Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1037 He seems to have become smarter

When the Blood Saint Immortal shouted out that there was a secret, Ye Han could tell. The Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit obviously also knew the so-called secret.

Therefore, Ye Han was not polite and did not keep the Blood Saint Immortal.

Now it is natural to ask the ten thousand year water spirit to avoid any accidents.

Wannian Shuiling made a surprising reply: "Master! This medicine garden is actually a trap to deceive outsiders like you! Once you open the restriction, you will be in trouble!"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu frowned and said, "What? Fake?"

Ye Han also looked disappointed after hearing this and asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

Wannian Shui Ling immediately replied: "Master! My body can make the elixir grow. They didn't put me here, but put the Blood Saint fool here. Master should be able to guess it with his intelligence, right?"

Fairy Ningyu's eyes suddenly moved. Why does this ten thousand-year-old water spirit feel much smarter than before?

Ye Han smiled and said, "Okay! You're right, you can go back!"

As he said that, he opened his hand, and a vortex of purple runes appeared, and the ten thousand-year water spirit turned into a spiritual light and penetrated into it...

Ye Han urged again: "That's right! Just listen to me. You can take the elixir, but not less!"

"Yes! Master!"

Seeing Ye Han put away the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit, Fairy Ningyu asked: "Junior Brother, is what the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit said true? Why do I feel like he has become smarter?"

Ye Han said calmly: "I put a lot of books in my space. That guy reads books every day, so his intelligence naturally grows quickly. Also, he secretly eats my elixir, which also has great benefits!"

After a pause, he looked at the restrictions in the medicine garden and said, "However, what this guy said makes sense. If it is really a medicine garden, then the people who ascended to the Immortal Palace should put Wannian Shuiling here, okay? Promote the growth of the elixir instead of bleeding the holy fruit here. Although that thing is also a good thing, it contains evil energy, which will not only cause changes in the elixir, but also absorb the spiritual energy of this land! "

Yes, if the Blood Saint Fruit Tree, a guy who calls himself Immortal Lord, can really have a huge effect on the growth of elixirs, when this guy said to surrender, Ye Han wouldn't let the Wannian Shuiling kill the guy, but follow him. Just like I did with Wannian Shuiling, I accepted this guy...

Of course, on the other hand, it is because this guy absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth astonishingly, and the fruit also contains evil energy, which can cause damage to his purple cauldron space.

However, it would be different if Ye Han practiced evil and demonic techniques, and they would have many more uses.

And the Blood Saint Fruit snatched by the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit is of course a good thing. According to the elixir recipe Ye Han knows, it can be refined into a very amazing elixir that purifies meridians and strengthens the mana cultivation. That is the Little Immortal Spirit Pill. It is a treasure that most practitioners in the golden elixir stage dream of.

However, Fairy Ningyu heard what Ye Han said and couldn't help but said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! If this is not a real medicine garden, if it is a trap, let's go somewhere else to look!"

After hearing this, Ye Han shook his head and said, "No! Senior sister! Since this place is a trap specially set by Ascension Palace, then we won't go anywhere else! Wait here for a while and take a look!"

Fairy Ningyu was stunned and said, "Why?"

Ye Han looked at the surrounding medicine garden and said, "Since this place is a trap, it shouldn't be just for the two of us. I feel like if others pass the same assessment, will they appear here?"

Hearing this, Fairy Ningyu immediately understood: "Junior Brother! Do you mean to say that if Jian Twenty-Nine and the others pass the same test, they may also appear here?"

Yes, after Ye Han said this, she also understood that if Ascending Immortal Palace really wanted to set up such a medicine garden trap, it might pass the stone tablet assessment or other tests, and it would most likely appear here.

Then their target Jian Twenty-Nine may also appear here. It might be a good idea to wait here.

And now that they are moving forward step by step, in addition to other opportunities, they may also encounter more dangers.

It would be better to just sit back and wait here, most likely waiting for Jian Twenty-Nine to pass the test.

Their goal is Jian Twenty-Nine, Fairy Ningyu is for revenge, and Ye Han is for the Chaos Sacred Tree...

In Ye Han's opinion, even if he doesn't encounter Jian Twenty-nine, he might still encounter the Black God Sea Demon Emperor and the Black Water Old Demon. If they fall into the trap of the medicine garden, it may be a good opportunity to kill them... …

Seeing Fairy Ningyu's reaction, Ye Han replied affirmatively: "Yes, that's what it means! What do you think, senior sister? Let's make some arrangements here, maybe it will be of great use!"

Fairy Ningyu nodded and said: "Junior brother! Just do whatever you say! Senior sister, listen to you!"

She is now completely convinced by Ye Han. Although her cultivation level and training time are far longer than Ye Han's, Ye Han's real fighting power far exceeds hers, and he is extremely calm-minded and very scheming. If he is like this Decision, there must be a very big chance.

After hearing this, Ye Han looked around and said, "Let's go to the front! Let's arrange it first!"

As he said that, he quickly rushed towards the medicine garden in front. Due to the turmoil of the Blood Saint Immortal Lord's body, a lot of tumbling land had rolled up on the ground...

Ye Han's heart moved. He patted the storage bag and released dozens of metal puppets, asking these puppets to trim the ground and bury it...

When he and Fairy Ningyu arrived at the huge tree of the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable, they saw that the tree was completely withered and rotten. Ye Han simply released a real fire and quickly burned the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable's body...

It's no wonder that the Blood Saint Immortal Venerable ran away when he saw the Ten Thousand Years Water Spirit. Who wouldn't be afraid of such a destructive and restraining force?

Fairy Ningyu also knew Ye Han's thoughts, and followed to help the metal puppets, clean up the traces of battle damage, drive the magic power, and let the grass and trees on the ground revive. It seems that no traces are left...

Ye Han set up the Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation and the Great Mitian Formation in this place, and arranged puppets and talismans around...

It took two or three hours to arrange and clean up, and there was no abnormality during the period. Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu directly hid in stealth and waited quietly...

While waiting, Ye Han comprehended the basic magic formula of the Tianlong Demon Clan that he had comprehended from the cultivation stone tablet, and integrated it into the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill...

Time passed quickly, and there was a quietness around.

After waiting for four days...

Buzz buzz buzz!!!

In the sky and earth on one side, a buzzing sound came out, and a huge stone platform a hundred feet in size slowly emerged from the ground in the distance...

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