Purgatory Artist

Vol 3 Chapter 485: The key scorer is me!

An off-road vehicle drove along the winding road to the top of the mountain.

Yun Xi found an open place to park the car, opened the big bag of sniper equipment, and quickly assembled a powerful sniper rifle.

The yellow dog was lying on the passenger seat with a puzzled look on his face.

It seemed to have no idea what Yun Xi was doing.

Yun Xi glanced at it and sighed: "Master, be good, when I finish the task, I will buy you sausages to eat."

She walked to the edge of the cliff with the gun in her hand and began to measure the wind speed and distance.

Lines of burning small words stayed in the void at the corner of her eyes:

"Mission: Liberation..."

"Relieving those beasts who have fallen into madness is your first task as the chosen one."

"Quest requirements: Kill ten crazy beasts."

"Quest Reward: Basic Fighting Skills."

Yun Xi gritted her teeth, set up the big gun, and started calibrating and loading bullets.

Only then did the yellow dog look at her with interest through the car window.

This girl has practiced firearms, and she is quite good at this, which is really unexpected.

According to her own words, at the beginning, her grades in literature and martial arts were A, but if it wasn't for a family accident, she would have continued her studies.

Originally, I was worried that this task was too difficult, but now it seems that it is just right.

The yellow dog narrowed his eyes and waited quietly.

—It is close to the forest. After the news of animal mutation came out, very few people came here.

Just hope everything goes well.

The mountain wind blows.

A dull gunshot suddenly sounded, echoing through the mountains.

A line of small words popped out in front of Yun Xi's eyes:


At the same time, the dog in the car also jumped out in front of a line of small characters: "1/10."

The dog frowned and moved its paws at will.

A new line of small characters suddenly appeared in front of Yun Xi's eyes:

"Combat Alert: Missing Silencers (Not Equipped

Yun Xi suddenly said: "Ah, bad, I should have thought, such a big movement will definitely not work, it will lead to danger."

She quickly found the muffler from the equipment bag and put it on.

After doing this, she took out the telescope and continued to look for the next target.

The dog nodded slightly in satisfaction.

It glanced at Yun Xi and saw that she was concentrating on finding prey.

The dog jumped off the passenger seat, leaned against the closed door, clasped his paws together, and squeezed.

Jiuyou · Stripping your life!

An invisible wave was uploaded from the dog's paw, quickly passed through a distance of nearly a thousand meters, and landed on the corpse of the mutated wild fox that was killed.

Threads of life force emerged from the wild fox's body, flew through the sky in a formless and invisible state, and landed in the off-road vehicle.

The yellow dog quickly absorbed its life force, grinned and showed uneven dog teeth, and smiled lightly.

Yes, it's going well.

Come again!

It was thinking, only to hear another deep muffled sound outside.

A line of small characters suddenly jumped out:


Well done!

The yellow dog's magic tricks are revived.

Next, Yun Xi seemed to have entered a state, and fired eight shots in a row, all of which hit the target.

The yellow dog also absorbed enough life force and let out a low roar.

Jiuyou's ascension technique is to improve himself through killing - not through cultivation.

So it's fast.

It was precisely because it was fast back then that it broke the balance of the cultivation world...

Forget it, what happened in the past, what are you thinking about?

The yellow dog felt the power change on his body, and when he turned his eyes, he saw Yun Xi standing up outside and began to disassemble the firearm.

Mission accomplished!

It's time to be rewarded!

As Yun Xi packed her things, she glanced at the void from time to time.

The reward for the mission is basic fighting skills.

But I don't know what's the difference with the fighting skills I learned in school?

she thought silently.

In the off-road vehicle, the dog is also hesitating.

- What is the best way to teach her?


There was a sudden explosion in the forest not far away.

Yun Xi took out the binoculars and glanced at it, and suddenly rushed towards the off-road vehicle.

"Quick, young master, someone is injured in the forest, we have to save them!"

She threw something on the back seat, got herself into the driver's seat, and started the car immediately.

The yellow dog's eyes collapsed and he was quite speechless.

- This is really when he is the chosen one.

You just got a novice spree, which is all gold. Buying a car and a gun is absolutely enough, but if you really want to fight in person, it's still far from it.

The car started to run wild.

Fortunately, the distance is really not far, the off-road vehicle drove half the distance from the top of the mountain, turned a fork in the road, and immediately approached in that direction.


The car stopped suddenly.

The yellow dog looked out the windshield.

I saw a mutant black bear with a height of four or five meters holding a corpse in his hand, eating with relish.

on the other side not far away.

Several soldiers were protecting a mother and daughter, and the firearms in their hands were blazing.

It's a pity that bullets are useless on black bears.

The yellow dog was a little surprised.

The degree of mutation of this black bear is already very high, and a natural demon power has been formed on his body.

However, these mortals cannot see it.

Such black bears cannot be handled by soldiers at all.

The yellow dog glanced at Yun Xi.

I saw her trembling all over, as if she saw something extremely terrifying.

