Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1020 Trapping and killing the Crab Demon King

I haven’t seen the figure clearly yet!

Buzz!!! Circles of black and white spiritual runes suddenly appeared, and a huge black ring smashed down on the head of the Crab Demon King...

The Crab Demon King roared, and the long fork treasure sprayed out of his mouth blocked the ring...


Whoosh! The huge ring turned into a black and white rune spiritual light, and in an instant, a huge black ring flashed down and directly covered the body of the Crab Demon King...

Kakaka! ! The Crab Demon King’s face changed drastically, and he suddenly drove the magic power in his body, bursting out a circle of terrible light explosions, trying to break this ancient treasure...


Zizizizizi! ! ! The ancient treasure suddenly shook out a purple-gold arc...

"Ahhh!!!" The Crab Demon King suddenly felt that the demonic energy in his body could not be gathered in an instant, and his body was paralyzed by the purple-gold arc, and he couldn't help screaming...

At this moment!

Buzz!!! A brilliant golden sword light instantly pierced through the head of the Crab Monster King...

Clang! ! A sharp light burst, sparks flew everywhere.

The head of the Crab Monster King flew up!


Whoosh! ! A circle of purple rune vortexes trembled, and a huge purple space vortex covered the head of the Crab Monster King and the trapped body...

Huff! ! A purple rune aura trembled, and the Crab Monster King was sucked into the purple vortex...

Ye Han's figure flashed out, and with a finger, dozens of formation flags flew out of the storage bag and swirled in the monster's mouth...

As Ye Han chanted the spell and pinched the formula, the formation flags swirled with a rune aura...

Small Mitian Formation!

As the rune aura surged, the formation flags formed a light shield covering the entire entrance...

The two of them joined forces and killed the Crab Monster King in less than three breaths!

Moreover, Ye Han released the Small Mitian Formation to directly seal the entrance to the Ascension Palace. A rune formation covered the entrance to the monster's mouth...

Then Ye Han shouted to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior Sister! Let's go!"

While speaking, Ye Han waved the formation flag in his hand in a series of waves, forming a spiritual light channel...

Fairy Ningyu trembled, put away the long spear magic weapon, and rushed out to the channel...

Ahhh! ! A series of roars and howls from monsters, huge water monsters, rolling and surging with terrible demonic energy, shaking the water waves, and besieging the two...

Among these monsters, there are two monster king-level monsters, rushing madly...

Ye Han shouted: "Don't even think about coming in!"

As he roared, he waved the formation flag in his hand, and a rune aura swirled, covering the entire monster cave entrance...

Boom boom boom... A series of earth-shaking storms surged, and these monsters rushed into the small Mitian formation and ran around in it...

In addition to the large Mitian formation , Ye Han has refined a lot of small formations such as the Small Mitian Formation. These formations can also be used to block and harass the enemy, but it is not necessary to deploy the strongest formation all the time...

Of course, most of these formations were refined by Fairy Yulan and him together. The success rate is extremely high, and the materials consumed are also small. Moreover, the power and ability to trap the enemy of the improved Small Mitian Formation are much stronger than before...

The main reason is that Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu don't need to entangle with these monsters. Being able to pass through the barrier of these monsters and enter the big formation has completely achieved the goal.

The two rushed into the Ascension Palace quickly, and saw only a large square with bright and dazzling shadows of monsters moving around...

Ye Han stopped and shouted to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior Sister! Help me protect the law!"

As he spoke, he quickly made hand gestures with his fingers, and an astonishing surge of mana burst out, which continued to surge into himself...

Fairy Ningyu immediately defended the long spear magic weapon and the icy long sword magic weapon, protecting Ye Han and herself...

Because, the surrounding gray light surged with monsters The beasts began to gather rapidly, transforming into rune beasts, roaring and besieging Ye Han Ningyu Fairy...

Ningyu Fairy quickly pinched her fingers and chanted spells, and her magic power burst out, surging into the long spear magic weapon and the icy long sword magic weapon. The long spear blasted out countless spear lights and shadows, and the long sword shocked countless sword lights. The spear and sword merged into one, killing those rune beasts...

Ye Han suddenly asked her to protect the law, it must be because the Crab Demon King was resisting...


In the purple tripod space.

The figure of the Crab Demon King with his severed head was actually able to swing two huge claws, and madly bombarded the light explosion suppression released by the Five Elements Soul-Suppressing Tower...

And the head of the Crab Demon King had been suppressed.

But the figure of the Crab Demon King was still attacking.

And the purple tripod space burst out a series of formation light columns, constantly attacking the figure of the Crab Demon King...

Hua La La! ! ! The array light pillars turned into chains that entangled the Crab Demon King in an instant...


The bloody demonic energy burst out from the Crab Demon King, and the two pincers trembled violently towards the chain runes, and clamped out one by one...

Puff puff puff!! The chains released by the array light pillars were actually cut off abruptly...

This Crab Demon King obviously practiced a lot of skills on the two pincers, and this guy's head is fake, the real brain core is hidden in his stomach. Ye Han put this guy in the purple tripod space, and he almost destroyed a lot of things...

Ye Han felt this situation, and his consciousness moved, ordering the poisonous centipedes in the poisonous centipede nest to take action...

Buzz buzz buzz! ! ! I saw that the poisonous centipedes about ten feet long surged and flew up frantically, turning into countless colorful flames, swarming towards the Crab Demon King...

Ah! The Crab Demon King is not in the water now, and he is also terrified. He opened his mouth and sprayed out countless bubbles surrounded by demonic energy. These bubbles surged towards the poisonous centipedes like a storm of bees and pupae...

Puff puff puff! ! Those poisonous centipedes were wrapped in bubbles and were trapped?


Hiss hiss hiss! ! The poisonous centipede bit fiercely, and the bubble was immediately bitten by the poisonous centipede, and the colorful flames came out, making the bubble look shaky...

At this moment.

The headless body of the Crab Demon King spun rapidly, forming a vortex of light explosion, and knocked the Five Elements Soul-Calming Tower away with one pincer...

At this moment.

Buzz! !

Circles of purple runes spun...

Whirl! ! A white and jade-like, graceful female arm suddenly grabbed out from the void, and the palm turned into hundreds of feet in size, pinching the body of the Crab Demon King...

Ye Han couldn't help but exclaimed: "What's going on?"

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