Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 453: Head-to-head confrontation!

The latest website: The ark flew straight up along the space-time channel.

The long black hands filled the passage and followed closely behind, getting closer and closer to the ark.

"How far is it!" Gaia, the mother of the earth, asked irritably.

"Come on! Don't rush." ​​God said in a calm tone.

"Why don't you rush! As long as they catch up, we will all die! There is no room for turning around!" said Mother Earth.

"I'll buy a little more time." Liu Ping said. .

He just thought about it carefully.

Starting from the old purgatory **** joining the nightmare camp, betraying the cruel mistress Medea in the eternal night——

He woke up from the cemetery, joined Lady Pain's command, and finally passed the card master's trial, and drew the clown card——

The time between the two is not long.

Need to buy a little more time now!

Liu Ping's eyes fell on those long black hands that were chasing wildly.

"Their target is me..."

"In that case, let them catch me, what will happen?"

"They'll take me back to eat the Nightmare Lord—"

Liu Ping muttered to himself, and suddenly stretched out his hand, again condensing a phantom of himself.

He walked around his false delusion and said, "You should be like the real me, with human touch, human power fluctuations, human everything, so that they will think they have me."

The fake he nodded, his body gradually solidified and fell to the ground, just like a real person.

"Go, fight them and let them take you back."


The fake Liu Ping jumped out of the ark and met those long black hands.

The long black hands released their weapons in unison and grabbed them all towards Liu Ping.

The fake Liu Ping opened his arms with a smile on his face, letting these long black hands grab him tightly.

Thousands of long black hands stopped.

——They have completed the mission of the spell and have successfully grasped the target.


All the black long hands retreated like a tide and disappeared into the space-time channel.

"Is this okay?" asked Gaia, Mother Earth.

"You can only lie to it once, and it doesn't take long." Liu Ping said.

The ark shook violently.

Its speed increased again, so that Liu Ping and the Mother Earth could feel that it was flying with all its strength.

The surrounding space-time pictures quickly receded like blurred lines.

The only thing that followed Feizhou was the tribulation thunder that shone with the rays of destruction.

——This tribulation thunder turned out to be so long!

It is said that the improvement of the Guiyuan Realm is very large, and now the clues can be seen from the tribulation thunder.

Liu Ping couldn't help but sighed, and kept hitting the tribulation thunders out.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Time keeps moving.

God's voice sounded again: "Liu Ping, we have arrived at the moment when you draw that card."


Liu Ping stretched out his hand and twitched lightly in the void—

An oil painting-like colored card appeared in his hand, with a playful clown painted on it.

Lines of burning small characters appeared in the void:

"You got your final reward—"

"Card: Light of Eternal Hope, also known as 'The Clown'."

"pay attention!"

"This card has gone through too long, and its original face has been integrated with the Joker."

"Even though you regained it, it still manifests as a Joker card."

"It's your work with God."

"When you use this card, the divine power will inevitably combine with your own characteristics, activate your 'creation', and manifest all the incredible, unpredictable, and deceptive divine power."

"This is unprecedented, so there are no relevant descriptions and records in all the setting sets, or even any defense methods."

"All the power in it is embodied in this clown card, which is held by you."

"Rule of use:"

"When something pleases you, you can use this card once."

"—all its nature comes from you."

All the small print disappeared in a flash.

God's voice sounded again: "From the moment we came to the incomparably distant future, that spell will always chase us, Liu Ping, what's your opinion?"

Liu Ping put away the card, snapped his fingers and said, "Then let's fight it."

"A fight?" The voices of God and Mother Earth sounded at the same time.

"Do you think our combined strength is likely to win?" God asked.

"Not only you and me, but also all the professions created by human efforts." Liu Ping said.

"Isn't that a designed profession?" Gaia, the mother of the earth, asked in surprise.

Liu Ping smiled deeply and said:

"Design? No, human creativity is unlimited. The main job of those designers is actually to weaken - weaken every occupation, study every human power, and make it easier for nightmare monsters to eat humans."

