Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1035: You are just a tree spirit, but you dare to call yourself an immortal?

After the ground rose, a blue sky appeared. The wall was only a semicircle, and a vast world appeared in front. In the world, there were pillars. The pillars emitted spiritual light, forming light curtains, covering the medicinal fields.

Far away was an extremely huge tree, covering the sky and the sun, and it was a thousand feet tall...

Great! It's a medicine garden!

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu were both full of excitement. This kind of medicine garden in the Ascension Palace is not simple. It seems that there are rare treasures in the medicine garden. The fragrance and breath of the medicine are so strong that it doesn't look like ordinary natural treasures!

However, Fairy Ningyu and Ye Han calmed down.

Fairy Ningyu said: "Junior brother! Let's be careful!"

Ye Han nodded, thought for a while, and slapped the storage bag. A metal puppet flew out and followed Ye Han's spiritual command.

The metal puppet raised its shield and quickly walked out of the medicine garden exit in front of it...

In such a dangerous place, having a puppet or something like that to clear the way can avoid a lot of trouble...

Ye Han's eyes flickered as he looked at the medicine gardens and found that they were all covered by the light shields of the formation pillars. His consciousness could not penetrate the barriers to see the specific appearance of the spiritual medicines in the medicine gardens.

It seems that it is still quite difficult to get these spiritual medicines and treasures.

And the metal puppet he controlled had already walked into the medicine garden.

When the puppet stepped into the medicine garden!

Clang! A piece of mud flew, and a huge tree root several feet long broke out of the ground like a long whip, and suddenly rolled up the metal puppet...

Ye Han's face moved, and the puppet magic drove the magic power to burst out. The metal puppet instantly burst out a circle of rune spiritual light, and the long sword burst out, slashing at the huge tree root...

Clang! ! A sharp sound of metal clashing suddenly rang out, and the metal puppet's sword was directly bounced back...

At the same time, the huge tree stem suddenly entangled...

Crack! The metal puppet's defense was comparable to that of an ancient treasure, and it suddenly broke and shattered into pieces...

Ye Han and Fairy Ning Yu's faces changed, and they immediately felt a strong breath coming from a distance...

Boom! ! Then the terrifying giant tree, which was a thousand feet tall, shook violently, and the entire medicine garden was shaking.

Ye Han couldn't help but shout: "Tree spirit!"

Obviously, this medicine garden has existed for too long, and that unknown guy has already become intelligent and become a spirit.

You know, for trees, rocks and the like to have self-awareness and become spirits, it takes a very long time, at least tens of thousands of years.

Before, Ye Han and the others met the ten thousand year old water spirit in the Four Seas Spirit Pool, so it seems quite normal to meet this ten thousand year old tree spirit again.

However, this ten thousand year old tree spirit was obviously more violent than the ten thousand year old water spirit, and it actually rushed over like this...

It rolled up a terrible storm of rocks and rushed over.

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu were both shocked. The trunk of this ten thousand year old tree spirit was extremely huge, a hundred feet long, and it actually had a very pretty face. Surrounding the face were faces of demon kings and immortal cultivators, twisting and screaming...

There were countless vines hanging from the trunk of this ten thousand year old tree spirit, and all the vines were hung with strange blood-red fruits that looked like babies...

Fairy Ningyu's face changed, and she exclaimed, "Is that the Blood Saint Fruit?"

Ye Han's eyes also showed surprise. This Blood Saint Fruit was a very rare treasure. It was said that in ancient times, some people called it the Ginseng Fruit Tree. It was said that immortal cultivators who ate one could increase their lifespan by a thousand years, and mortals who ate it could have spiritual roots and become immortal cultivators...

However, that was nonsense, because there was no Ginseng Fruit Tree at all. This was the Blood Saint Fruit, an evil fruit with a terrible evil and psychedelic aura.

To put it bluntly, it was a treasure similar to the 13 evil blood flowers that Ye Han had obtained that year.

However, the 13 evil blood flowers could strengthen the body, while the blood holy fruit could strengthen the magic power and purify the magic power, which was also a very rare treasure.

However, neither of them had heard that the blood holy fruit tree was so evil. It exuded circles of terrible filthy evil spirits. The human face on the trunk and the countless human faces around it exuded a breath that penetrated the heart...

At this time.

The human face on the trunk of the ten thousand year old blood holy fruit roared fiercely and shouted: "Dare to trespass into the territory of my blood holy immortal! You are looking for death!"

Roaring like this, the blood holy immortal suddenly shook, and huge tree roots rushed to the ground...

The next moment!

Boom! ! The ground shook violently, and suddenly, huge tree roots rushed out from the ground where Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu were, forming long whips and bombarding the two of them...

Ye Han moved violently, and his body continued to perform the Cloud Chasing Divine Step, turning into a phantom, and dodged the long whip tree roots one after another...

Fairy Ningyu also moved quickly, transforming into a figure like water ripples, trembling on the waves, and dodged the attack of the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable...

Ye Han dodged and cursed: "It's just a tree spirit, dare to call yourself an immortal?"

As he said, he activated the Kuishui Spirit Technique, slapped the storage bag, and the Tianshui Bottle flew out, spinning in the air, and a cold and icy water spirit magic burst out...

Ye Han's magic power burst into the Tianshui bottle, pointed his finger and shouted: "Go!"

The Tianshui bottle emitted a brilliant magic light, and a large splash of water burst out, which was a thousand feet large, covering the figure of the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable, and fell down with a splash...

The Blood Saint Immortal Venerable was obviously a tree spirit with wood attributes, and the water magic just restrained the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable...

As the icy rain continued to pour down from the Tianshui bottle, the icy raindrops fell on the body of the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable...

Papapapa! ! ! ! The rain fell down and stained the body of the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable, and immediately began to condense into icicles...

The huge tree spirit body of the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable was all icicles, and he cursed: "Damn it! It's so cold! Damn it!!"

As the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable roared, his huge body shook wildly, and circles of terrible auras burst out...


Splash! The leaves on the Blood Saint Immortal's body trembled continuously, and the countless monsters and immortal cultivators on the trunk began to chant countless weird and ugly spells...

Puff puff puff!! The monsters and immortal cultivators on the Blood Saint Immortal's trunk came out one by one, emitting bloodthirsty evil spirits and drilling into the Blood Saint Fruits.

Suddenly, these Blood Saint Fruits actually grew arms and legs...

Kill kill kill!!

The Blood Saint Immortal roared madly, and his huge body trembled.

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