Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1052 Tianlong Archer

Fairy Ningyu also looked serious and looked forward...


Click! Click! A very strange sound of footsteps came from the far end of the corridor...

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu looked at each other, and as if they were in sync, their magic power surged and turned into a mist. They hid in the passage, and silently went up to the upper corner of the passage from the left and right...

At this time.

Click! Click! Footsteps came from far away and got closer...

At the corner at the end of the passage, a creature several feet tall came out. Its lower body was like a buffalo, its limbs were covered with red bristles, and it was wearing armor with gold edges and snow-white material. Its upper body had a pair of clawed arms, holding a longbow, and four quivers on its armor, all of which were full of arrows...

And this strange monster's head seemed to be a dragon head, with blood-red runes around its eyes, and a savage aura emanating from its body, which looked somewhat similar to the Heavenly Dragon Demon Saint.

Seeing this strange armored demon clan, Ye Han's heart moved. In the passage to the Ascension Palace, there was such a scene in the murals, where a group of Heavenly Dragon demon clans held bows and arrows and continuously shot arrows to attack a huge monster...

Logically speaking, the Heavenly Dragon demon clans of the Ascension Palace should all be dead.

Why are there still archers of the Heavenly Dragon demon clan here?

Moreover, as the first Tianlong archer came out, several archers followed behind...

One by one, they came out from the left and the right, a total of twelve.

These twelve Tianlong archers walked in unison, getting closer and closer to the position of Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu...

Suddenly, the leading Tianlong archer suddenly stopped, his scarlet eyes shot out, and a cold light flashed...

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu immediately felt a murderous intent, locked onto their figures.

Crack! The Tianlong archer drew his bow and loaded an arrow, and the bow was full, and the spiritual light of the armor on his body trembled...

Bang! A burst of arrogance burst out.

Huh! An amazing and suffocating arrow instantly streaked across the void...

Bang! ! ! With a crisp muffled sound, the arrow shot into the wall, leaving only one-third of it dangling outside...

Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu were both shocked. The arrows of the Tianlong archer were so powerful...

When he fought with the elder of the Yin-Yang Sword Sect in the Jindan period, the attack of his life magic weapon did not leave many traces on these walls.

When these arrows shot over, they contained the power to break the law, which was absolutely extraordinary.

If you use treasures or spells to block them, you will probably suffer a lot of damage...

The arrows shot by the Tianlong archer are definitely not ordinary arrows.

Fortunately, Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu felt this murderous aura and dodged it at the first time.

Even if they were a little slower, they would be hit by these arrows.

However, the Tianlong archers did not stop attacking. One by one, their eyes shot out cold light, and their breath had locked onto the breath of Ye Han and Fairy Ningyu...


This time, six Tianlong archers drew their bows and loaded arrows at an astonishing speed, and shot six arrows in an instant...

These arrows flashed and disappeared...

Not good!

Ye Han's figure appeared. Since he couldn't hide, there was no need to hide.

He shook his figure continuously, and the chasing cloud step transformed into a human figure, dodging the arrows.

Pa pa pa! ! The arrows shot by the Tianlong archers were so fast that they were dazzling, and they kept nailing into the wall...

Ye Han pinched his fingers and a golden light burst out of his arm, and he slapped the arrows that came over.

Bang! ! The arrow sent out an explosion of metal collision, and Ye Han's amazing power only bounced back a few feet...

The arrow hit the wall and sank most of it...

Ye Han felt a numbness in his arm. The power of this arrow could actually numb his arm?

Obviously, these arrows are not ordinary treasures...

Fairy Ningyu also showed up, with mist around her body like smoke. Many arrows hit the mist she transformed into, and holes were pierced through it. A lot of the mist was actually dispersed.

These arrows can not only break the treasure defense of the cultivators, but also break the magic defense...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face changed slightly, and he showed a look of surprise. The bows and arrows on these guys are all good things. I'll get them and study them...

Thinking of this, Ye Han stopped retreating and rushed towards the Tianlong archers.

Swish, swish, swish! ! The Tianlong archers locked onto Ye Han's figure, and even continued to shoot arrows, whistling towards Ye Han...

But Ye Han's figure trembled, and the golden sword energy burst out of his figure. In an instant, his figure disappeared into the air.

The arrows flashed and pierced through Ye Han's phantom.

Bang! ! A breathtaking sword light instantly appeared behind the Tianlong archers...

These Tianlong archers stepped on their limbs and shook them apart, raising their feet and fiercely slamming towards Ye Han...

But how could Ye Han fall for such a trick?

The moment he appeared, the Ten Thousand Wood Spirit Art burst out with a breathtaking wood-type mana...

The wood-type mana under the feet of those Tianlong archers burst out, and a series of amazing vines rushed up, wrapping around the feet of those Tianlong archers and attacking them...

Hua La La! !

These Tianlong archers couldn't dodge at all. Their feet were locked by the vines and they were entangled tightly...

Buzz!! The amazing gray flames burst out from the Tianlong archers, and the vines wrapped around their bodies turned into ashes and scattered...


Ye Han's figure burst out with sword energy, and the Soul-Slaying Sword in his hand burst out with brilliant golden sword light, which instantly cut through the figures of these Tianlong archers...

Puff puff puff!!! Ye Han's sword light was like a rainbow, and his figure was like lightning. The cold sword light cut off the necks of these Tianlong archers in an instant...

The Tianlong archers froze in the air, and a small golden sword mark flashed on their necks...

Ye Han's figure was shocked and revealed, and the sword intent and sword energy on his body surged out...

Puff puff puff!

The necks of these Tianlong archers were broken and their heads fell to the ground...

And at this time.

Crack! Crack! Crack!!

A series of heavy footsteps came from the corridor, and more Tianlong archers came out from the distant passage. This time, there were more than twenty of them.

These Tianlong archers drew their bows and shot countless arrows at the two people...

So many Tianlong archers?

It's a bit troublesome!

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