Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1078 Starry Sky Stone

As Ye Han expected, the intelligence of this divine consciousness can only make simple judgments, and cannot judge complex situations.

This is his descendant, not his descendant. As long as the bloodline is distinguished, he can make a decision, kill the other party or inherit...

But when Ye Han opened his mouth, he only had half of the bloodline, and this divine consciousness could not distinguish it.

Ye Han felt a wave of restless emotions in the air. He saw that the starlight points on the top formed a condensed breath of the master of the Ascension Palace...

So, Ye Han answered in a crying voice: "My respected ancestor, I am indeed your descendant. The reason why I only have half of your bloodline is because our family is finished. The damn Tianlong demon clan bastard killed all of us! Only my grandfather's grandfather was left alone. There was no new Tianlong demon clan to reproduce, so my grandfather's grandfather could only look for the human race!"

Ye Han choked as he spoke, as if he had suffered a great injustice: "Ancestor! You must help me! Otherwise, our family will be finished! There is no future."

He cried as he spoke, and it was as miserable as he said.

In order to save his life, there was no other way, and Ye Han had no choice but to do this.

Sure enough, listening to Ye Han's cry, the master of the Ascension Palace hesitated...

Suddenly! The light spots of the myriad stars swirled around Ye Han's figure...

Ye Han felt a powerful and suffocating mysterious breath flow around his figure, and finally stopped.

The divine voice of the master of the Ascension Palace continued: "You practiced my skills and know the passage I left behind. It seems that you are indeed half of my descendant."

At this point, he said in a lost tone: "Well! I have waited for you for so many years, and I can't hold on for much longer! Your talent and the skills you practice are already very perfect. With a descendant like you, my Anlan family will definitely be revived! This starry sky stone will be passed on to you."

As the master of the Ascension Palace finished speaking...

Buzz buzz buzz! ! ! The countless stars and crystals in the sky shone, and a spiritual light surged up, rippling out a star power rapidly, constantly condensing in the air, and the crystals inlaid on the dark ceiling began to fall off continuously, and then gathered in the air...

As countless crystals gathered, gradually formed a colorful fist-sized oval crystal, with colorful spiritual light flowing on it, falling into Ye Han's hand...

Then Ye Han felt that his imprisoned body immediately recovered the ability to move.

The oval-shaped starry sky stone fell into his hand.

When the Starry Sky Stone fell into Ye Han's hands, it was like an electric shock. An extremely powerful thought surged into his mind, followed by a fleeting memory...

This memory was the memory of the master of the Ascension Palace, telling all the experiences of the master of the Ascension Palace, how he was bullied by his race, and how he got the Starry Sky Stone and began to embark on the path of heaven-defying cultivation...

There were many things, just as Ye Han guessed, the master of the Ascension Palace really had a conflict with his race and had a racial civil war. He lost the battle and took the remaining forces of his loyal people and the traitorous Tianlong demon clan, wandering around in the Ascension Palace...

It is worth mentioning that this Ascension Palace is not called the Ascension Palace at all. It should be a trap set by the Tianlong Demon Saint in the earth for a long time to harm the immortal cultivators in the earth!

In fact, this Ascension Palace is called the Star Palace!

When the master of the Ascension Palace wandered with his people, the mortal enemy of the Tianlong demon clan did not let them go, and they were hunted all the way for tens of thousands of years...

But the master of the Ascension Palace was unwilling to let this go, so he used his great magical power to hide the Ascension Palace, and released his people to various places, allowing them to grow and have a chance to come back to inherit the Ascension Palace! That is, the Star Palace.

However, Ye Han had no interest in the memories of these so-called masters of the Ascension Palace and the grievances and hatreds within their race.

It was just that these fleeting memories were forced upon him, in fact, in order to let his descendants grow and grow, and go back to seek revenge on the Tianlong demon clan in the future.

But the master of the Ascension Palace would never have thought that Ye Han actually deceived the divine thoughts he left behind and got his last hope of inheritance...

And what is this Starry Sky Stone used for?

According to the memory of the master of the Ascension Palace, it actually contains the law of time, which is very strange to practice...

This is also the reason why the master of the Ascension Palace was a very weak tribe member and counterattacked the royal family of the Tianlong Demon Clan. Unfortunately, the treasure was attractive and was targeted by the powerful existence of the Tianlong Demon Clan.

This led to his failure...

In Ye Han's view, many things were caused by the master of the Ascension Palace.

At this time, Ye Han also felt that the other restrictions on this place for him also disappeared, including the restrictions on using space to store treasures and other techniques...

Then, the purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness trembled violently.

Ye Han didn't have time to react, and the starry sky stone in his hand was wrapped by a circle of purple runes and sucked into the purple tripod.

Ye Han's face changed, and it was too late to stop it.

The lid of the purple tripod opened with a click, and the starry sky stone was sucked into the purple tripod...

Buzz buzz buzz! The Starry Sky Stone inside the Purple Tripod continuously vibrated with countless star-like brilliance, and gradually more and more star-like light spots appeared on the dark purple surface of the Purple Tripod...

At the same time, Ye Han felt that inside his Purple Tripod space, the originally gray and empty sky began to condense and surge out a little bit of starlight...

Suddenly, Ye Han felt a stellar power...

Feeling this situation, Ye Han showed an incredible look on his face and said to himself: "Zi Ding is actually devouring the power of this Starry Sky Stone?"

You know, from the memory of the master of the Ascension Palace, he can know that the reason why the master of the Ascension Palace is so powerful and dares to turn against the race is because he has this Starry Sky Stone in his body.

Compared to it, this thing is not as good as the Purple Tripod, but it seems to be absorbed by the Purple Tripod and contained in it.

If the power of the Starry Sky Stone can really be integrated, Ye Han can hardly believe how powerful this Purple Tripod will be!

However, the speed of the fusion of this purple tripod seems to be very slow...

Oh right! What is in that furnace?

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately looked at the furnace...

After seeing this, Ye Han's face changed: "Where is the furnace?"

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