? What are these Holy Kingdom cards fighting?"

Gaia, Mother Earth, asked anxiously.

"After the great loss of strength, neither you, nor me, nor him will be able to deal with the next 'hunting', we have to leave this timeline!" God said.

"What does 'hunting' mean?" asked Gaia, Mother Earth.

"There is a really terrifying guy who intends to hunt with us and eventually eat us. In this timeline, we are not its opponents, and there is no other possibility other than being eaten." God's Word.

"I already know - the special effects I released have told me how terrible that guy is." Liu Ping nodded in agreement.

"There are two cards left, Liu Ping." God said.

Liu Ping swung his knife to fly another tribulation thunder, opened the card book, and released "Lucifer" and "Holy Candlestick".

Two cards quickly flew into those sacred cards.

At this time, a line of burning small characters quickly appeared in front of Liu Ping:

"Reminder: The Holy Kingdom Card is about to complete a brand new fight, forming a brand-new ultimate power of the holy side."

Liu Ping was shocked and looked at the cards that were constantly being spliced ​​together.

I saw that all the cards were perfectly spliced ​​together, and they were tightly stitched together. They were turned over together, showing a magnificent picture.

That is a giant ship.

It exudes a holy light and travels fast in the boundless dark void.


With a light sound, the card disappeared, and the real Noah's Ark appeared in front of Liu Ping.

The Holy Nation is gone.

In its place is this Noah's Ark!

It stands in the void outside the Nightmare Manor, exuding an incomparably sacred aura.

"...It's the Ark, and you actually made it out."

Gaia, the mother of the earth, lost her mind.

"Continue to stay on this timeline, the fate of the three of us is only death, the only way is to use the ark to leave this timeline, go around the parallel world, and arrive at a certain moment in the future." God said.

Liu Ping looked at the majestic giant flying boat and couldn't help holding his breath.

That's right—

The entire timeline has been blocked by the manor, so there is no way to avoid the enemy by time jumping.

Staying here to fight is not the way, the all-knowing and almighty Lord has seen the desperate ending.

Now there is a whole new way -

Go to a parallel world!

Arrive at a parallel world that is not locked in time and space, go from that world to the future, and then go back to the moment on the main timeline.

This avoided the blockade of the manor owner, and also bypassed the hunting of the Nightmare Lord, and successfully reached the future!

Maybe only God could come up with such a way!

"I can't understand, they are so powerful, could there be a parallel world that they don't exist?" said Gaia, the mother of the earth.

"Of course they exist - in any parallel world, they exist, but there are moments when history deviates, allowing them to discover other pillar worlds first, and they have never been to Evernight and Purgatory Pillars for a while. ." God said.

"That's the parallel world we're going to." Liu Ping said.

"Exactly." God said.

"I'm starting to think that you are worthy of being the 'Omniscient and Almighty Lord'." Liu Ping said.

God was silent for a few breaths and lowered his voice: "In fact, there is a technical problem with this matter."

"What technical problem?" Liu Ping asked.

God said: "It takes a huge amount of energy to start Noah's flying boat... This is a huge expense, and I am already dead, there is no way to use the wealth of the kingdom of heaven..."

The void suddenly shook.

A strange aura quietly appeared.

Liu Ping jumped on the flying boat without hesitation, and turned the ring to release the surging golden sand.


He took a drink.

"I knew you were our only hope." God exclaimed.

The huge flying boat moved slowly.

Its entire body turned transparent, penetrated into the void, and disappeared completely.

The last moment-

"Any big bombs? Like in Migraine."

Liu Ping's voice sounded from the void.

"There is a call to destruction banner."

This is the voice of God.

"Give me."


Conversation is over.

Liu Ping casually threw a shadow.

The shadow flew down, stuck on the lawn, and fluttered in the wind.

— but a black flag.

An illusory Liu Ping walked to the black flag, held the flagpole with his hand, and stood there and waited quietly.

Take a breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Void move.

Nightmare King Luo and the manor owner appeared together.

"Huh? Why are you here? Why didn't you run?"

Nightmare King Luo said in a disappointed tone. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"I don't have to run anymore." Liu Ping said.

"Why?" Nightmare King Luo asked.

"I just... gained a holy power, and I just got tired of this fight, and I want to give you a taste of the explosion when you're dying."

Liu Ping stroked the flagpole.

The black flag instantly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in front of him.

Instead, it was a big mountain completely piled up with Holy Light bombs.

"Please enjoy below, the call from heaven."

Liu Ping snapped his fingers.

All the bombs began to shine brightly—

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