Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 1086: The Final Battle at the Summit of the Fairy Palace (7)

Buzz! ! ! Ye Han felt that his spirit had undergone a strange change, and he had an unparalleled sensitivity to the sword intent and sword technique.

Many of the divine sword techniques and the great sword techniques that he had not comprehended successfully, in an instant, as if he had a divine body, he continued to comprehend and comprehend successfully...

Suddenly, Ye Han felt that he had an unparalleled ability to comprehend the sword technique, as if countless meridians in his body were opened up at once, as if he was spiritual.

More importantly, his thunder spiritual root was also undergoing amazing changes at this moment. His thunder spiritual root was actually constantly evolving and evolving, and it went up two levels directly...

And at this time!

Ye Han looked at the two yin and yang dazzling sword intent light balls released by the twenty-ninth sword with all his strength, and the two boundless sword intents that crushed and killed him...

Wherever he passed, the glass of the fairy palace was constantly collapsing and shattering...

However, Ye Han's eyes were as calm as water, as if at this moment, the world had stagnated, and time had stopped.

His eyes were filled with golden light, as if he was a god from afar. The yin and yang sword intent surged in his mind...

His divine sword technique and the Da Geng sword technique were like huge waves, constantly surging into his mind...

The two sword techniques continued to comprehend the following levels, the second level, the third level, the fourth level... the great perfection...


The two sword techniques merged together...

Da Geng divine sword technique!

Ye Han subconsciously raised the bone refining sword in his hand and blasted it out with a sword...

Bang! ! Ye Han felt that the breath of his purple cauldron was drained away, and the spiritual energy of the world in the purple cauldron space was also drained away...

A golden sword light as big as ten thousand feet, with Ye Han's sword, slashed out!

The sword contained the true meaning of the Da Geng divine sword technique of heaven and earth...

It instantly cut through the sky and earth!

Bang! Bang! ! ! Two earth-shaking light explosions erupted, and Sword 29 blasted out two bright sun-like Yin-Yang Sword Intents, which were blasted out by the ten-thousand-foot sword light in a flash...

Suddenly, the Yin-Yang Sword Intent Sunlight Ball was torn open by a golden light...

Then the sword light instantly slashed across the figure of Sword 29...

Time and space seemed to be still, and the ten-thousand-foot sword light whistled away, rushing madly downwards...

Sword 29 looked at Ye Han with wide eyes, and his mouth moved and said: "You... cheated!"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, trying to drive the magic power...


Buzz! ! A golden light thread flashed out from his forehead, splitting Sword 29 in two! Then a dazzling golden sword intent was emitted...

At this time!

Boom! ! The entire Immortal Palace trembled, and was split into two halves by this boundless sword light. The boundless forbidden power and the space burst continuously...

The figure of Jian Erjiu also collapsed at this time...

Boom! ! Two red and blue light columns burst out from Jian Erjiu's figure and shot up into the sky. A blood light flew away from the light column...


Huff! !

A gray light column chased the blood light and hit the blood light.

Ah! ! In the blood light, Jian Erjiu screamed miserably. Four skulls bit Jian Erjiu's soul and dragged him towards the ghost skull mirror released by Ye Han...

Boom! Jian Erjiu's soul burst out with an amazing sword intent, and the crazy shock impact caused the skulls of the four ghost skull mirrors to twist and tremble...

But! Buzz! ! The eyes of the four skulls burst out with circles of sharp golden light, which turned into golden light chain runes and entangled the figure of Sword 29...

The soul of Sword 29 was tightly entangled by the chain. He roared furiously and shouted: "Damn it! Who are you? What sword technique do you use?!"

Ye Han shouted coldly: "Don't you want to know!"

As he spoke, the skull of the Ghost Skull Mirror forcibly dragged the soul of Sword 29 into the Ghost Skull Mirror...


Sword 29 burst out with sword intent crazily, but how could it resist the Ghost Skull Mirror that had evolved to be more powerful?

Seeing that the soul of Sword 29 was collected into the Ghost Skull Mirror!

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief! Standing on the crumbling fairy palace, he felt extremely weak...

This is really too lucky! This Sword 29 is a late Jindan stage cultivator, but the fighting power that burst out is more terrifying than that of the Black God Sea Monster King at the beginning.

Of course, the reason why the Black God Sea Monster King was killed was that he was not a Nascent Soul Stage that Ye Hang could deal with, but the mysterious woman in the purple tripod coffin killed that guy...

And as the soul of Jian Erjiu was collected into the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror.

In the two groups of Yin and Yang sword intent, the golden elixir shattered, and the Yin and Yang swords flew out...

Ye Han reached out and grabbed, and the two long swords of Jian Erjiu were caught by two golden hands.

And Jian Erjiu's body and treasures were completely annihilated with that terrifying sword, and even the storage bag and treasures on his body were chopped into pieces...

This situation made Ye Han feel very painful!

After finally killing Jian Erjiu, he only got these two swords? And these two swords also suffered a lot of sword intent because of that terrifying sword...

However, a closer look revealed that these two swords were actually Tongtian Lingbao-level swords! At the end of the swords, there was a space ring hanging from some unknown golden chain!

This made Ye Han understand why this damn Sword 29 could withstand the attack of his Bone Refining Sword with such terrifying power...

Damn it! This guy said he cheated! Isn't he cheating too?

Without these two Tongtian Lingbao-level swords, would this guy have beaten himself so badly?

Yes! After taking the mysterious bamboo shoots, he suddenly comprehended two sword techniques, and integrated the true meaning of sword techniques, bursting out the true meaning of Da Geng Shen Wu sword technique...

The horror of the sword swinging made Ye Han's purple tripod and the hearing of the purple tripod space instantly drained...

The power of this move almost took all his mana...

However, what surprised Ye Han was that his sword technique comprehension suddenly increased sharply, and his thunder spirit root changed...

It seemed like it had never happened before!

Ye Han couldn't help but be stunned. Could it be that the power of the white jade bamboo shoots was a one-time thing?

However, he didn't think so much. How is Senior Sister Ningyu now?

Thinking of this, his consciousness asked the ten thousand year water spirit in the purple tripod space: "How is she?"

However, as soon as he felt the situation of Fairy Ningyu, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley...

Just at this time!

Boom! ! The entire Ascension Palace suddenly shook violently, and countless mysterious runes surged out of the Ascension Palace...


A very familiar breath rushed out from the Ascension Palace!

What's going on?

Ye Han came back to his senses! Looking at the situation in the Ascension Palace!

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