Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 477: sparse words

The pile of bones moved on the ground, but did not get up.

Liu Ping simply stretched out his hand and waved, wrapping the entire room with the special effect of "nothingness".


No matter what was happening in the room, the outside could not detect it.

"Nice job, Liu Ping."

The goddess of death lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then squatted down in front of the skeleton, holding the skull with her hands.

Stop counting. .

She opened the mouth and said: "The soul has been eaten, only the bones are left... Through the memory of the bones, we can know that this is a magician - the strongest kind, he was imprisoned here for various researches, In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore."

"What research?" Liu Ping asked.

The goddess of death frowned and pondered: "It's about the countermeasures and defenses of various magic..."

God interrupted her: "This person died for verifying the canon."

"Verify?" Liu Ping repeated.

"Yes, his magic has reached its peak, and he was caught to perfect the set of nightmare monsters to counter all beings." God said.

"It turned out to be a place like this..."

Liu Ping squatted down and gently touched the pile of bones.

There are dense and deep imprints on the skeleton, obviously suffering unimaginable torture.


Liu Ping shook his head, stood up, and looked out.

I saw that there was a rock wall that could not be seen to an end at a glance, and rooms like this were excavated one by one, which were densely packed and uncountable.

- All the rooms are silent.

With divine sense, Liu Ping could sense the situation in those rooms.

All those imprisoned here are dead.

Only the skeleton remains empty.

The set is perfected because of this, and it can counter sentient beings without worrying about being hurt by the power of sentient beings.

Liu Ping fell silent.

The goddess of death threw a cigarette and said, "If you're in a bad mood, just smoke one. Don't worry, it's ordinary tobacco."

Liu Ping took the cigarette, lit it with a ray of fire on his fingertips, and took a deep breath.

"You can smoke." The goddess of death said with interest.

"When I was in the devil's way, I also invented a special kind of cigarette. I can't remember the name now. In short, it was very shocking at the time." Liu Ping said.

"Why is it shocking?"

"Because I mixed some animal souls in the tobacco, it's very pleasant to smoke."

With a cigarette in his mouth, he walked slowly to the collapsed wall and looked towards the void outside.

A guard with starlight all over his body flew by quietly.

Liu Ping stood still.

There was darkness all around, and the only thing that could be seen was the cigarette he was holding on his mouth.

Because there is no wind, this layer of smoke is getting thicker and thicker, making Liu Ping's figure blurred.

"What are you thinking?" The goddess of death asked softly.

"All living beings suffer." Liu Ping said.

"Gods are also in misery, unable to save themselves, not to mention all living beings," said the goddess of death.

Liu Ping exhaled a puff of smoke and his eyes became dark.

"I'm the first to jump out of the set, right," he asked.

"It's up to God." The goddess of death shrugged.

God said in a contemplative tone: "In general, you are the first."

"Since it's the first person, then I'll reluctantly stand up and do something out of the ordinary." Liu Ping said, snuffed out the cigarette, and flicked it to the ground.

In the darkness, he slowly drew out the Bai Na knife.

"Have you figured it out?" God asked.

"En." Liu Ping said.

A mature woman in a red robe quietly appeared from the void, knelt on one knee in front of Liu Ping, and pressed her hands on the edge of the Baina knife.

tick. tick.

The blade cut her hands, and blood spread on the long knife.

"This knife can solve the enemy by tit-for-tat, and I can also know the weakness of the enemy. Now I bless it with my own divine power, so that it has the blessing of my law, and the power of 'emergence' is even greater." The woman in red robe smiled. road.

Lines of burning small characters appear in the void:

"The mother of the earth, Gaia, has completely recognized you."

"She is the only true body of the mother of all the earths in countless parallel worlds. She was guided by God to escape to the main world and was rescued by you."

"This is a secret, don't say it, because the current blessing party is known by this sequence."

"Your weapon: the Baina knife has been blessed by the blood of the Mother Earth."

"Because the Baina knife is consistent with the Mother Earth, this blessing has given the long knife a power boost."

"Baina Dao personally told you to tell you its own power, so that you can master its power."

All small prints are collected.

Liu Ping couldn't help raising his long knife.

Unexpectedly, before he could ask this time, the long knife made a humming sound automatically.

As if someone whispered in his ear—

Lines of burning small characters then emerged:

"Knife name: Baina."

"The only thing."

"The blade of the earth's blessing, all things contain long swords."

"The power of this knife is improved to a higher level. It takes a certain amount of emotion to ignite its power, and it can manifest the following powers:"

"Sparse language: When the first knife touches the enemy, it is bound to gain insight into the enemy's weakness;

"Thickness: If the second knife can hit the enemy, it will definitely have a fatal effect."

Liu Ping quickly read it, and solemnly bowed to Mother Earth, and said, "Thank you."

The Mother Earth bowed slightly and responded, "You're welcome, you saved my life... Now, please do it according to your own will."

