Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 464: The connection between the past and the future!

The latest website: "Come on, mortal, you only have one chance."

The manor owner opened a book and said in his hand.

He looked unconcerned, perhaps even disinterested.

- But he did have a murderous intent on him.

Liu Ping thought for a while.

Maybe this guy really wants to kill himself and get the secrets behind the world, but he has no interest in killing himself.


Liu Ping's eyes fell on the book. .

In the void, a line of burning small characters made a mark:

"The Set of All Beings."

—Yes, all known occupations and moves are recorded here.

What will happen if you attack the manor?

Liu Ping put his hand on the handle of the knife.

God's voice sounded quietly: "The high-level strange swordsmanship can't kill it, at most it can only seriously injure it, but it can't keep it."

"Completely impossible?" Liu Ping asked.

"Unless...you take advantage of it." God said.

Liu Ping fell silent.

"The tone was not small just now, why don't you dare to come up and fight?" The manor owner laughed.


The voice fell.

Liu Ping suddenly rushed up, and the long knife in his hand chopped off hundreds of sword beams, and slashed down according to the manor owner.

The book flashed suddenly.

The manor owner didn't even look at the sword light in the air, but just stared at the setting set that was automatically opened, and there was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

"Swordsman 7820th style, vacuum slashing method, tsk, at this level?"

He spoke casually.

A human-shaped phantom appeared on the book, passed through the overlapping sword lights with extreme ease, and hit Liu Ping directly.

Liu Ping fell to the ground immediately, and there was no breath anymore.

The manor owner shook his head and stretched out his hand.

A soul emerged from Liu Ping's body and was taken into his hands.

"Uninteresting fight... let me see what else is here?"

He waved his arms ready to cast some kind of spell.


He seemed to sense something again and slowly stopped.

Only dozens of meters away, Liu Ping was standing there, looking at himself calmly.

And the soul entwined in his hand has long since disappeared.

"You - obviously dead."

The manor owner was puzzled.

Liu Ping didn't speak, didn't use the knife, just looked at the other party with deep meaning.

The owner of the manor fell silent.

After a while, he said again: "This is not something that mortals can do."

Only then did Liu Ping open his mouth and said, "All beings really can't do it."

"Ordinary bizarre tricks can't deceive me." The manor said.

"You should know after trying it, in fact, if I want to, I can completely fool you." Liu Ping said.

"Yes." The manor owner nodded.

"For some reason, I can't tell you something directly, but since you are in charge of the entire manor and select the fruits for the masters, you should already understand what I do." Liu Ping said.

"It turned out to be working for the master..." The owner of the manor looked at him and said, "Yes, you work for a certain master, what are you discovering here..."

"After more than 2,000 years, no one has ever discovered the problem here. Do you think that a person like me can discover the mystery here?" Liu Ping asked.

The manor owner said with some regret: "It seems that the owner you serve is interested in this place."

"I didn't say anything." Liu Ping said.

"Since that's the case... then I'm leaving, I won't tell anyone about this." The manor said.

"People who know interest always live a hundred years, goodbye." Liu Ping said.

The void opened, and the manor walked towards it.

He suddenly stopped again and asked, "Can you give me a hint?"

Liu Ping didn't say a word, just pointed to his back, and then pointed to his other hand.




—The powerful and unpredictable Nightmare King Luo.

The manor nodded.

The hosts are rarely present in person.

If you don't really know the owner, how can you point out its characteristics so vividly?

"You appeared so rashly and asked so many questions, now it's time for me to ask you a question." Liu Ping said.

"You ask." The manor owner said.

"There are countless little things in history... Why do you pay attention to things here? What do you want?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's not a personal matter of mine, but something about history - and frankly sometimes the owners fight over food...and it's a little unpleasant..."

The manor owner said hesitantly.

Liu Ping looked at his reluctant appearance, and thoughts flashed in his heart.

next second.

He took off the thorn ring on his finger and said, "I have heard your name for a long time, and I have a very good impression of you. There may be opportunities for us to work together in the future."


The ring of thorns flew over dozens of meters and landed in the hands of the manor owner.

"What is this?" the manor owner asked in surprise.

"A little gift, let's talk about your feelings." Liu Ping said.

The manor owner sank his thoughts into the ring of thorns, and immediately said, "This is too much."

"So is there any additional information - you know that I am working for the master and need some intelligence support." Liu Ping asked.

The ring is so light and so weighty that the owner of the manor kept rubbing the ring in his hand, and the reluctance on his face finally disappeared.

He lowered his voice and said:

"Two thousand years ago, the masters came to this world, ate up their souls on the third day, and then fought..."

"I can't go into details, but there seemed to be something wrong at the time, and it was covered up."