Those soldiers also saw Yun Xi.

"Run! Run!"

The soldiers looked desperate, but shouted loudly.

The girl was alone, unarmed and completely unhelpful.

If she doesn't run, she will die here too!

Yun Xi's eyes moved and fell on the mother and daughter, looking at the scared little girl who was about to faint—

Yun Xi's hand pressed on the steering column, gently dialed to reverse, and then dialed back sharply.

"No! No!"

She gritted her silver teeth, stopped the car, and quickly flipped over the sniper rifle.

The yellow dog's eyelids drooped down.

too naive.

A mutant creature of that level, even that sniper rifle can't handle it.

But this naivety...

It's rare.

Thinking about it carefully, if it wasn't for her temperament, she wouldn't stop in front of a stray dog ​​and give half of her food to the stray dog.

Not such a choice...

The Six Paths of Reincarnation will not choose her as a representative and bridge.


In the forest, a dull sniper shot sounded.

The black bear let out an angry roar, temporarily abandoned the soldiers and looked towards Yunxi.

Yun Xi lost his mind: "It wasn't hurt..."

She hurriedly controlled the car and backed away.

"I'll lead it, you run away!"

she shouted.

Those people were stunned.

The leading soldier smiled bitterly: "It's useless, girl."


The car can't run at such a short distance, and even a normal black bear can't get rid of it, let alone this mutant guy in front of him.

Not only cars can't run away, but everyone can't run away.

Yun Xi also saw that something was wrong.

At this time, the black bear was already running towards her.

Yun Xi reached out and touched the yellow dog's head, and said in a low voice, "Run quickly."

She kicked the car door, fired another shot at the black bear, turned and ran.

Although the black bear was not injured, it was a bit of a headache when he was hit by a sniper gun, and he was even more angry at this time.

It temporarily gave up all other goals and chased after Yunxi.

On the other side, the little girl in her mother's arms said anxiously, "That sister is going to die, save her!"

The soldiers around him smiled wryly and shook their heads.

No one can run.

No one can run away!

The black bear swept past the off-road vehicle, and the incomparably fast speed and huge stature made the whole car sway with it.

It is drastically shortening the distance between itself and its prey!


Another bullet!

As soon as the black bear was beaten, he fell into a complete rage!

Yun Xi calmly loaded bullets and stepped back.

Even if you die, you must die in battle!

The yellow dog narrowed his eyes.


This girl is really nice.

When I met her a few years ago, I would definitely accept her as a descendant of the magic way.

- But now it's a bit of a hassle.

Taking out the things that she has practiced and picking out some things that are suitable for her to teach in the past, it is a real hard work.

Like just now.

When she was fighting just now—

After thinking about it for five seconds, she compiled a set of martial arts suitable for her.

It's not easy.

The dog jumped on the passenger seat cushion, and scratched his paws lightly in the void.

Lines of burning small characters suddenly appeared in front of Yun Xi's eyes:

"You killed 10 mutant beasts."

"Initial mission completed."

"Your personal strength has been improved by one level."

"Because your performance is perfect, this evaluation is further improved, rewarding you with the following advanced fighting skills."

"Its name is: 'We never let enough people sacrifice in vain, so we tailored this set called Key Scorer is my basic martial arts'."

"Teaching method: empowerment!"

"—The empowerment has been completed!"

All small prints are collected.

Yun Xi only felt that time seemed to stand still.

Countless fighting skills appeared in her mind, as if they had been acquired through hard work and practice.

In this, there is a way to immediately stimulate people's potential.

This method cannot easily be used.

But now, I need it! !

next moment.

The mutant black bear rushed behind Yun Xi, raised its huge palm high and hit her on the back.

Between lightning and flint—

Yun Xi turned around and brushed past her giant palm.

She actually avoided this extremely dangerous blow with a simple turn and step!

It's not over yet.

I saw Yun Xi jumped on the black bear's arm, dodging its second grab, her legs staggered back and forth, her figure turned into a blurred afterimage, and she sideways let it bite again with dreamlike footsteps, then. —

She held the sniper rifle high like a spear, and stabbed it into the black bear's eyes with all her might.

"Go to hell."

The girl shouted hoarsely and pulled the trigger hard.


Another dull gunshot.

The bullet went straight through the black bear's eye and exploded its head.

Deadly Attack!

The black bear was shocked, UU reading www. uukanshu.com staggered to the ground, causing the entire ground to shake.

The girl fell down, rolled extremely skillfully, released the impact, and pulled the big sniper out of the black bear's eye socket.

She was gasping for breath, trembling all over, as if she was in a panic, and she seemed to be completely unable to comprehend what she had just done.

There was silence all around.

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, only one existence did not pay attention to her.


The dog hid on the co-pilot of the off-road vehicle, and while absorbing the life force of the black bear, he stretched out his paws and scratched lightly in the void.

next moment.

In the void in front of the girl, the corresponding burning small words suddenly appeared:

"Good job."

"From today, you are qualified to protect others."

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