Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1009 The Old Demon Attacks

Boom boom boom! !

A series of roars erupted, seven figures released amazing magical powers, and the spiritual energy of the world was in chaos...

He is frantically besieging a figure...

The opponent's sword light roared, and the sword light continued to burst out, and it was violently impacting inside...

But there was a formation composed of hundreds of people around, emitting boundless demonic energy and sword light, besieging the man so that he could not escape!

Boom! ! There was a muffled explosion that shook the earth, and a terrifying gray light hand a hundred feet in size rolled down the opponent's head with waves of demonic energy...

not good!

The sword cultivator showed a look of horror, and the bright golden sword light burst out, turning into an extremely sharp sword light that was a hundred feet long, and struck out with the sword in the gray light's big hand...

Bang! ! ! A storm of sword light exploded out, and the big hand of gray light was blocked abruptly. The entire body of the sword cultivator was blown hundreds of feet away. Following seven or eight bloody sword lights, the ghost claws struck the sword cultivator continuously. The impact passed...

In an instant!

The demonic sword light also erupted in shock at the side, turning into a terrifying sword light and impacting down...

Poof! ! The sword cultivator was hit in the back by the demonic sword light, and one of his arms was cut off...

The sword cultivator cursed loudly: "Damn it! Just wait for me!"

As he roared and pinched continuously, he hit the arm a little harder, and the bloody runes burst out violently, and the whole arm was shocked by a circle of destructive aura...

The besieging people shouted in horror: "No! Get away!"

Shouting like this, these immortal cultivators released defensive treasures one by one to protect their bodies and retreated quickly...

boom! ! ! The arm's blood light wave burst out, boundless blood energy runes exploded, and a terrifying blood light exploded into the sky...

Amidst the terrifying blood vessel explosion, a bright golden sword light instantly drew through the void, shot towards the distance, and disappeared after a few seconds...

Boom! ! ! ! A terrifying storm exploded and surged. In the bloody storm that broke out, the suffocating blood light impacted the mountains and rocks in all directions, and the figures were sent flying. The defensive treasures released by those cultivators one by one, light The shield resisted this terrible shock wave...

Looking at the fleeing figure, I felt helpless...

The sound demon couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it! This made that guy escape!"

A Golden Core Stage cultivator from the Qianshan Sect followed and said, "Almost! Let that guy kill him instead!"

If he hadn't been able to hide quickly, he would have been directly killed by that guy. Of course, this situation made him quite afraid.

Sha Tianzun put away the defensive shield in front of him and said: "This guy was seriously injured by us, and he will definitely not come back again!"

Another Bishan Sect monk said: "Haha! Senior Sister Duoduohong's clever plan led that abominable Sword Twenty-Nine into being fooled. This guy lost an arm and his strength plummeted. He deserves it!"

As soon as this was said, others also started talking.

"That's right! Senior Sister Hong is so awesome! She figured out that this guy would come to harass us and set up such a trap!"

"This time, we are proud and proud!"

"Haha! Yes! It's a pity that I can't kill that sword twenty-nine, but it's a great relief!"

"Now, we can deal with the Yin Yang Sword Sect properly!"

"I think the Yin Yang Sword Sect is also going to be frightened!"

"That's right! That's right! Senior Sister Hong has a wonderful plan! It's really amazing!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, the red dragon girl's face also looked bright, and she said with a smile: "Everyone praises me too much. I can make that damn Jian Twenty-Nine suffer such a big loss because of our concerted efforts, otherwise If so, how can you beat that guy!"

As she said this, she was also a little frightened. She asked Ye Han to help her perform meritorious deeds, but she didn't expect that this boy was so good at pretending. If she hadn't discussed it with Ye Han, she would have really thought that the boy was injured...

However, what kind of trick did he use to make everyone unable to tell the difference between real and fake? It is really amazing...

Tsk! You have to be careful when cooperating with this guy. You might be sold accidentally without even knowing it...

Of course, if we can cooperate sincerely and don't have other thoughts, there will be many benefits...

The point is, after she was betrayed by the Blackwater Old Demon to the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint, she now has no loyalty to the Blackwater Sect...

Of course, since she is a demonic monk, she will talk to the Black Water Sect about benevolence and morality, obey her own needs, do what she wants to do, cultivate her own way, and become her own immortal...

That is the demonic cultivator!

Everyone was talking about it. Although they didn't kill the sword twenty-nine, it was a great relief to be able to vent such evil breath and cause him to be seriously injured...

The point is, the arrogance I suffered from before can be relieved, and the morale of my disciples can be improved...

Under the order of the Red Dragon Girl, everyone returned to the Three God Sect's mid-mountain position...

Only then did he return to the position.

Everyone felt a strong and familiar aura.

Everyone looked at each other and quickly flew towards one of the cabins...

I saw the old demon Blackwater sitting on his flawless white jade throne, leisurely closing his eyes to rest...

Everyone came forward to salute and said: "Greetings to the ancestor!"

The old devil Heishui opened his eyes and said calmly: "No courtesy! What are you doing with so many of you?"

The sound demon immediately said: "Ancestor, we will go under the leadership of Senior Sister Hong to hunt down the Sword Twenty-Nine of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect. We have joined forces to seriously injure him and relieve our anger!"

After these words came out, the others also felt proud and looked at the Red Dragon Girl...

But, unexpectedly, the Black Water Demon heard this and angrily scolded: "Nonsense! When did I tell you to besiege Sword Twenty-Nine?"

Listening to the angry words of the Black Water Demon, everyone was stunned...

The Black Water Demon immediately said: "What if you suddenly attack like this and the Yin-Yang Sword Sect plots against you?"

Although everyone was surprised that the Black Water Demon suddenly became furious, the Red Dragon Girl knew it very well. The Black Water Demon had met with Sword Twenty-Nine, but no one knew what they were cooperating for...

So, the Red Dragon Girl said: "Report to the Ancestor, in fact, I think that the Sword Twenty-Nine who harassed us may not be the real Sword Twenty-Nine!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other. Such a strong swordsmanship, isn't it Sword Twenty-Nine?

Hearing this, the Black Water Demon's eyes moved and he said, "Okay! Everyone else go down, Red Dragon Girl, you stay here, I have something to ask you!"

The others looked at each other and answered in unison, "Yes!"

After that, they left one after another, leaving only Red Dragon Girl here...

After the others left, the Black Water Demon's face turned cold, staring at Red Dragon Girl and coldly saying, "Red Dragon Girl, where is the Holy Lord?"

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