Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1076 Breaking the Sword Formation? !

Ye Han's body was covered with dark golden scales, and he took a very strange posture. The sword spirit flowed through his body...

What was even more amazing was that in the palm of his hand, which was grasped in the void, a trace of golden light ripples were swirling...

Ka Ka Ka Ka! ! ! The amazing and suffocating aura surged, and bursts of bone explosions came from his wrist...

As the golden aura and blood rushed, a skeleton sword actually grew out of his hand...

Ye Han released such an amazing mana aura, and looked at the skeleton sword in his hand with a look of surprise on his face: "Success! The bone sword of the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique!!"

After more than three years of comprehension and practice, fighting against the swordsmanship and sword formation of the Tianlong demon statue again and again...

Ye Han finally succeeded in practicing the first level of the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique, and the first level was called Iron Bone.

In fact, his original name was not Tiegu, but the one from the Tianlong demon clan was called Guyi, and he felt it was not easy to call him that...

In the past three years, he has been constantly comprehending the swordsmanship of the Tianlong demon saint statue, and he has learned the swordsmanship, a total of 48 moves, but he doesn't know what the specific swordsmanship is called!

He simply named it Shenwu Swordsmanship!

The reason why it was named Shenwu Swordsmanship was that Ye Han found the shadow of the gods in the process of comprehending this swordsmanship.

It may be that the people of the Ascension Palace got the swordsmanship from this mysterious gods as the prototype of the swordsmanship.

What surprised him even more was that his Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill had reached the peak of the second level, and now the eight-fold bone refining technique has truly practiced the first level successfully...

He clearly felt that his right arm, which was injured by the Juehan Divine Sword and the Fortune Immortal Stone, was finally more than half healed, and the remaining breath of the Fortune Immortal Stone could no longer pose much threat to him.

As long as he uses the assistance of the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell and the Qingxuan Palace's absorption of breath, and gives him a few more years, he will be able to recover from the injury on his arm.

Then he will find a way to deal with the breath of the Fortune Immortal Stone of the Juehan Divine Sword...

Ye Han waved the skeleton of the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique in his hand, looked at the statues of the Tianlong Demon Clan and said to himself: "This time I must break this sword formation!"

Yes! In the past three years, Ye Han has been constantly comprehending the swordsmanship of these statues, the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique...

He has fought with these statues countless times, and every time he has to approach the red flame furnace in that space...

These damn statues began to form a sword formation and besieged him together...

You must know that Ye Han could not defeat each of these statues at the beginning.

Only in the second year can he defeat one, and in the third year, he can easily deal with the swordsmanship siege of these statues.

But! Once the sword formation formed by these statues, without the assistance of the purple tripod to constantly replenish mana, and many treasures cannot be used.

Ye Han had no choice but to give up...

But now it's different, he finally cultivated the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique to the first level.

This Eightfold Bone Refining Technique is indeed an extraordinary skill. No wonder the master of the Ascension Palace attaches so much importance to this skill and hides it in such a deep place.

In addition, there is the protection of the strange purple bead. Ye Han feels that if it weren't for the purple tripod that could take away the purple bead, I'm afraid that other magical treasures would not be able to do anything to the purple bead. After all, when he just grabbed the purple bead with his magic power arm, he felt that his soul was almost absorbed.

Only the purple tripod can forcibly take in the purple bead.

In addition, the Tianlong Demon Saint should have other ways to take away the bead, but if he doesn't know the way, there is only one way to die.

It can be seen that the master of the Ascension Palace attaches great importance to the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique.

Even Ye Han feels that the reason why the master of the Ascension Palace betrayed the Tianlong Demon Clan may have a great relationship with this skill.

After successfully practicing the first level of the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique, Ye Han felt that his bones had become more than ten times stronger, and now he could even turn his bones into swords. Among all his treasured swords, except for the Absolute Cold Divine Sword, none of them could be compared with this bone sword.

Including the Soul-Slaying Sword that he had obtained from Gu Changdao, it was not as good as her current bone sword...

It can be seen that the strength of his bones now has driven his physical strength to soar a lot...

This is an all-round improvement.

So now Ye Han is also very confident that he can break the sword formation of this statue!

I don’t know what’s going on with Fairy Ningyu!

I have to get out quickly!

Thinking so.

Ye Han took a deep breath and rushed towards the statue of the Tianlong demon clan...

Buzz! Ye Han’s aura surged, and he activated the Tianlong Tyrant Body Skill. The bone sword in his hand was like a rainbow, and he swung it out...

Click! The statue's eyes flickered with dark golden light, and the long sword in his hand slammed out fiercely, with sword intent reaching the sky, sad and soul-stirring, and boundless...

Ye Han's body remained unchanged, and the sword light slammed out casually, responding to all changes with the same attitude, extremely calm...

Clang! ! ! With a deafening metal collision, Ye Han's bone sword was intact, and the sword intent was as steady as a mountain, and he forcibly knocked away the terrible sword slashed down by the statue...

Ye Han's body then rushed to the second-level statue, and the sword light changed, and a divine aura burst out of his body, swinging out a dazzling sword light column, containing all kinds of weird and violent auras of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness...

The four statues waved their swords, forming a Chinese character "品". The sword light surrounded Ye Han's body, constantly attacking the terrifying sword intent.


Clang!!! The terrifying sword light column directly hit the statues, and one by one the statues were knocked away by the terrifying divine sword technique...

The terrifying thing is that the long swords in the hands of these statues actually showed signs of cracks...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han showed a look of surprise. The power of this bone sword and the explosive power of his own strength and bones were far superior to before. Under the combination, they actually hurt these statues?

In this way, there is no need to fight against the sword formation, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Han no longer held back. The bone sword in his hand burst out with a dazzling and terrifying sword intent, and instantly burst out a sword intent like a divine light, and the sword light was like a meteor across the void...

Clang! Clang!!! The long swords in the hands of the two statues were instantly shattered by Ye Han's bone sword, and countless cracks appeared on their bodies...

At the same time, Ye Han rushed to the front of the cracked statue, and the Tianlong Tyrant Body Technique crushed out a terrible and suffocating force of the Gang Qi, and the void was twisted. A terrible punch hit the statue.

Bang! ! With a terrible muffled explosion, the statue exploded into pieces...

An amazing scene appeared.

The other statues suddenly stiffened one by one!

Ye Han opened his eyes wide in disbelief. What's going on? The formation was broken just like that?

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