Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 469: Hide and Seek Finals!

"Very good, very good!" God exclaimed.

"What's good?" the goddess of death asked suspiciously.

"The goblin is the darling of all laws. If you have a grudge against it, you can't find its place at all. It is the laws that are helping it." God said.

Liu Ping held the painting with **** and said, "Then since the preaching came out with this painting—"

"Prove that fairies welcome you." God said.

"In this world line, I don't seem to have any intersection with them." Liu Ping shrugged.

"Maybe it's not just you..." God said in a weird tone.

The voice just fell. .

A strange thing happened.

The paper on which the castle was drawn broke free from Liu Ping's hand and folded into a small door in mid-air.

The small door opens.

A little goblin in a green short skirt jumped out and waved at Liu Ping: "You found our castle? Great, according to one of the 33 million goblin laws, in hiding If there are guests watching during the process, then we will invite guests to participate in the competition!”

"Me?" Liu Ping pointed to his nose.

The goblin didn't recognize life at all, jumped on Liu Ping's shoulder and said, "You smell like our goblins, so you must be friends with a goblin, right?"

"Yes." Liu Ping admitted.

The green skirt goblin leaned on his ear and whispered: "This final is too intense, we have to ask friends to intervene, can you help me with this?"

"Why is it so intense? Are there casualties?" Liu Ping asked.

"The finals have been going on for six thousand years - none of the players have found out, so we need someone to break this situation," said the green skirt fairy.

"Six thousand years..." Liu Ping groaned.

"Ah, quite thrilling, this is a classic stalemate enough to go down in history, isn't it?" The green skirt fairy said in a tone of amazement.

"What should I do?" Liu Ping asked.

"Whatever, as long as you come to participate in the competition, even if you are eliminated, there will be popcorn and strawberry pie as encouragement awards after the competition." The fairy said happily.

"...I actually...I have something to ask you for help." Liu Ping said.

"Everyone is watching the game, and it will last until the end of the game before you can deal with various affairs. Why don't you stay and watch the game, and it will be over in a few thousand years?" The fairy said.

For thousands of years…

Liu Ping sighed involuntarily and said, "Isn't it a contest, go, take me to the contest."


The goblin took out a wooden staff and pointed at Liu Ping lightly.

Liu Pingping shrunk to the size of a goblin, and was held by the other party's hand, and rushed into the door at once.

Liuping stood on the carpet in the castle hall.

A goblin stood beside him, holding a loudspeaker in his hand and said, "Attention all contestants, we have new contestants!"

It nodded to Liu Ping and said, "You have three minutes to hide. During this process, everyone will cover their eyes."

After he finished speaking, he disappeared.


Only Liu Ping was left standing alone.

There was complete silence all around.

There was crackling firewood burning in the fireplace, and fragrant sweets were piled on the table beside it.


Where are you going to hide?

Liu Ping pondered, suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself.


I was almost led astray by the fairies.

Hide hair!

If he really participates in the peekaboo final here, thousands of years will pass in a flash, and the purgatory pillars will be destroyed.


Find a way to end the game yourself!

God's voice suddenly sounded: "Remember, you can't screw up the fairies, it will turn you against each other."

"What's the correct way?" Liu Ping asked.

"No one can do anything to the goblins," God said with a helplessness in his voice. "If you don't follow the goblins, at least the nightmare monsters won't provoke them."

"Are you kidding me?" Liu Ping said.

He walked back and forth on the carpet.

A minute passed.

Liu Ping suddenly stopped and whispered: "What needs to be done most now is to stop this final."

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"Can't screw up their game or they'll be angry," God said.

"I know... I want to defeat them in hide-and-seek, so they have nothing to say." Liu Ping said.

He glanced around and activated the power of "seeing and hearing like a god".


There is no name flashing in the void.

But there are two lines of burning small characters floating in front of him:

"You can't discover hidden goblins through 'seeing and hearing like God'."

"They often miss out on a title because they're not serious enough, and don't care about it."

"Defeat them? Hide and seek? That's unlikely. This is their racial advantage." The goddess of death interjected.

"I know...Isn't there no way, we can only defeat them." Liu Ping said.

"Are you serious? Hide-and-seek is a goblin's specialty." Mother Earth interjected.

Liu Ping snapped his fingers and said, "But I'm also good at it—"

"What?" the two goddesses asked in unison.

"He's a liar." God answered Liu Ping in a deep tone.

"No, I understand them, they all have a childlike heart." Liu Ping corrected.

next moment.

Clusters of flowers bloomed in the entire hall, followed by gun salutes and countless cheers.

- Liu Ping had seen fairies throw carnival parties, so he learned a lot about this set.

Only a fairy's voice sounded:

"Now all the fairies are disqualified because of the foul, and only the last one is left."

"It hasn't shown up until now, and we haven't found it!"

"Come out, the champion of this competition!"

The cheers were louder.

Not even a breath of effort—

I saw goblins come out from every corner of the hall one by one.

"I'm the champion?"

They shouted in unison.

There were bursts of chaos and noise in the void, which was the mockery of the fairies watching the battle.

The green skirt goblin jumped out and waved her hand: "You guys who jumped out by yourself, you have been discovered, and now you are officially eliminated from the finals!"

The fairies in the hall flew into the void in dejection and left the field of play.

"There are three more players, the next game will continue!" The green skirt fairy announced.

She gave Liu Ping a thumbs up and said in a low voice, "It's wonderful, shameless liar."

"The rest are hard to find." Liu Ping said.

"According to the rules, you still have five seconds to hide, hurry up!" said the green skirt fairy.

"What, only five seconds?" Liu Ping asked.

"Hide!" The green skirt goblin said anxiously.

Suddenly, a small hand emerged from under the carpet, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com firmly grabbed Liu Ping's feet.

"I found you! Let you get carried away, haha!" said the goblin proudly.

Liu Ping's expression remained unchanged, and praised: "It's so good to hide! I didn't even notice you right under my nose."

"Admit defeat! Humans!" said the goblin.

"But you were also discovered." Liu Ping said.

"Finding someone doesn't count - I found you, so I can hide again." The goblin said.

"Who said you found me?" Liu Ping laughed.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared.

- It turns out that this is just an illusion released by him!

The goblin was stunned.

The green skirt goblin responded very quickly, and immediately shouted: "You jumped out by yourself, and you didn't catch the hiding person, you are out!"

"What! Why is this happening!" The goblin said in shock.

There was thunderous applause from the surrounding void, and the hands of many spectating goblins turned red.

Some goblins even cheered loudly: "A truly shameless liar! I haven't seen such a powerful slicker in years!"

"Yeah! It's too despicable!" The other fairies echoed.

The green skirt goblin raised her hand, motioned all the audience to be quiet, and said loudly:

"And the last two contestants!"

"—The championship and runner-up battle begins!"

All sounds disappeared immediately.

The last two players!

One of them is naturally Liu Ping, and the other is a fairy who never showed up from beginning to end.

- Who will win the game?

The entire castle hall was quiet again.

However, there are various invisible distortions in the void.

This was because the game was so exciting and tense that many goblins were so emotional that they fainted and were carried out of the audience.

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