"Then next, the one who fights the nightmare is you, me, and the power of all human beings." God corrected.

"There is another one."



"who is she?"

"A Holy Spirit, she is the hope of this era - with the cooperation of God, me, all living beings, and the Holy Spirit, the moves she uses will definitely not be in the set."

After Liu Ping finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards the stern of the boat.

I saw the dense black long hands appear again, chasing towards Noah's Ark along the passage of time and space.

"The battle is handed over to you, and I will immediately find a safe parallel world!"

God's Word.

Noah's Ark immediately adjusted its direction and moved toward the endless fog.

Liu Ping smashed a thunderbolt with his fist, and before those long black hands caught up, he raised his hand and threw the oily clown card out.


The card made a soft sound, turning into a mist that enveloped Liu Ping.

He walked through the fog-

This time, however, his attire did not change.

Lines of burning small characters appear in the void:

"This card has been awakened."

"You don't need any extra clothes, you're the king of deceit—"

"It's all for the joy of all beings."

Liu Ping strode to the stern and whispered, "Andrea."

"I have prepared for you." Andrea said.

Dozens of weapons penetrated the fog and emerged in the void, waiting for Liu Ping to use.

Liu Ping's eyes wandered back and forth among these weapons——

He suddenly laughed softly.

His laugh grew louder and louder, as if revealing an unprecedented sense of pleasure.

The dense black long hands attacked——

Liu Ping grabbed a long saber and shook his head while laughing: "I have learned all the martial arts in the world, but unfortunately you have a set, so I have failed countless times."

"but now."

"The set is useless."

A line of burning small words quietly emerged:

"The upcoming battle pleases you, and you will be able to unleash the power of the clown, making the moves sacred and unpredictable."

Liu Ping made a starting gesture on the spot, sipped the blade of the blade with two fingers, and pointed the tip of the blade at the long black hand that was overwhelming—

"it has started."

he whispered.

As soon as the voice fell, the blade continued to tremble.

All the black long hands reached to the body, holding Liu Ping motionless.

Knife up!

A holy sword glow that filled the entire space-time channel rushed out from the blade, shrouded all the black long hands, and instantly penetrated the void.

the other side.

Nightmare Manor World.

Nightmare King Luo floated in the air, holding his arms, watching the manor owner continue to cast spells and rebuild the manor.

"It's really boring, haven't you caught that guy yet?"

Nightmare King Luo said in a sullen manner.

But when he remembered the dummy he had just caught, it became excited again.

That fruit is still alive!

What method did he use to deceive himself?

——As long as you eat him yourself, you can already get this kind of power!

Nightmare King Luo licked the corner of his mouth, almost unable to control his desire.

If you chase after yourself—

Perhaps the flesh and blood of that fruit has been eaten!

It was hesitating, and the void suddenly moved, dodging to both sides.


Nightmare King Luo looked up in surprise.

I saw a black rose that had not yet bloomed gently falling down and stayed in front of him.

"This is—my causal technique? How could it be condensed into a flower?" Nightmare King Luo said in surprise.

It couldn't help reaching out to catch the flower.

The buds suddenly trembled.


The whole flower bud blooms, showing a beautiful and strange blooming posture.

A voice sounded from the stamens:

"Remember, this is just a joke, if you don't feel happy, then come after me and I will personally take you on your way."

The voice fell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This black rose completely turned into a holy white.

A dangerous aura emanated from the branches, making Nightmare King Luo feel a certain familiarity.

This is--

This seems to have only happened once a while ago, and it was—

"Ah, here comes this one again."

Nightmare King Luo murmured.

next moment.

The blazing white light spread rapidly, covering everything, and even the manor that had just built a prototype was completely integrated into it and completely destroyed.

boom! ! !

The sound of the explosion resounding in the ten directions echoed in the void again.

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