Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 107 Ye Han's Confidence

Han Yuwan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Junior Brother Ye, why are you kidding me at this time? Just say whatever you want."

She could see that this guy was not only very thoughtful, but also greedy, even insatiable. From the time she dealt with Ye Han to today, during several bargaining sessions, this guy had already taken advantage of him, and he still wanted to push further...

There must be some agenda for suddenly saying this.

But now she is also being controlled by Ye Han. Ye Han secretly used the divine mark on the earth spirit fruit. He must have other intentions. This kid has so many evil intentions. Who knows what his purpose is?

However, she had no choice now. If Ye Han's request was not too excessive, she could still agree to him.

After hearing this, Ye Han pointed to the body of the Devouring Beast and said, "Senior Sister Han! If I help you find the Tuxingsun Monster, the body of the Devouring Beast will be mine! Okay?"

After hearing this, Han Yuwan rolled her eyes. As expected, this brat was really greedy. You must know that they had killed so many monsters along the way, and their combined value was not as good as the value of this devouring beast.

As a result, this guy wanted this devouring beast as soon as he opened his mouth?

It’s really a bit of a lion’s opening.

However, Han Yuwan had no choice. If she could bargain with Ye Han at other times, she was afraid that with such a delay, the Tuxingsun Monster would have run away long ago.

The sensing range of the divine sense mark has a certain range. Generally speaking, the stronger the divine sense, the larger the sensing range.

However, as far as Ye Han's cultivation is at the eighth level of the Qi Refining Stage, the range of his divine sense induction cannot be much larger.

Let the Earthly Sun Monster run away, where can you go to find it?

It seems that this brat saw this and took control of himself.

What a mean-spirited and graceless guy.

If the male monks of Qingxuan Sect know that they can help him, they will come to help one by one. How can they be like this Ye Han, who makes demands for everything he does...

Although she was dissatisfied, Han Yuwan agreed: "Junior Brother Ye! I promise you, as long as you can help me find the Tuxingsun Monster! This Devouring Beast will be yours."

After hearing this, Ye Han said excitedly: "Thank you, senior sister."

After saying that, Ye Han quickly went over, dissected the Devouring Beast into four or five pieces, and put each one into a storage bag.

Han Yuwan said a little anxiously: "Junior Brother Ye, hurry up!"

Ye Han immediately said: "Senior sister! Take your time, don't be in a hurry!"

Han Yuwan looked at Ye Han's slow look and said angrily: "Can I not be in a hurry? Let's go now!"

Ye Han smiled and said, "Don't worry! That guy didn't go far."

Seeing Ye Han's unhurried look, Han Yuwan said anxiously: "We have to chase him even before we get far!"

After saying that, he chased ahead!

Ye Han stopped her and said, "Senior sister! It's not over there!"

His face changed, and he turned to look behind the two of them and said, "That guy is very cunning! He is not in that direction at all! Instead, he went behind us!"

Han Yuwan looked suspicious after hearing this...

Ye Han explained: "This guy didn't go forward at all. Instead, after turning a few dozen feet forward, he made a big turn and went behind us! If we chased forward, we would definitely not be able to catch him. Arrived.”

His divine consciousness mark is locked on the Earth Spirit Fruit, and he can sense it as long as it is within a range of two to three hundred feet...

Just as he sensed, the cunning Tuxingsun Monster took the opportunity to steal the Tuling Fruit and then seemed to escape in the direction ahead.

In fact, this guy made a big detour on the ground, then went around behind them, and is now hiding underground behind them.

Han Yuwan did not doubt Ye Han's words. This earth-like sun monster was so cunning. His intelligence had been enlightened earlier than ordinary monsters. At the second level, he should have the intelligence of an adult.

This is also the most important reason why this earth-walking sun monster is so difficult to catch.

So Han Yuwan immediately said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go back and deal with him."

Ye Han said: "No! Senior Sister Han! It's useless for us to go back directly. He should be about twenty feet underground now. What should we do if he continues to burrow under the ground and escape? Besides, we don't know how to do it. Earth escape, how can we be as fast as him underground?"

After hearing this, Han Yuwan frowned and looked at Ye Han and said, "I know you have many evil ideas. If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Han Yuwan's voice paused and she glared at him again and said, "But don't push yourself too far and ask for anything else! Our agreement is that you help me deal with the Tuxingsun Monster and find him!"

She had framed Ye Han with her words in advance, lest the scheming brat make any excessive demands on her later...

Ye Han heard this and said seriously: "Senior sister! I'm not that kind of person. You misunderstood me."

After hearing this, Han Yuwan rolled her eyes and said: "Yes! You are not that kind of person! You are the kind of person who is even more extreme than that kind of person."

Although this was a bit awkward to say, Han Yuwan calmed down after being harassed by Ye Han for a while. She felt that Ye Han was right and that she was a little too anxious.

It seemed that it was because the Tu Xing Sun Monster took the opportunity to take away the Tu Ling Guo just now, which made her unstable and she lost her previous calmness.

Even if they found the location of the Tu Xing Sun Monster, it would not be an ordinary difficulty for the two of them to force the Tu Xing Sun Monster twenty feet underground to capture it alive.

But when Han Yuwan saw what Ye Han said, this brat should have some ideas.

So she said to Ye Han: "Junior brother Ye! Stop being so secretive! Just tell me what you have in mind."

Now we really can't underestimate this Ye Han. Although this brat is young, his far-sightedness and foresight are beyond the reach of ordinary boys.

oh! In addition to not knowing the style...

Ye Han then said: "Senior sister! My spiritual mark can track it, so let's be patient with him. We will follow him wherever he goes. We don't believe he won't come out."

After hearing this, Han Yuwan frowned and said: "Junior brother Ye! Your method of waiting for the rabbit to catch up with you is not good. This Earth Elemental Sun Monster is not ordinary cunning and vigilant. He will definitely hide underground and not come out. What if he eats the earth spirit fruit with the mark of divine consciousness?"

Yes, Han Yuwan thought Ye Han would have some good ideas, but she was not optimistic about this method...

After all, she has to complete this task within twenty days, otherwise it will be overdue. She does not have so much time to spend with the Tuxingsun Monster!

Ye Han said confidently: "If this guy gets the Earth Spirit Fruit, he will definitely come out! And it should be these two nights!"

Seeing Ye Han being so confident, Han Yuwan looked at him deeply and said, "You are so sure."

Not only was Ye Han so sure, he was also sure that it was these two nights.

This made Han Yuwan curious, where did Ye Han get the confidence to be so sure of his own judgment.

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