"Thank you." Liu Ping smiled.

Between the electric, the flint, the sudden change—

In the void behind the manor owner, a long sword exuding black awn suddenly appeared and slashed towards its neck with all his strength.

Following this long knife, I saw another Liu Ping emerging from the void—

This is the real Liu Ping!

He used the "special effects artist" to deceive the manor owner, but he showed the effect of the "special effects artist" to the other party to let the other party know that he was fooled.

So there was a later conversation.

Even so, the other party was fooled.

-Because the Liu Ping who talked to it is still fake!

Liu Ping clenched the hilt of the knife and slashed with all his might—

"It's done."

"Yes, kill it."

The Mother Earth and the Goddess of Death spoke at the same time.

"No." God said.

next moment.

The entire time and space suddenly fell into a stagnation.

The fake Liu Ping was still smiling and seemed to be listening.

The manor owner held the ring of thorns, opened his mouth, and was continuing to speak down.

Behind it, the real Liuping held the knife and cut it to its neck—

The knife stopped.

"Damn old man, what's the situation?" asked the Mother Earth.

"It's very simple, everything here has formed a necessary cause and effect two thousand years ago. Before the "past" has not been completely formed, the final result cannot be obtained here." God said.

"You mean—" the goddess of death moved.

"Yeah, time, space, cause and effect, and destiny are activated together. They require Liu Ping to fix the things that happened two thousand years ago before he can determine the final result here." God said with emotion.

Liu Ping listened silently, and then interjected: "According to you, isn't that extremely rare situation already formed here?"

"Yes, that's how blank history is formed," God said.

The voice just fell.

In an instant, Liu Ping disappeared directly from the spot.

two thousand years ago.

The age of nightmares.

The void flashed, and Liu Ping suddenly appeared.

Standing on the rock, he looked out at the devastated city ruins in the distance.

The whole world seems to be devoid of people.

Those Nightmare Lords must have eaten up all the souls, leaving only a world of complete death.

God's voice full of emotion sounded:

"All the powers of the gods are attributed to the **** of death. After waiting for two thousand years, finally it was you. You saved the death twins, re-inspired history, and made history enter a blank state from this moment."

"But—why is this moment?" Liu Ping couldn't help but said.

He stared at the burning small print in front of him:

"The world will be destroyed in three days."

It's too late.

Go back to this era, what can you do?

God did not answer.

Liu Ping thought about it for a while, and suddenly he gradually understood.

Death twins.

Ruined world.

The Nightmare Lords are gone.

before they leave—

The manor owner's voice echoed in his ears again:

"Two thousand years ago, the masters came to this world, ate up their souls on the third day, and then fought..."

"I can't go into details, but there seemed to be something wrong at the time, and it was covered up..."

What the **** is going on?

Liu Ping moved, crossed the sky, and landed in front of the hidden camp.

He waved to open the camp, only to find that neither John nor Jenny was inside.

"Death?" Liu Ping asked immediately.

"They're all right, over the ruins of the city—wait, there seems to be something." The goddess of death's voice suddenly rose.

Two cards emerged from the black ring.

This is the twins of death: Sleep and Silence.

I saw that the color of the two cards began to slowly change, towards dark purple.

"They don't belong to me anymore!" said the goddess of death.

John and Jenny on the card began to look sluggish.

Liu Ping didn't hesitate, waved his hand to release the "special effect artist", hiding himself in the void, and then flew towards the city at full speed.

Only two breaths passed.

He reached the sky above the city.

"Yes, this is the moment..." God whispered.

Liu Ping lowered his head and overlooked the entire city, his eyes suddenly condensed.

He immediately added a layer of "deception" to the outside of the "special effects artist", and then quietly fell behind a collapsed building.

Standing behind the building, he slowly stuck his head out and looked at the scene ahead—

John and Jenny knelt on the ground blankly.

On the square opposite them, lay a behemoth.

The behemoth was covered with wounds, and it seemed that he was seriously injured and was dying.

"You... find other worlds by all means and catch some sentient beings back. I need their souls, understand?"

The behemoth spoke in human language. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Yes." John and Jenny responded at the same time.

behind the building.

"Is this the so-called blank history?" Liu Ping asked silently.

"Finally I can say - suffocate me," God let out a long sigh and continued: "Yes, no one can figure out what happened during this time, even the manor is still exploring, so the future Whether you can kill it or not depends on what happened in this history."

"Whether this seriously injured Lord of Nightmare recovered from his injuries with the twins of death and made a comeback - or has died here."

"This is the first thing to decide."

God finished in one breath.

Liu Ping took out the Baina knife and said softly, "I guess—it died here."

He suddenly disappeared from the spot.

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