She retreated into the void and hid again.

The surroundings were quiet again.

Liu Ping held the knife in one hand and closed his eyes, as if he had entered a state of tranquility.

Only the goddess of death stood not far behind Liu Ping, smoking slowly.

An inexplicable aura spread all around, invisible and undercurrent, and gradually became turbulent as time passed.

a moment.

The goddess of death raised her eyebrows and looked towards the dark void outside, and said with a chuckle, "I smell...a familiar smell."

In the depths of the dark void, a star guard is slowly flying towards this side.

Liu Ping opened his eyes slowly and took a step forward.

He flew towards the star guard silently, and didn't stop until he was about to arrive in front of him.

The Star Guard didn't notice anything and continued to fly towards him.

Liu Ping raised the Baina knife and waited quietly.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened.


The star guard's body full of light slammed into the Baina knife.

It retreated abruptly, as if a little incomprehensible—

Clearly a void—

Why did I feel like I bumped into something sharp and felt tingling?


The long knives roared.

Sparse words become!

Liu Ping appeared from the void and flew away facing the Star Guardian.

The Star Guard suddenly reacted, and his body condensed into a dazzling pillar of starlight, which suddenly surpassed the limitations of time and space and hit Liu Ping directly.

- But it's empty!

This turbulent pillar of starlight penetrated Liu Ping's body and flew towards the far sky, directly shooting through the layers of buildings, penetrating the ground all the way, and shooting into outer space.

It turned out that this was Liu Ping's illusion!

He is the natural king of deception, and even the master of nightmares has been deceived by the special effects artist, let alone these star guards?

"Hey, it's time to die."

The goddess of death stood in the room and flicked the ashtray.

The voice did not fall.

Liu Ping quietly appeared behind the Guardian of the Stars.

The long knife in his hand trembled, and a high-pitched roar erupted, as if he was venting his unspeakable anger on Liu Ping's behalf.


Liu Ping said lightly.

Thick love!

A long wind blew up, and the sword light was dense, like clouds chasing the moon rising into the sky, and scattered in the boundless roar.

In an instant, the star guard let out a low scream in the light of the sword, and his body was chopped down to the point where not even a single bit of scum was left.

Lines of burning small characters flashed quickly:

"You have used the power of the Baina knife: sparse language, thick affection."

"You killed the world-like life form: Star Guardian."

"'Killing for pleasure' has been activated."

"Please continue to kill an existence of the same type, and the soul power you obtain will be enough to advance to the next realm."

"The next realm: Mingshen."

"This is the realm of immortals, and it can already belong to the heaven of the six reincarnations."

"come on."

All small prints are collected.

Liu Ping heard a sigh in his ears:

"Done." God said.

"Yeah, it's done." Master Gun said.

The two sighed with a hint of consolation in their voices.

"With my blessing, of course there is no problem, isn't it, Liu Ping." Mother Earth snorted softly.

"Yeah, ma'am, that's what we mean by fighting side by side." Liu Ping laughed.

He looked towards the dilapidated room.

I saw a faint light on the face of the goddess of death, her eyes flowed, and the momentum on her body became a little more prosperous.

When she found that Liu Ping was looking at her, she showed a rare embarrassment and explained:

"Death strengthens me, especially the existence I expect to die."

The Mother Earth interjected: "Liu Ping, you have alerted all the nearby world-like life forms, and now you can hide."

Liu Ping looked around.

I saw a stream of light flying towards him at a high speed.

These are the alerted star guards!

He looked at the goddess of death.

The goddess of death quietly disappeared and hid again in the black ring on his ring finger.

"Everyone, do you have any opinions on the God of Death becoming stronger?" Liu Ping asked thoughtfully.

"No opinion, you hurry up and hide - there are too many enemies," said the gunner.

Liu Ping waved his hand.

Special effects artist activated!

He was suddenly plunged into nothingness.

But he continued to ask: "Gaia, do you have an opinion?"

"Of course not. After her strength increases, she can actually provide me with some help." Gaia said.

"Where's God?" Liu Ping asked.

"Go on, boy," said God.

Liu Ping nodded, holding the Baina knife in both hands and holding it upright in front of him.

At this time, the star guards have arrived here, but they have not found any trace of Liu Ping.

They looked at each other, and their bodies suddenly swelled.

- Seeing that they are about to launch a large-scale group attack together!

in nothingness.

Liu Jingping stood still. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The long knife in his hand disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, he also disappeared.

next second.

An ethereal sound resounded, as if it were wonderful music coming from outside the infinite void.

The star guards looked at each other, not knowing what happened for a while.

Only the lines of burning small print remain in the void:

"With your anger today, ignite the power on the long sword again."

"You cast a secondary strange sword technique:"

"If there are voice-hearers, they will all be cut off here."

"The voice cannot be avoided."

"All current targets hit."

"'Sparse language' is activated!"

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