Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1004: Extraordinary indeed

In the cave, there were forbidden runes all around.

Ye Han used a strange posture, holding his hands up to the sky, his head raised, his waist arched like a bridge, one foot treading empty, the other foot pretending to fly...

While he exhaled amazing black and red blood, his body rose and fell with the circulation of blood and breath, and beads of sweat had flowed out of his body. If you look closely, these beads of sweat actually contained traces of blood flowing in them, dripping on the ground...

His whole body was wrapped in blood and blood, and he looked very painful.

Finally, Ye Han let out a long breath, finished the exercise and sat down, sitting cross-legged, meditating to calm the surging blood in his body...

This Tianlong demon clan's Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill is indeed very extraordinary. After practicing for more than ten days, Ye Han finally mastered the correct practice method of the first movement, which indeed improved his current physical body significantly...

However, what surprised Ye Han the most was not the improvement of his physical body, but the obvious healing effect on his right arm injury.

Originally, it was difficult for him to move his right arm due to the injury, but in order to practice the Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique, he had to force his arm into that position...

Unexpectedly, when practicing the Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique, he was able to use the rolling impact of the blood and qi to allow the blood and qi meridians injured by the Creation Fairy Stone to be connected, so that his arm could barely move...

This was an effect that Ye Han had never expected. Although it would take a long time to recover, it finally gave him hope.

Of course, it also gave him a clearer understanding of the Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique. This technique was indeed extraordinary.

It also made Ye Han understand that the origin of the Tianlong Demon Saint was not that simple. He practiced the inherited technique of the Tianlong Demon Clan. Once the demon clan discovered it, he might be in trouble...

But he couldn't care less. The demon clan and the human race were originally mortal enemies. Even if he didn't practice their inherited technique, if they really faced each other, wouldn't it be a life-and-death battle?

However, the reason why Ye Han practiced in the cave was that, given the current situation, it was still difficult to attract Sword 29 out. Going to Yin Yang Sword Sect to kill people was simply a suicidal act...

On the other hand, all parties in Jinran were keeping their troops inactive, which was obviously not a normal situation. Ye Han felt that a storm was coming. If he and Fairy Ningyu acted rashly at this time, they might become the target of public criticism and expose the two of them.

So Ye Han persuaded Fairy Ningyu not to be anxious and practice for a while to see the movements of all parties.

Fairy Ningyu practiced in another cave not far away...

After meditating for half an hour, Ye Han felt that the surging blood in his body finally calmed down...

When practicing this Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique, the physical body itself is particularly demanding. If you can't withstand the backlash of this breath, it is very likely that the blood and qi of the physical body will not be able to withstand the backlash of this terrifying Tyrant Body Breath. At the least, the blood and qi will backlash and hurt the internal body.

In serious cases, the body will burst, seriously injure the body, damage the foundation, or even self-destruct...

This is the disadvantage of forcibly practicing high-level skills or other races' skills when the foundation is not enough...

Therefore, every cultivator must have a very clear understanding of his own situation, and then practice the skills that suit him. It is not that he practices any skills that are high-level and powerful.

In fact, when it comes to cultivators like Ye Han who have reached the Jindan stage, their understanding of cultivation is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and they have their own long-term plans and cultivation plans.

However, Ye Han cannot practice Tianlong Ba Ti Gong continuously. He needs to use the purple tripod aura to heal his injuries and restore his body...

After all, Tianlong Ba Ti Gong is a demon clan skill, and it is a heritage skill. It is already very amazing that he, a human race, can practice it. It is inevitable that he will hurt his body. If he practices it forcibly, he will leave a lot of hidden injuries, which will not be worth the loss.

Therefore, every time he practiced the Heavenly Dragon Tyrant Body Technique, he would rest for a few hours to let the aura of the Purple Cauldron heal his body...

To be honest, if there was no aura of the Purple Cauldron to repair and heal his body, his practice of the Heavenly Dragon Tyrant Body Technique would not be so smooth, including the previous practice of the Blood Refining Technique.

After all, the practice is a very domineering physical technique, which has subtle damage to the physical body. Many immortal cultivators who practice body refining techniques for a long time need to find some natural treasures and spiritual medicines to heal their bodies. This is the reason.

However, Ye Han had the Purple Cauldron to recover and heal his wounds, so he didn't have this trouble. During this period of time, the Purple Cauldron seemed to have returned to normal and there was no change in assisting him...

But when killing the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, the Purple Cauldron had a slight tremor. Although it was very weak, Ye Han still felt it. The Purple Cauldron was interested in the Yuanshen Demon Soul of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint. This made Ye Han somewhat suspicious that the Purple Cauldron might have discussed some plans and conspiracies with the woman in the mysterious coffin...

Thinking of this, Ye Han was somewhat helpless. He was now facing too many dangerous things. Many things seemed to be a bit paranoid. He always felt that everything was a conspiracy...

But in the world of cultivating immortals, it is not bad to be cautious and suspicious...

Thinking of this, Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell spun and appeared in front of him. After observing it, the Yuanshen Demon Soul of the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint in the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell had been absorbed by a small half...

Although it only absorbed a small part of the soul of the Tianlong Demon Saint, the aura of the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell has increased a lot compared to before, and I am afraid that the power has increased a lot...

In this way, he will have to consume more mana to drive the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell. However, if he completely absorbs the soul of the Tianlong Demon Saint, and then uses the Refining Treasure Technique to refine it for a period of time, the increased consumption of mana will be reduced, and the power will increase. Everything is in his plan.

Ye Han pinched the spell and chanted the spell, and entered the spell, allowing the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell to continue to refine the demon soul of the Tianlong Demon Saint and put it into the storage bag...

Then, Ye Han slapped the storage bag, a red light and flame surged, and the Refining Treasure Furnace appeared in front of him.

Ye Han saw that the large piece of sharp gold in the Refining Treasure Furnace was finally refined into a drop of metal liquid the size of a fingernail.

Ye Han couldn't help but be delighted: "Success!"

The reason why he refined this large piece of sharp gold in advance was to repair the small hole in the Qingxuan Palace. After all, if his arm injury really needs to be completely repaired, the fastest way is to let the two Tongtian Lingbao work together to drive away the breath of the Fortune Immortal Stone...

More importantly, to regain control of the Juehan Divine Sword that devoured the Fortune Immortal Stone, he still needs to rely on two heaven-defying treasures...

Ye Han secretly said: "I must repair it successfully this time!"

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