Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1064 Sacred Bones?

You know, this huge cave is where the lower body of the Three-Change Teng Snake is imprisoned...

The entire body of the Three-Change Teng Snake is ten thousand feet long, and the exposed body is more than 100,000 feet long...

And the depth of the cave where it is imprisoned is more than 100,000 feet away, which is also a hundred miles deep.

The purple tripod can sense the breath of this thing from a hundred miles away, which means that the thing is definitely not an ordinary thing...

Although the Red Dragon Girl knows some secrets, snatched the red light ball and left this place, it is not necessarily that all these benefits will go to the Red Dragon Girl.

So maybe I can get a better opportunity or some treasure, so naturally Ye Han will not miss this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Ye Han's expression also has some excitement and fanaticism.

Fairy Ningyu saw that Ye Han didn't speak, and her eyes were a little fanatic. Her heart moved. Although she had a very close relationship with Ye Han, she didn't know how many secrets Ye Han had.

However, if Ye Han's eyes were fanatic, it must be something that attracted Ye Han very much.

They rushed forward quickly. There was still a very strong and terrible aura of the Three-Change Teng Snake. Fortunately, there was not much poison gas left. After all, for the Three-Change Teng Snake, the poison on its body was also a part of its life force, and it was impossible for it to leak everywhere.

As the two continued to fly forward, this huge space suddenly became smaller and smaller. Zi Ding sensed that the aura was getting stronger and stronger...

Finally, after the two carefully and vigilantly ran for a hundred miles, they finally saw the end of the passage. A trace of golden light came out from it, followed by a mysterious aura. This aura surprised Ye Han and Ning Yu Fairy...

After the two went a few miles, they finally saw clearly that a very strange table appeared at the end of the passage. The reason why it was said to be strange was that this table was supported by the legs of strange monsters. You can see that the legs of these monsters are different, exuding a savage aura.

On the table, there was a golden skeleton of an even weirder monster sitting cross-legged. If you look closely, this monster skeleton looks like metal, and it seems to be the skeleton of the Tianlong monster clan...

But it is a little different, because this skeleton seems to have two more arms and legs than the Tianlong monster saint, which makes it look even weirder.

However, the treasure that made Zi Ding tremble was a purple ball half the size of a fist in the hand of the sitting skeleton.

This purple ball didn't look special, but when he scanned it with his spiritual sense, he found something wrong...

When Ye Han's spiritual sense scanned the purple ball, he felt that his spiritual sense was like a drop in the ocean, and was immediately attracted by the purple ball...

Fairy Ningyu also noticed the purple ball and said in surprise: "Junior brother! This thing is weird!"

Then she looked at the golden skeleton and said: "This guy's skeleton has been completely refined into a treasure. This guy's skeleton is a holy bone!"

Listening to Fairy Ningyu's words, Ye Han also looked at the strange skeleton of the Tianlong demon clan and saw a trace of golden light law power flowing on it, and a trace of metallic luster was emitted on the surface. In the luster, there were traces of mysterious runes.

This skeleton of the Tianlong demon race is really extraordinary and is definitely not an ordinary thing. If it is really as Fairy Ningyu said, this skeleton is already a holy bone, then the owner of this skeleton must have been a true demon saint-level cultivator when he was alive.

You must know that whether it is a cultivator, a demon race, a fairy race, a demon race, etc., in fact, all have a body composed of three major combinations of flesh, bones, and meridians and internal organs.

The cultivation of a cultivator is actually to continuously strengthen these three aspects. As long as these three aspects reach a certain strength, the physical body is strong enough to resist the attack of more powerful spells and treasures. Of course, the stronger the better.

Now this so-called holy bone has been refined with an unknown powerful technique and countless natural treasures to maintain this metal-like skeleton.

Apart from anything else, just this holy bone refined into a treasure is at least a treasure of the upper-grade spiritual treasure level...

However, Ye Han was a little surprised. In the depths where this three-change Teng Snake was imprisoned, there was actually a holy bone of the Tianlong demon race?

Why is this?

However, what touched Zi Ding was not the skeleton of the Tianlong demon clan, but the purple bead in his hand.

This purple bead did not seem to have a luster, nor did it have any runes or anything like that, nor did it emit any gas, but it touched Zi Ding, and it was obviously not an ordinary treasure.

And his consciousness just swept into this purple bead, and his consciousness was directly absorbed by this thing...

However, the two did not act rashly. After all, this place was so strange. If the holy bones of the Tianlong demon clan could move or be a puppet, the puppet of the demon saint level would be enough to kill the two in seconds.

The two looked around and found that there was nothing behind this place except the holy bones of the Tianlong demon clan sitting on this strange table. There was nothing else.

There was no dangerous aura or...

So, Fairy Ningyu said to Ye Han: "Junior brother! It seems that there is nothing else. Will this holy bone and the purple bead be dangerous?"

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned and said, "We'd better be careful. Is there any dangerous ban somewhere else? Otherwise, we will be in trouble."

Yes, for cultivators, the more critical the moment, the more they need to stay calm and not be deceived by the treasures in front of them. Otherwise, they will suffer and may even lose their lives.

However, time is limited, and the two of them can't delay here any longer...

Ningyu Fairy suddenly said: "Junior brother! Let me try! You help me protect the law!"

As she said that, she wanted to go forward...

Ye Han immediately stopped her and said: "No! It will be dangerous for you to go there like this."

As he said that, he squinted his eyes and looked at the holy bones of the Tianlong demon clan and said: "Since this guy is from the Tianlong demon clan, this is the trial place of the Tianlong demon clan! We are not their race, and it is not a good idea to touch him casually!"

After saying that, Ye Han suddenly activated the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill. The second level of the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill made Ye Han's whole body covered with dark golden scales, and his aura became very powerful and strange...

When Ye Han activated the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill!

Buzz! The holy bones of the Tianlong demon clan suddenly trembled...

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