Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1011 The Monster Riding the Wind and Waves

Gold soil!

Sky-breaking Canyon!

Cross-cutting cliffs!

This cliff has been built with a very thick, 100-zhang-high, huge defensive position built on the cross-cutting cliffs of the Sky-breaking Canyon...

The Three Gods Sect must pass through one of the two natural barriers to attack the hinterland of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect and the important stronghold city. One is the cross-cutting cliffs of the Sky-breaking Canyon, and the other is the boundless land of the Gray Mist Mountains. These two places are where the Yin-Yang Sword Sect focuses on building defensive lines...

They are prepared to rely on natural barriers to defend against the aggressive attack of the Three Gods Sect.

The reason for taking a defensive stance was, on the one hand, the decision of several elders of Yin Yang Sword Sect, who believed that the attack was exactly what the Three Gods Sect wanted. The sect war was a war of attrition, and the attack often consumed more energy than the defense. A hundred years ago, the Three Gods Sect's predecessor, the Three Sects, besieged Qingxuan Sect and did not gain any benefits, because the consumption was too great and they did not gain any advantage...

Now, their two natural barriers are better than the defense line of Qingxuan Sect, and there are only two of them. It is not so easy for the other party to break through the defense line...

Now, the Hengduan Cliff has gathered more than 500 foundation-building cultivators of Yin Yang Sword Sect, nearly tens of thousands of Qi Refining disciples, and five Jindan elders.

Adding this forbidden defense, city wall defense, and spiritual cannon natural barrier, it is simply a dream for the Three Gods Sect to capture the Hengduan Cliff...

There are patrolling disciples above, and spiritual cannons below...


Swish! ! ! A beam of light came from a distance, and a Yin-Yang Sword Sect member riding a flying sword flew over the Hengduan Cliff Wall...

He shouted in panic: "No! Danger! Flood is coming!"

Hearing the disciple's shout, the disciples in the fortifications looked outside in amazement. What flood is coming? This is the Sky Rift Gorge, where is the flood?

A Jindan-stage elder flew out and shouted at the disciple: "What's wrong with you for yelling? What's going on?"

The disciple who flew over hurriedly flew down and shouted: "Elder, flood... Flood of the Black God Sea...!"

Hearing the disciple's unreasonable words, the Jindan elder frowned and cursed: "Where is the flood? The Black God Sea is far away... What's going on?"

Boom! ! ! ! There was a thunderous roar that shook the whole Rift Valley and the Hengduan Cliff violently...

Before he finished speaking, the Jindan Elder and the disciples around him looked into the distance with their eyes wide open...

On the vast valley ahead, a water dragon wave covered the sky and the sun, and the huge torrent wave was hundreds of feet high, covering more than half of the Rift Valley...

There were all the ferocious water monsters rolling and roaring in it. The violent and suffocating torrent of monsters burst out with suffocating demonic energy and rushed over. The torrent that exploded made the whole earth shake again...

If it was just a flood of hundreds of feet high, the defensive forbidden light shield of the Hengduan Cliff could still withstand it...

But the scary thing is that there are so many water monsters in the waves...

What did this kid shout just now?

The flood of the Black God Sea...

Oh my God!

How could the flood of the Black God Sea hit the Rift Valley? That's thousands of miles of mountains and plains...

Although I heard in the past few months that the monsters in the Black Sea were restless and attacked the cultivators near the Black Sea...

Could it be that these monsters dug through the thousands of miles of mountains and plains, leading the Black Sea lake water to impact the Sky Rift Canyon?

This is such an absurd thing, but it happened in front of everyone, and everyone had to believe the facts in front of them...

The monsters in the Black Sea rushed over with the wind and waves, and the monsters on the crest of the flood waves roared earth-shakingly, and several monster kings roared excitedly among them.

"Damn immortal cultivators! You are finished!"

"Kill! Kill all these immortal cultivators!"

"Kill! Kill!"

The immortal cultivators of Yin Yang Sword Sect in the defensive restrictions on Hengduan Cliff also reacted one by one...

The leading Jindan stage elder roared: "Activate the restricted defense! Spiritual cannon attack! All foundation-building stage strengthen the restricted defense and inject mana!!!"

With the roar of the Jindan stage elder, all the Yin Yang Sword Sect disciples on the Hengduan Cliff began to move...

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!!! The mana of heaven and earth vibrated and vibrated, and the formation pillars released mana rune auras and injected them into the defensive restrictions. The defensive restrictions on the walls of the Hengduan Cliff burst out with defensive light shields, which continued to strengthen...

The Qi Refining stage disciples acted quickly, pushing out the spirit cannons and filling them with spirit stones...

Boom boom boom!! With roars, the spirit cannons fired out beams of spirit cannons several feet thick, bombarding the waves that were rushing in...

The spirit cannon beams bombarded in it, and the light explosions of the spirit cannons continued to rise, exploding into waves, and many monsters were bombarded...

But it was only the first wave of spirit cannon attacks, and the terrifying waves hundreds of feet high had already hit the defensive forbidden city wall of the Hengduan Cliff...

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! A shocking storm shook the world, and the terrible waves rushed up thousands of feet high. Countless water monsters in the waves were rushed up, and the entire Hengduan Cliff Defense Forbidden City Wall shook violently, and the entire forbidden light shield sank, as if the entire city wall defense line was about to tumble in an instant...

Fortunately, the disciples of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect madly injected mana into the Hengduan Cliff Defense Forbidden City...

They resisted the crazy impact of the waves...

But this is not over yet, this wave of impact is still madly continuing, mixed with countless monsters, rocks, giant trees, and all kinds of inexplicable debris, madly impacting the Hengduan Cliff Defense Forbidden City...

What's more terrifying is that those huge monsters rushed up They rose up, surrounded the forbidden light shield of the Hengduan Cliff, and attacked frantically...

These monsters were originally water monsters. It was simply a dream to attack from land before. The strength of water monsters on land plummeted, so they maintained a non-interference relationship with the Yin-Yang Sword Sect...

After all, neither side could destroy the other in the other's territory...

Now this Black God Sea monster has actually dug through the mountain plains of thousands of miles, and directly rushed to the front of the Hengduan Cliff. The Sky-Splitting Canyon was originally a low-lying area. After enough lake water was injected, it actually became a deep pit and a large lake. With water, these monsters can actually directly besiege the Hengduan Cliff...

When the elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect saw this scene, his face turned purple: "It's over! The Hengduan Cliff is finished!"

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