Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1042 Senior Sister! Don’t resist!

"Junior brother! You say... have we wasted our time?!"

"Tsk! Did they leave from somewhere else?"

"Could it be that they haven't passed the test yet? But how could the Black Sea Monster King be so fast?"

"The Black Sea Monster King is a monster, maybe he is more powerful!"

"Shall we wait a little longer?"


After Ye Han and Fairy Ning Yu talked for a few words, they fell silent again.

This was the third time they talked and discussed.

Because they talked about the mysterious woman and Zi Ding teaming up to kill the Black Sea Monster King...

Because they waited for the Black Sea Monster King, they were sure that this place might really be the only way for everyone to pass the test, and it was also a trap. In addition, they had arranged the formation trap in advance, so they had more advantages against Jian Ershijiu and others.

As a result, Ye Han made careful arrangements and even made a real medicine garden with traps inside...

However, after waiting for several days, there was no movement.

They were both helpless.

After waiting for another two days, Ye Han took the initiative to show up and said to Fairy Ningyu: "Senior sister! Let's pack up and move to another place!"

After hearing this, Fairy Ningyu also showed up and frowned and said: "Junior brother, why don't we wait a few more days? It doesn't matter if these few days are not enough?"

Yes, they are in the Jindan stage. For them, a few days are just a few days of meditation. They have spent a lot of mana and energy to arrange so many things. If they just withdraw, isn't it a waste?

But Ye Han said without hesitation: "No more waiting! Senior sister! The comprehension and ability of Jian Erjiu and Black Water Demon are not worse than that of Black Sea Monster King. How could they fail the test after so long?"

As he said this, Ye Han quickly made hand gestures, and with his spiritual consciousness and mana, the formation beads of Zhuxian Yin Yang Sword Formation and the formation beads of Great Mitian Formation flew out and flew into his storage bag...

Ever since he and Fairy Yulan had studied the formation beads that concealed the aura of the fifth elder, Ye Han had been studying the formation beads that concealed the aura of Zhuxian Yin Yang Sword Formation...

It really worked. Even the cultivation of Black Sea Monster King could not detect the aura of Zhuxian Yin Yang Sword Formation and Great Mitian Formation.

It was a bit disappointing that he did not wait for Jian Erjiu and others.

Fairy Ningyu frowned after hearing what Ye Han said, and sighed, "Junior brother! You are right! Jian Erjiu is a genius, it is impossible that he has not been able to solve the test for so long! Black Water Demon is an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage, which is even more powerful! There is no possibility that they can come here!"

The Black God Sea Monster King has been here for so long, and Jian Erjiu and Black Water Demon with such talents and cultivation cannot be delayed for so long. They must have passed the test in other ways and went somewhere else.

Ye Han nodded, and went to the medicine garden he had arranged, and took back the spiritual medicines, Yubi spiritual soil, and Haoling divine soil that he had planted.

After finishing all this, Ye Han released some more explosive talismans and flew to the forbidden light shields of the medicine gardens...

Ningyu Fairy asked, "Junior Brother! What are you doing?"

"Release these guys with cursed breath. If other guys come here again, they can buy us time!"

Ningyu Fairy only reacted then. With her personality, she would not think about these things. She reacted and said, "Oh! So! Where are we going?"

Ye Han pointed to the distance and said, "Go to that mountain over there! It will allow us to move forward!"

After saying that, Ye Han moved and rushed towards the hillside behind the medicine garden. Ningyu Fairy followed him...

After bypassing this hillside, you can see from a distance that there is a statue of the Tianlong demon clan on the top of the mountain...

The mountain road is very rugged, but for Jindan stage cultivators, there is no obstacle. However, there are always forbidden air restrictions and spiritual restrictions here, and it is impossible to fly away. You can only rush forward to see what the statue on the top of the mountain has.

In just a quarter of an hour, the two reached the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain was a statue of a dragon demon clan that was dozens of feet high. Although many years had passed, the statue was still brand new. It was obviously built with special materials, and there was a magic array that constantly absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so that the statue had no signs of weathering and aging over the years...

The two saw that under the statue was a rocky ground with an ancient teleportation array engraved on it. There were extremely complex array runes on it, which looked extremely mysterious. However, this array did not have a gap like a spiritual stone.

Instead, there was a circular groove in the middle...

Seeing the groove, Ye Han's eyes moved slightly and said, "It seems that the fairy palace coin is used here."

As he said, Ye Han patted the storage bag, and the fairy palace coin came into his hand. Sure enough, the size of this coin was just enough to fit into the groove of the array.

Fairy Ningyu also said with a look in her eyes: "Then we have two, can each one only teleport one person?"

Ye Han also had this worry, and after thinking for a while, he said: "It is indeed possible that it can only be teleported once!"

Fairy Ningyu took the initiative to say: "Then Junior Brother, I will try it first, let's stand together! Our auras are connected as one, and we should be able to teleport together!"

Ye Han said: "No! Senior Sister! Let's not take this risk, I have a better idea! You can go to my space and use an Immortal Palace coin!"

The method that Fairy Ningyu said is actually to transform the aura of the two people into one, so that the teleportation array will judge that the two people are one person and teleport them together. However, there are certain risks. If the teleportation force is not enough during the teleportation process, the two people will be suppressed by the force of space, which will cause physical injuries.

The more tragic situation is that because of the failure of the teleportation, both of them are teleported out of the established teleportation channel, and there is even a risk of falling, and this probability is not small...

On the other hand, Fairy Ningyu proposed to teleport first, and there is a risk on the teleportation array, and she will take the risk first.

Ye Han cultivates immortality for immortality and Taoism, and if he can avoid taking risks, he must avoid it...

Fairy Ningyu's face moved, and she said: "Then do as Junior Brother said!"

Ye Han said: "Senior Sister! Don't resist! I'll let you into my space!"

As he said, he released a purple rune vortex, covering Fairy Ningyu's figure, and entered his own purple tripod space...

Then he placed the fairy palace coin in his hand towards the concave part of the teleportation array...

Crack! As the Immortal Palace coin was inserted, mysterious runes surged, and the Immortal Palace coin turned into circles of runes that wrapped around Ye Han's figure...

At this moment, Ye Han's mind drove it.

Boom boom boom!! A series of muffled explosions erupted from the medicine garden at the foot of the mountain in the distance...

Ye Han's figure then disappeared into the teleportation array.

Buzz! Ye Han suddenly felt that the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness was trembling slightly...

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